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Posts posted by Pitter

  1. Hi Ray,

    yes, I did that already. Those word not allowed chatter files are gone, but all other also.

    I hear now, lets say, only those planes which also approach the same airport, as mey. Is very quiet in the air.

    But if that is the only way, I can live with that, because is only in the above mentioned area.

    Thanks for your help


  2. Hi Ray,


    sorry, but I don´t know what you mean?

    I have only those files which included in the  "regular" RC4 package.

    You hear those only, if you are flying around Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

    For the real world: those are mainly used for position reports during Trans Atlantic/Pacific crossing, before Datalink was available.


  3. I brought the Carenado Phenom300 around 2 weeks ago, and before yesterday I de-installed them  fromP3D.

    Since then I have a strange problem with  my remaining A/C, AS Bus, (318-321) and  Lvl-D. I can only open the left front entry door.

    If I try another one, like rear pax door or any cargo door, the fwd entry closed.

    So, whichever door i try to open, only fwd left entry opens and closed.

    Do I have manually de-install any leftovers?

    Any help are welcome



  4. I brought the Carenado Phenom300 around 2 weeks ago, and before yesterday I de-installed them  fromP3D.

    Since then I have a strange problem with  my remaining A/C, AS Bus, (318-321) and  Lvl-D. I can only open the left front entry door.

    If I try another one, like rear pax door ord caorgo door, the fwd entry closed.

    So, whichever door i try to open, only fwd left entry opens and closed.

    Any help are welcome.


  5. Hi all,

    I have again problems with the Phenom 300.

    1.) I'm unable to select fuel weight in KG at the AUX page. Only selectable are IG and LBS, but the cursor cannot be set to KG

    2.) I cannot open the baggage door fwd and/or aft. It does'nt matter I use the control panel or the std key strokes. If, for example the entry door is open

         and I select fwd or aft baggage, the entry door closed. If all doors are closed, and I select the fwd/aft  door, the entry door opens.

    Any help welcome


  6. Hi all,  I'm new to the Phenom and have so far two problems in P3Dv3.4.

    I have all my flight controls, throttle, gear and flaps assigned via FSUIPC.

    Every plane I have is working very well, except the Phenom: Flaps and gear operated only with the default key(board) press, in both direction.

    Rudder, Elevator as well as Aileron and Throttle working via FSUIPC assignment.

    Any help is very appreciated.


  7. I´m new to P3Dv3.4 (no money for another PC) 

    So most of my stuff from FSX works very well. I also installed HIFI ActiveSky for P3Dv3.

    Since them I lost all my airplane lights , beacon, strobe, nav, ldg, 

    Then I de-installed Active Sky and bingo. Lights are back. I noted that during de-install AS says "replace your shaders" or something like that.

    So how can I have my lights and AS?


  8. Good advice Charlie with this gauges recovery tool, but sadly no luck at all.

    Startet recover with FSX, then SP1 and finally also Sp2. Did not work.

    So, I checked the effects folder for another set of those lights.

    For testing I renamed the "fx" files at the FSX King AIr with the beacon and strobes from ESDG, and both are working.

    So far I can live with that, just rename the light entries.

    Tks for your help.


  9. Hi Ray, 

    getting FSUIPC from the link you given, and install (overwrite existing FSUIPC).

    A warning was popping up, says something about simconnect, which I did not understand, but offered me a fix.

    So I let him fixed, started fsx and voila, you again the man of the year.

    All working fine.

    Another 2 question: I had to install a valid copy of the fsx.exe file,  placed inside the P3D Folder. Can I remove that file or does it  not harm anything?

    The 2nd one has noting to do with RC, but maybe now now a trick: whenever I open a menue inside running P3D the

    sim goes by by himself into "paused mode". Is there a workaround to removed that auto paused mode???

    Anyway, thank you very much for your quick help


  10. When I start RC I get the msg: Cannot link to FSUIPC or Wide Client.

    I made a complete fresh install incl Win10, P3Dv3, FSUIPC, FSC  RC (registered) and msstdfmt.dll succesfully registered.

    But, when I start RC I get the msg: Cannot link to FSUIPC or Wide Client.

    I have 3 SSD´s installed: C: Windows only, D: P3D only and E for programms, including RC, FSC and so on

    Any help is very appreciated


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