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Posts posted by InboundFour953

  1. OK,

    Using a window the size of the screen, with no title bar or borders (which is what the 'pseudo' method does).

    A 'borderless window the size of the screen'.

    I could see that when toggle I 'Window key F11'.

    Still , no GMAP on top of MSF.

    ctrl/shift Z works on desktop to toggle GMAP to be on top or not, but not in MSF.

    Followed instructions to the letter several times, even restarting comp to 'flush' every time.

    thanks, I'll figure it out.

    And that's how I spent the 4th, and MSFing.

    Used top down map, zooming in/out.

  2. Opening post updated because of a great tip from TweakFS (Fermin Fernandez, the dev of GMap) about a standard GMap shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-z) that hide/show GMap! Now you will be able to call up GMap without losing sound! I added this to the tutorial and removed the steps to disable Stay on top and the comment about losing audio.




    Did you start Flight first and GMap only after Flight was fully started? I usually start GMap when I am on the Flight map. However, it happened once or twice that I couldn't connect anyway: restarting Flight as well as GMap (in that order) solved the problem.


    Tried that, still doesn't work.

    Also, ctrl/shiftt Z doesn't work while in MSF, but does in desktop.

    Will contue to search.



    PS. Is there a newer version of FSW GMAP?

    Uploaded mine a few months ago.

  3. Sometimes what appears to be a VOR is actually only a DME. There are many DMEs in Alaska. VFR Sectional Charts show a DME as having just a box around the singal site and a VOR will have a big compus circle around the box. If it does not have the big compus circle around it but otherwise looks like a VOR, its a DME. It will also say "DME" if it is only DME. MSF should model its maps on the public domain VFR Sectional maps, this would be a huge improvement.


    Ahh, that's what Iliamna has.


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