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  1. There was mentioned a download link/files for the QW 146 paintkit for FSX/P3D. The QW download link is not working for years (!) and they even not answering any question. Bad, bad CS but they don't bother. Any help from your side possible?

    Thanks, Berd

  2. The download link for the QW146 paintkit FSX/P3d is not working, "timed out" all the time. Requests to QW about this remain unanswered. I read that somebody might have a link or file to download this.

    Appreciate any help.



  3. Victory103, thank you very much for your hint. Checked AIFP2 for FS9 traffic.bgl and there was really one I had missed. Changed it to FSX.bgl and all Ai is back. You saved my day! Thanks again. I was always very careful to ckeck this when added AI flightplans (and AIFP2 is a great app to this) but as we say in German " Manchmal sieht man den Wald vor Bäumen nicht ..." which means sometimes you're looking to too many issues and overlook the important one. Thank you, Bernd
  4. A few days before I have posted the following. The problem is still not solved and I ask for some advice and help, please! I have tried out AISIDSTAR but was not satisfied and deleted it. After that I lost my AI-planes in almost the whole North America Area, but they are still in other world regions and i.e. Mexico and some parts of southern USA. I don't want to claim that it was triggered by AISIDSTAR and had also already contact to the author but he could not help me. But it is weird that the loss of AI is mostly identcal with the area which was covered by the new SID/STAR from the addon. It seems to me that the AI in this area now can't find the original Navdata from FSX. I'm not experienced enough to identify the files or data which are used by the default AI and ask for help to get my FSX back to the original state. Thank you very much. Bernd
  5. No, I use a variety of AI's thru WOAI and so on. AI-flight plans are created with AIFP2.
  6. I have tried out AISIDSTAR but was not satisfied and deleted it. After that I lost my AI-planes in almost the whole North America Area, but they are still in other world regions and i.e. Mexico and some parts of southern USA. I don't want to claim that it was triggered by AISIDSTAR and had also already contact to the author but he could not help me. But it is weird that the loss of AI is mostly identcal with the area which was covered by the new SID/STAR from the addon. It seems to me that the AI in this area now can't find the original Navdata from FSX. I'm not experienced enough to identify the files or data which are used by the default AI and ask for help to get my FSX back to the original state. Thank you very much. Bernd
  7. Dannipilot, when you are on the PMDG support site and have registered, click on the Knowledge Base button (upper left), then in the search field select JS41 which then opens the articles. Click on the "J41 default flight related issues" and there you will find the information which helped me to solve the problem. Good Luck, Bernd
  8. Dannipilot, you should go directly to the PMDG support site " support.precisionmanuals.com", you have to register which is easy. There are articles about this or you ask for a ticket for help. Paul sent me the info which I still have but don't know how to forward to you. If you send me an email I can try to mail it to you. Hope it solves your problem. The plane is really worth..... Bernd
  9. Thank you rjmcgill, You were right Paul from PMDG answered within one day and his advice allowed me to fix it. It looks JS41 is quite challenging to fly but have the feeling at the end very rewarding. Thanks again, Bernd
  10. Bought recently PMDG JS41 on DVD and have problems to work with panel functionality. All 2-D popups for RMU, FMS, AP/FD and Ramp Manager are not working. I can call them up with the usual Shift+# command but none of the buttons etc are workable or are even recognized when tried to click on. I have reinstalled and downloaded the SP1 but no resolve. Looked at several forums but could find any hint for solution. It looks to me that some gau-files are missing which should not be on a hardcopy DVD. This way the plane is not flyable, i.e the screen of the RMU is not even visible to set NAV or ADF frequencies. This is at the moment a very frustrating experience of the buy from Aerosoft, where one can't even get any direct help from the seller. Does anybody has some help? My system: Win7-64, Intel I7-2600k, Geforce GTX760, 8 MB Ram allin all no low performance system , FSX with SP1 (with SP2 the JS41 is even CTD own activation). Many thanks for some support. Bernd
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