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  1. P.M. sent with download details. Jim Hodkinson
  2. Hi Felipe

    I am not sure if you already have them from CXA001 but if not then here are the two download links for the FSX paintkits just as they were downloaded from the QW web site…

    Part 1


    and Part 2


    I hope it helps.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Jim Hodkinson

  3. I would like the default FSX C208 cargo repaints.

  4. Hi Ryan I must admit that I did not try it out in P3D as I have yet to reinstall the Airbus so checking the gloss level or lack of it is difficult to check in the Model Viewer I was more or less concentrating on the difference in shading compared to the forward section, repainting is just so much fun when thing like this crop up. Sorry that I could not be of much help though as it is one of those things that can really bug you when things like this happen, but I have just about run out of ideas on this one. Jim Hodkinson
  5. Hi Ryan Apologies for not getting back to you sooner but it was 05:30 here and I had to break off for a while, and thank you for the generous comments on the F1 KingAir schemes, it has been a while since I did any of those, but back to business,I opened the texture sheets in DXTBmp just to check the Alpha layers once more and the nose and tail section had the almost overall white Alphas, I then exported the darker Alpha layers from the paintkit .psd files and add them to the ones from your download, and as you have already found they display almost the same as yours did in the model viewer with a noticeable difference between the tail and nose sections, so I then looked at the actual livery and noticed that the tail section has a slightly darker base colour, it is almost as though it has a blue hue to it when compared to the front section where the two texture sheets join, so seeing as between us we have exhausted almost all the Alpha and Spec layer options I can only assume that the actual liveries blue hue of the tail section texture sheet is if not the base cause then a contributing factor in what you are seeing, other than that I am at a loss to explain it. Again not much help, I would if possible contact the author just to see if the actual master .psd files show the slight variation in the base colours that I am seeing at this end. Jim Hodkinson
  6. Hi I have not repainted the Airbus for a while but the texture sheet in the download you have is certainly unlike any of the stock versions as the download one seems to be almost overall white and not the much darker stock versions, they are both saved in DDS dxt5 format though so I cannot see what would stop your modified version with a borrowed stock alpha layer from working as the rest of the fuselage sheets with the exception of the nose do have the darker stock alpha layers as long as they are saved in the DDS dxt5 format, as noted above the nose texture also has what looks like an overall white alpha layer, the belly sheet seems OK though. Other than the above I cannot find anything that might cause the issue you are seeing at your end. Now much help I know. Jim Hodkinson
  7. Hi I just had a quick look and it seems that the Alpha layer is incorrect, you could always use a program like DXTBmp to open a stock A319CFM texture sheet and "borrow" the Alpha layer from that so you can import it into you repaints texture sheet. I hope it helps. Jim Hodkinson
  8. Hi Not a problem… If you are not a fan of copy and paste I have uploaded a ZIP Archive with a modified panel.cfg file, the instructions below and the pop-up controller gauge and here is the download link for it… http://www.mediafire.com/download/7mvuabmp0uudpqn/MilViz_WXR_Installation.zip The first step is to make a backup of the panel.cfg file for the PMDG J4100 found in the following location… Your drive\FSX Main Directory\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG_JS4100\panel Once that is down the second step is to open the PMDG J4100’s panel.cfg file using something like notepad or similar, then add to the [Window Titles] section the following as the last entry… Window05=WX Radar Then add the window itself as the last entry before the [Vcockpit01] section as shown below, the MV_WXR_POPUP gauge is one that I made myself to enable me to just click on the screen of the pop-up window or the VC screen to open and close the radar gauge pop-up window, I can upload it or you can just delete the line gauge02=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 133,173,165,109 from the entry below //-------------------------------------------------------- [Window05] file=Advantage WXR.bmp size_mm=419,381 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=0 ident=71 window_size= 0.310, 0.376 window_pos= 0.020, 0.480 gauge00=MV_WX!WX2D, 0,0,419,381,2 gauge01=MV_WX!WX, 64,121,291,205,2 gauge02=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 133,173,165,109 //-------------------------------------------------------- Next we need to add the radar gauge to the virtual cockpit of the J4100 by scrolling down to the [Vcockpit02] section and adding the following as the last gauge entry.. gauge04=MV_WX!WX, 532,528,472,331 as mentioned in the earlier instructions I do have a gauge to control the pop-up radar by left clicking on the VC radar screen but if you don’t want this just delete the following from the entries below… gauge06=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 586,583,108,249 and that will remove the pop-up controller gauge I made. //-------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=1024,1024 visible=1 pixel_size=1024,1024 texture=$GaugeTwo gauge00=j41!pmdg_j41_rmu_1, 0,0,393,500 gauge01=j41!pmdg_j41_rmu_2, 393,0,393,500 gauge02=PMDG_BAe_JS4100_3!GNSXLS, 1,508,512,408 gauge03=j41!pmdg_j41_alt_pic, 896,0,128,508 gauge04=MV_WX!WX, 532,528,472,331 gauge05=j41!pmdg_j41fms_pu_open, 919,458,53,35 //-------------------------------------------------------- And that is it you should be good to go, although you shouldn’t have any problems you can always contact me if you do have any. Take care, and have fun. Jim Hodkinson
  9. Hi I have managed to add the MilViz / REX radar to the PMDG J4100 and could send along the instruction if it helps, just let me know. Take care and have fun. Jim Hodkinson
  10. Hi Ed Just wanted to add my thanks for the P3D v3 update to the GNS and G1000 units, I had really missed them. Jim Hodkinson
  11. For myself I think I will stick with how it was originally installed on my system by ES as I have no stepped runways or other issues with the scenery, I just posted the above in response for information. Jim Hodkinson
  12. Hi The scenery layering I have in the version of the EA Isle of Man that was installed by the EA Web Installer when they were still active is as follows…. ES-IOM-SFX ES-IOM-FX ES-IOM-TFX ES-IOM-3D ES-IOM-Helipads ES-EGNS-Ronaldsway ES-X9MR-MountRule ES-X9JU-Jurby ES-X9AN-Andreas ES-IOM-Photo ES-IOM-Terrain ES-SFX ES-3D I hope it helps. Jim Hodkinson
  13. Hi You are more than welcome, and you don’t want to know how long it took me to find this one out, as for the underwing registration, well if the FS9 version is the same, and my memory is correct, then the underwing registration is on the sheet named PMDG_MD11_Decal.psd, if you turn on the layer named Template (hide) it should give you the outlines of the wing surfaces so the you can align any wing markings or registration. Take care. Jim Hodkinson
  14. Hi Alex We are all nice here, well mostly anyway, as for the repaints it may be a day or two before I can start them as I have a couple of other promised repaints to finish off, in the meantime do you have any suggestions for the registration numbers of these airframes. Take care. Jim Hodkinson
  15. Hi You are more than welcome, and Jim will be fine I don’t think we have to be formal, as for the repaint I am just glad you like her, and sorry that you had to wait so long for her, as for contacting me I thought my E-Mail address was accessible from my profile, but that seems to have changed so I have sent you a PM with my E-Mail address in case you need it. As for the Q400 and AXE 320, I do have the AXE 320 and as far as the Q400 I assume you mean the latest Majestic Q400, if so then I do also have that aircraft as well. Take care and have fun. Jim Hodkinson
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