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Posts posted by enamel

  1. Has anyone noticed an issue with wind on jobs?Last night I was running drugs on the big island (at least i hope that's what it is, I don't want to think about what it could be if not!) my settings were night time, clear sky. I noticed at take off there was a stiff breeze which I did not think was a property of the clear sky weather.Anyway, I take off and fly for about 30nm without issue, going around the south side of the big volcano. All of the sudden I am in a violent roll to the left, seemingly faster than the Maule can roll on its own. I gain control of the roll and the plane is stalling. It feels like I have no power, but the engine still seems to be running. The plane stalls out, and since I am skimming treetops, I have no room to recover.I don't run with the HUD on, so I don't know what the wind speed was. I exited the mission, and immediately exit the map to go back to free flying and there is no wind at all, not even the breeze that I had been flying most my job in.Anyone ever experience this?

  2. Hey Don,speaking of checklists...i do them every time but i still haven't figured out how to manually do some things so i just skip it, namely checking instruments part. I tried everything, zooming in, looking around, hovering my mouse over it but to no avail. Can you help me out here?Cheers
    As far as I can tell, any thing with the "eye" icon (inspect) on the checklist must be manually incremented by using the "3" key.

  3. Caution: AVSIM has forbidden discussion of the Prepar3D EULA.
    That is both a hilarious and depressing statement on the software industry at the same time.Pretty soon we will all need to hire lawyers to determine if we have the right to use the software licenses we purchase. :Just Kidding:

  4. Are you talking about the 'B' button? That does a whole list of things, basically runs the engine startup checklist all in one pop.If you just turn the ignition off that should shut down the engine without running the other items on the checklist.See the engine shutdown checklist for more info.

  5. My complaint is that it does not achieve its real top speed at all... or its aerobatic qualities The P-51 is the same. About 250 MPH in level flight and full throttle is the best you can get. I almost seems like flying the same plan as the P-51.Brian
    Thanks Brian, I have been curious about the differences between the two planes in the game. Yours is the first post comparing the two planes out of hundreds of posts on the topic.Yay for relevant information! :)

  6. Same for me, it is sad to not have a cockpit, still we can backward the point of view to display the exterior model of the cockpit, I am doing that with the p51
    Could you share your thoughts on the Mustang vs. the Zero? They seem very similar to me and I am wondering how they differ in the game.

  7. What benefits do you get from Teamspeak that you don't get from Flight's in-game voice chat? I can understand why you'd use Teamspeak in FSX.Hook
    I could see it useful if you have a topic like instruction on instrument flight or something that would attract more than the 16 people that would fit into a room.Just casual flying together, I prefer in-game chat since you can dial in a freq as a private channel.

  8. More missions in a cohesive form, like a career mission arc. I really like some of the missions (like the rescue mission) and I think there is a lot of room for more storytelling, even with minor story arcs.Maybe even story arcs tied to new planes, like the Maules set of missions, but with more story elements. I could see a bush plane in AK coming with a set of missions "inspired" by that reality TV show.If the voice over work is the limiting factor for more missions, I am fine without them :D

  9. Will this be a deluxe version? If so my guess is that they are doing market research on which is more popular, basic vs. deluxe, Mustang vs. Zero. That is the only reason I can think of to have 2 planes out of a total of 6 be so similar.Probably not a buy for me as I don't have a lot of interest in the older planes.

  10. I liked the system where you had to reach a level to open the jobs and missions, it worked well to space out the missions and made you explore some of the other things in Flight to progress. But the last job opens at level 9 or something? So there is very little reason for me to chase levels. I am hoping they expand the system with both more levels and missions/jobs/paints that you can only get at higher levels.

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