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Everything posted by beeker46

  1. All I have installed is the WU for the USA, and none for the others, though they are available. Now, if I never actually fly in Japan, Britain, France or any of the released World Updates, do I still need to install them? Perhaps if I read the release notes, I might find something that updates the sim outside of the region being installed, but I have yet to do so, so I wonder...
  2. Now I have a question, regarding SIDS and STARS for FSX... how do you even know what approach to use, when you don't even know what runway you will be landing on until 50 of less NMs out? And how could you possible figure all that out as the pilot wearing all the hats in the cockpit? I have long wanted to use SIDS and STARS for FS, but never knowing how to even get STARted with it (get that pun, there?)
  3. Clutch Cargo, I downloaded the free ABQ scenery, to try it out, but when I got to installing it, the installation program asked for a serial number, and for the life of me, I could not find anything in the readme notes regarding this issue. Unless it is found elsewhere, I have been unable to find it. Previously, I had stated that I avoid overclocking, well, as of yesterday that is a lie. I found, in my BIOS, an AI Tweaker, and by changing one entry there, boosted the processor to roughly 4.6 Ghz, instead of the 3.2 it was running. All other parameters are automatically set, and since doing that, I have noticed a significant improvement in many areas (not just FSX-SE), so something improved is at work inside my fancy case... lol. I used Intel's XTU (Extreme Tuning Utility) and ran it before and after for about 30 minutes each time. All remained stable and cool temperature inside. If that is the best my rig can handle, or is expected to handle, then I an satisfied. With slight increases in FSX's settings, frame rates remained constant 30, with a few dips into the lower 20s. So far, so good... Now, if I could just install that photoreal ABQ scenery for a test...
  4. overclocking was never an option for me, too chancy to screw something up. I will give these ideas a run and see where things stand. I installed ORBX global back on, and there has not been any frame rate hits, it was other things that boggled things up. I don't tend to take small steps, a fault of mine, but big swings at things, and I took too big of a swing lately. Now I'm backtracking, lol...
  5. I know that settings in FSX-SE, like its predecessors at their respective stages of hardware offerings, is a juggling and balancing act, a crusade of compromise. So I have two questions, really... How much extra Oomph of CPU is required to run some of the photo real packages I have seen floating around? Fly Away Simulations has a few of, mostly, the Western U.S. and while they run in the several dozen GBs of file sizes, how much of a drain is that going to be on 'somewhere near the top' of gaming hardware that I have currently? My rig is certainly not bleeding edge technology, but its not a slouch, either, and I am getting (with tweaks to NVI) a solid 30 fps except at busy airports where things dip into the low 20s and sometimes a high teens. I have frame rates locked at 1/2 in NVI, currently, and few other bells and whistles enabled. That is the first question... Now, second question. I had ORBX global installed, but recently uninstalled it thinking it drained too many resources (until I found out where other culprits lurked, and have worked them out), and now I am re-thinking of re-installing ORBX, but I hesitate as I am feeling a little gun shy. I really like the imagery, but cringe at the thought of it being an imagined resource hog. It really may not be, but I would like some opinions if my doubts are unfounded and paranoid. What I have is this: Intel Core I7-8700 @ 3.2 GHz 16GB RAM GeForce GTX 1060 3GB Windows 10 64-bit 1TB SSD (in a nutshell)
  6. I just have one question, regarding themes and installing cloud textures and such... I have a saved theme, now do I need to 'install' that theme each and every time I start Skyforce, or will it 'remember' that theme and inject itself into the FSX-SE with no further input from me?
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