Hi Not a problem… If you are not a fan of copy and paste I have uploaded a ZIP Archive with a modified panel.cfg file, the instructions below and the pop-up controller gauge and here is the download link for it… http://www.mediafire.com/download/7mvuabmp0uudpqn/MilViz_WXR_Installation.zip The first step is to make a backup of the panel.cfg file for the PMDG J4100 found in the following location… Your drive\FSX Main Directory\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG_JS4100\panel Once that is down the second step is to open the PMDG J4100’s panel.cfg file using something like notepad or similar, then add to the [Window Titles] section the following as the last entry… Window05=WX Radar Then add the window itself as the last entry before the [Vcockpit01] section as shown below, the MV_WXR_POPUP gauge is one that I made myself to enable me to just click on the screen of the pop-up window or the VC screen to open and close the radar gauge pop-up window, I can upload it or you can just delete the line gauge02=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 133,173,165,109 from the entry below //-------------------------------------------------------- [Window05] file=Advantage WXR.bmp size_mm=419,381 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=0 ident=71 window_size= 0.310, 0.376 window_pos= 0.020, 0.480 gauge00=MV_WX!WX2D, 0,0,419,381,2 gauge01=MV_WX!WX, 64,121,291,205,2 gauge02=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 133,173,165,109 //-------------------------------------------------------- Next we need to add the radar gauge to the virtual cockpit of the J4100 by scrolling down to the [Vcockpit02] section and adding the following as the last gauge entry.. gauge04=MV_WX!WX, 532,528,472,331 as mentioned in the earlier instructions I do have a gauge to control the pop-up radar by left clicking on the VC radar screen but if you don’t want this just delete the following from the entries below… gauge06=MV_WXR_POPUP!MV_WXR_POPUP, 586,583,108,249 and that will remove the pop-up controller gauge I made. //-------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=1024,1024 visible=1 pixel_size=1024,1024 texture=$GaugeTwo gauge00=j41!pmdg_j41_rmu_1, 0,0,393,500 gauge01=j41!pmdg_j41_rmu_2, 393,0,393,500 gauge02=PMDG_BAe_JS4100_3!GNSXLS, 1,508,512,408 gauge03=j41!pmdg_j41_alt_pic, 896,0,128,508 gauge04=MV_WX!WX, 532,528,472,331 gauge05=j41!pmdg_j41fms_pu_open, 919,458,53,35 //-------------------------------------------------------- And that is it you should be good to go, although you shouldn’t have any problems you can always contact me if you do have any. Take care, and have fun. Jim Hodkinson