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Posts posted by LB777

  1. 2 hours ago, OzWhitey said:

    TL;DR it’s nonsense to say that Asobo have said “time and time again” that current gen hardware/controls are lacklustre. What they have said is that they really like VR, but want to get their implementation right.

    Alright I'll rephrase it for you since re-reading it now I can see how it could be interpreted this way:

    They've said time and time again that they weren't planning on doing VR *initially* for all sorts of reasons, one of them mentioned for 10 seconds during an interview a while ago was that they felt the current gen VR hardware and controls were lackluster.

    I'm sorry I do not remember in what interview this little snippet of info appeared, so I don't blame you if you don't believe it. I never quoted them either so the words used were porbably less inflamatory than mine. Hopefully we can agree on the general premise that they just want to do it right, and having hardware available to be able to do it right is a big part of it.

  2. 3 hours ago, ArchStanton said:

    Neumann: Flight simulators require comparatively few resources for artificial intelligence. Normally the CPU in games is used to calculate the opponents and the NPCs. We have an airplane - and a few other airplanes - but they're usually 30 or 100 kilometers away.

    We use the computing power of the CPU in principle for the instruments as well as for the autopilot. Everything else is done by the GPU. And this is 'many thread' and offers a lot of computing power.

    But I was told countless times that flight simulators were the absolute pinnacle of software and that in comparison video games were a trivial matter that required no processing power at all as they were just displaying the sky, some trees and a gun.

    Or could it be that the people preaching this were completely clueless??

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Noooch said:

    A new member of my volley-ball team (in Lyon, France) which I barely know for the moment told me she was working in the videogame industry. When I told her about MSFS, she told me they also were blown away by the trailer and added: We will be working with them in the near future to help them with the "crew".

    Still wondering what she meant by that...

    The Crew is a Ubisoft game franchise Asobo was involved with.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Gulfstream said:

    Water clipping through house!

    This simulator is obviously going to be a disaster!  😅


    Nice catch lol

    The water isn't actually clipping through, they made the underside texture of roofs invisible so it saves on rendering. Since it's a flightsim they probably assumed a roof would be seen from the top most of the time... they clearly forgot about the picture detectives among us 😀

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  5. MSFS is using screenspace reflections like most modern games. Nothing in the trailer or pictures is showing any sign of raytracing.

    The best example is the shot in the hangar from trailer:


    You can see how the plane geometry cuts of the hangar doors from reflecting into the ground, because as far as the screen is concerned, the doors don't exist.

    On the picture of the TBM you also can't see anything else than the blades reflecting on the cone, if it was raytraced you'd see reflections from the world behind the camera.

    Does that mean MSFS won't have raytracing at all? I have no idea, but purely from a performance point of view I doubt they'd waste the time needed to implement it in such a massive game when fast and proven tech like SSR does the job extremely well already. Keep in mind that most games which have raytracing are FPS games or 3rd person adventure games, not really the same kind of beast.


    Edit: Welp MS just announced now that bloody Minecraft is getting ray tracing... so clearly anything is possible 🤣

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  6. 4 hours ago, nas123 said:

    The problem with the flighsim from Microsoft is that I have lost all interest in simming in P3D

    Exact same thing for me. I actually haven't flown since the trailer reveal lol, only been controlling on Vatsim...

    Personally I don't mind at all having "only" basic aircraft at release, I know I'll have fun as long as the flight dynamics are decent (ie not worse than P3D) and the sim if fluid. It will be a new experience, finally, and that's all I'm asking for.

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  7. The full interview with Phil Spencer (Head of Xbox division) was also published over at PCGamer https://www.pcgamer.com/xboxs-phil-spencer-on-game-pass-steam-and-the-epic-games-store/

    Page 2 specifically has a couple lines about Flight Sim.


    Why did you bring Flight Simulator back? What led to that moment?

    We do have some pilots on the teams that are big fans of flight, and flight sims, and flying themselves, who are passionate about it, so we said, 'okay, let's see what we can do'


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  8. 9 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    the console and 3D shooter world or any world outside of flight simulation and those users are spending $200 per month so about $2400/yr (averages)

    Where did you find that estimate if I may ask?

    From my experience and numbers that I have found the average spending of a gamer (excluding hardware) is closer to $100-$200 a year, so your figure is really surprising to me.

  9. Appreciate all the replies so far, some very good comments and I definitely agree with @PATCO LCH it's important to keep in mind that a good portion of devs are on top of their game when it comes to customer support.

    1 hour ago, shivers9 said:

    Speaking of misconceptions....I don't do Tubeliners at all but it always seemed that everyone was in love with PMDG. I guess there is a small life leason in there somewhere.😀

    Well as I mentioned in my post you can still love the products and not be a fan of their "public relations" let's call it that. I thoroughly enjoy FSLabs' Airbus but that doesn't mean I agree with how they handled the events we're all familiar with a couple of months ago. I'm also sure many people have absolutely no problem with PMDG taking your example, but the reputation they created around themselves must have come from somewhere and it does exist just judging by the replies on this thread.

    1 hour ago, Bluestar said:

    I would be interested in knowing how many of you folks have had trouble with PMDG when you've submitted a support ticket?

    Again following what I typed above, that really doesn't say much about what we're talking about here. I doubt people will come in hundreds telling us how they were insulted in their support tickets! But similarly you can't deny that if someone were to make a poll on who gives the absolute best support, it's not crazy to think A2A would be placed higher than PMDG.

    3 hours ago, Henry Street said:

    PS: How many participants in this thread bought from the Halloween Flash sale? 

    Haven't gotten anything either 😉

  10. This past week has been the culmination of something that seems very specific to flight sim, which is that addon makers are apparently bent on trying to argue and fight against their customers for every question/remark/feedback given to them.

    • Is it so hard for ORBX to not start arguing with a known youtuber in his comment section to try and prove some sort of point?
    • Is it so hard for PMDG to answer regular questions or remarks without making essays on how said remark was stupid/rude/irrelevant?
    • Is it so hard for FSDT to accept their software might sometimes be at fault without going at war with the person reporting it?
    • Is it so hard for FSLabs to not argue about what was or wasn't in their installers and create PR disasters that people still bring up today?

    Now I don't want to pick on these companies specifically, they were just the ones that came to mind but I could go on and on. My point is simply that I cannot think of any other community or industry where content makers are this good at creating a reputation around them (completely separate from the quality of their products I want to emphasize; you often see people criticizing the company but loving the addons). I do not understand it, I know speaking for myself I stopped giving a cent to half the companies I listed above, so whatever their intent was it's at least not worked for me...

    As I said, this isn't a post to bash on any dev in particular, but noticing a genuine trend of hostility towards the customer that I don't comprehend. If you think I'm just seeing things and blowing it out of proportion then please tell me so and why.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Orbx never said "required in order to be able to install"


    "Required in order to be able to use" is pretty close to "Required in order to be able to install" don't you think?

    By the way I also find it quite ironic how some of you were very quick to dismiss the problem by saying people are looking for drama and conspiracy theories, while at the same time calling out Froogle for making the video because of some grand scheme he had to get clicks for his youtube channel...

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