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About freewayne

  • Birthday 05/23/1957

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  1. I'm stumped at the first step... Instructions Download this repo and extract it (zip). How do you download a "repo"? What is a "repo"? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the new version. Do you want feedback on any issues we have and if so, is this the best place to do it?
  3. I really like the functionality of WAMA and tried it with MSFS 2020 in the hope it would work, but no as expected it says it can't connect to the simulator. So now I'm wondering are there plans for LORBY to make a WAMA version that works with MSFS 2020?
  4. As I said to *******, the automatic Tuning tool did absolute wonders for my system. Which I consider a medium performance system as it's about 3 years old. A couple of examples to illustrate; ORBX's FTX Brisbane International Airport, Queensland Australia (described by some as THE FPS Black Hole of FSX), had an original FPS of less than 8, then after tuning it went to about 20+ FPS. Flight One's Cessna Citation Mustang, a wonder to behold with it's glass cockpit showing every bit of information a modern aircraft can provide... At an enormous visual processing cost. It's FPS was about 8 to 12 with FTX's North American Blue scenery near Friday Island. After tuning it was 20 to 25 FPS. With FPS increases of over 100% this tuning has enhanced my interest greatly. I can now enjoy "flying" in situations that were like watching a slide show, but now are smooth as silk (with the occasional "micro stutter"). My system is not top of the range, however I can attest to the viability of *******' methods. I suggest that if you have an identical system (which is very unlikely), then your results should be the same. But the tuning system is flexible and takes into account individual system components. I did subscribe to ORBX's CEO John Venema's recommendation that the oly effective "tweak / tune" was cold hard cash to buy the latest hardware if you wanted to improve the performance of FSX. Well, I guess he's wrong... At the moment, at least! My system specs should be in the signature for this post, if not I've updated my profile with them for your information. Cheers Wayne
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