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About Quincio

  • Birthday 01/31/1991

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    Sint Maarten

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  1. Thank you for your advice. I really tried to find a fix, but I have given up. I'm lost lol.
  2. Ronald, There is an issue I just noticed at TNCM Princess Juliana, the aircraft on final always seem to turn left n fly over anguilla and return back on path to final. Fill over the runway circle very awkwardly then just freeze in the air above the airport. Kind Regards, Quincio
  3. I have 1 idea/suggestion, maybe you have already included it the Ai Controller. I'm not sure cause I've only found out about this amazing program today n i'm super excited to get it up n runway. Anyway let me get to it. It would be cool if heavies were only allowed to taxi on particular taxi ways. Say TNCM Princess Juliana for example where the heavies would have to taxi to Taxi way C and backtrack to 10 for takeoff. Just an idea.
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