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Posts posted by enamel

  1. Reading accross this thread I admit I feel martian.... What the is happening with me who, quite on the contrary, feel great about MS FLIGHT, like hunting aerocaches, flying Jobs, tasting the feel of the various aircraft, either "deluxe" or cockpitless, the great weather, secenery and visuals overall?


    I am with you 100%.


    I would participate on this forum a lot more if it were not for the constant beating of the same dead horse topics. I thought after a few months people would grow as tired of it as I did the first week, but I underestimated the ability of forums to emit a stead drone of winge. Now I am not so sure the boo-hooing, woe-is-me will ever end, which is unfortunate.


    Unfortunately the interesting topics continually get buried pretty fast by threads that digress into the same topic, and since I totally can't relate to the pessimism, I end up just not posting much. I avoid these threads at all costs, but wanted to post in solidarity, there are people that enjoy Flight a lot!




    To get back on topic, I have not tried to sell anyone on Flight. That is not my job. I really enjoy playing it for what it is and that is enough for me.

  2. This was it exactly. Loops without issue if you are gentle on your inputs. The roll rate is also fine, in fact the plane is a dream to fly as long as you can ease off on giving it lots of input. It definitely has the most dynamic and challenging flight model of all the planes in my hangar (in my unqualified opinion).


    I also took a peek at the pilots handbook and found lots of neat stuff in there. Such as the flaps can be used at any setting up to 200 kts, and they are designed to be used at 20° in a turn if smaller turn radii are needed. The front wheels can be deployed in a dive as a dive brake (the rear should stay retracted, but flight doesn't model this).

  3. What speed are you entering the loops at?


    I was trying between 150-200 kts.


    You should relax pressure on the stick a little as you get close to inverted, to much pressure will cause a stall at the low speed at the top of the loop.


    You know, this is probably my problem, and I noticed the plane will also stall with too much pressure when banking. Didn't think about that, and will try this tonight. Thanks for this tip.


    Obviously, keep full power in. how high are you when you try to do a loop?


    2000-5000 ft.

  4. What control method are you using? Mouse, I hope?


    Xbox gamepad. Rolls seems to be an odd thing, sometimes it feels like the plane will roll quickly, but a lot of the time rolls feel slow to me. Now I don't have any other warbirds to compare it to, so I might be unfairly comparing it to the RV.


    Loops are a no go so far for me. The plane goes into a climb, then stalls out and immediately flops over inverted and goes into "scary roll/stall" mode.

  5. Picked this up over the weekend, I figure I need at least one of these warbirds in my hangar. This one was the most interesting to me.


    It is the most challenging plane I have for sure, to say the plane is unstable at low speeds is an understatement. It will flip you on your head so fast if you do something it doesn't like. Slow the plane down and try to bank too fast and it will stall out and start rolling uncontrollably towards the ground at a rapid pace. Very hard to recover, you need lots of altitude.


    It does fly very nice at low speeds with the flaps full and landing gear out, but most of my landings turned to crashes unless I put it down on a larger runway. Never did get it down on a dirt strip.


    The one big thing it is missing is checklists, which I imagine is the same for all basic models. I really do miss these for my approach and landing. I will have to see if I can dig up the procedures.


    The performance seems like what I was expecting, was able to get to 36k ft without issue, collect the glider cache, and hit mach 1. Dives are as described, at 500 kts you need tons and tons of space to recover from the dive. I was expecting more aerobatic capabilities tho, rolls are slow and loops are not possible. I guess I was sort of expecting something like the RV with a bigger motor, but clearly this is a much different plane than everything else in my hangar.


    Overall a nice addition and something different to hold me over till AK.

  6. Were you really overweight? Your plane, not yourself :)


    Run thru the checklist for short field takeoff, if you are really overweight you need a really long runway.


    Edit: I believe it has been stated by the devs that some of the cargo missions are not possible with the Maule (which shows they have bigger planes in store maybe?).

  7. I have a lot of issues landing the Maule since it is so speed sensitive, like Ray says. Too little power and she drops like a rock.


    However at the right power, speed, and flap settings the Maule will go into what I call "float mode" and it almost feels like you are hovering or parachuting. That is when I realized just how short the L part of the STOL performance could be. In "float mode" you can make extremely short landings.


    I still can't land it very well, as I find it hard to both hit this sweet spot with the plane at the same time I am trying to hit my mark on the runway. I end up doing faster landings than I should, but I know if I had the skill that Maule will land on a dime.

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