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About antonmorse

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  • Birthday 12/26/1962

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    Near EGCW

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  1. vololiberista, it is not confusing for you since you already knew the above information - since I did not know, then there certainly was confusion - media talking about a second runway when there is clearly already one there = confusion for me. Many thanks to you, and indeed all of you for the useful information, Keith.
  2. Would someone please explain why I keep seeing all this talk about building a second runway at Gatwick - there is no mention of the already present second runway. Is it never used or unused for some other reason? In any case it seems strange that it is never mentioned. Keith
  3. Glad it's working for you, all my mce.dlls & fsinsider are where they are supposed to be so that was a different problem to mine.
  4. I'm not sure if it is the same problem. For me, MCE works fine from the gate, and usually up to takeoff. Then suddenly the Comm switch stops working and everything freezes including FSX. When I close MCE, FSX then continues working where it left off. Anyway, I seem to have fixed it, don't know if this will help you. 1)I disabled hyperthreading in my bios. So my i7-4770k is now running with 4 cores instead of 8 virtual cores. 2) I downloaded a small utility called Bill2's process manager. Using this, I set MCE at slightly higher priority than everything else. Since then I have done two flights now without a freeze, so it's early days but one or both of those things seem to have helped, but time will tell.
  5. Unfortunately I spoke too soon, it happened again, so I am putting it all in the AV exclude list and see what happens. Also going to try a small Windows Process Priority manager I used once before which might help. With so many addons running, it might help to lower the priority of some of them and raise MCE a bit.
  6. A reinstall of MCE, so it is the last thing installed, seems to have solved it, just flown KLAS to KLAX with no sign of the problem
  7. Thanks for the suggestion Jethro, but then surely that would happen every single time, and would not allow me to run at all, whereas I can fly normally for several minutes at a time? As stated, I have also had the whole lot running perfectly in the past when I have somehow found the 'magical' installation order. But it definitely is worth doing what you say thanks, I will add them to the excluded list to eliminate this as a possibility.
  8. Does anyone else suffer this? I have also had the problem with previous versions & on my old pc, and it would be good to get to the cause of it. All starts well, & voice recognition is excellent. I get clearance, pushback, and co-pilot Travis is responding to pretty much 99.9%+ commands. Then, during taxi to the active, or during takeoff, I lose use of my PTT button, it just ceases to work. Then everything freezes, FSX included. But if I close the MCE program, FSX then immediately un-freezes and I can continue the flight. I can then restart MCE, and it works for a while longer before doing the same thing again. It has happened before (old pc - different mobo, AMD 960 3ghz quad, 8gb 800mhz ram, HD7950) and I uninstalled MCE plus a few other progs (FSCaptain, UT2, maybe others), then installed in a different order. Eventually I get an install that works very well with zero problem. I now have a new system, (i7 4770k, 8gb 2133mhz ram, HD7950) and the same problem. It feels like a seizure due to memory or software conflict but I would just like to find out what the best order of installation is as I know it all works perfectly once I hit the right combination. Definitely in use when I hit this problem: MCE, UT2, JustFlight A318, FSGlobalX, FSDT KLAS, GSX. Also installed but not always being used at the time: FSCaptain, iFly737NG, DBS GPS. I'm quite prepared to go through the trial and error process again, but just wondered if FS++ or anyone else might have any shortcut solution? Cheers Keith
  9. Found this, don't know if it helps, but someone seems to have got it working: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/247803-saitek-x52-pro/
  10. I don't know if this will help, but it is worth a try. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/420431-a-cure-for-the-flickering-cursor-in-triple-monitors-at-last/
  11. Same here, have had this problem for over a month around 8am to 9am GMT so I no longer try to access the site at that time. Every other site is fine. AVSIM also struggles at other times of day when every other site I visit is fine. Just assumed it was caused by heavy traffic.
  12. Thanks all of you, I shall go for it. Downloading iFly 737NG and FS2Crew right at this moment, Cheers Keith
  13. Hi, I currently use RC4 and MCE for my voice recognition with ATC, and MCE for my co-pilot. I am about to purchase iFly 737NG, and I also like the look of FS2Crew, but every demo video I have seen does not show any voice interaction between the pilot and ATC. Can anyone please confirm that I am able to continue using MCE & RC4 for the voice recognition & talking to ATC; whilst using FS2Crew for the Co-Pilot & crew, checklists etc ? Many thanks Keith
  14. Thanks mwilk, I'll take a look at them regards Keith
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