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  1. I have FSX: Steam Edition. I have multiple addons and that internal game addon manager is crappy. Question: How to add those addons without game addon manager tool? I have over 30 addons to add. Also I still fly FS9 or FS2004 because it is SO good game.
  2. Hello I’m planning to buy the Airbus pack v1 from dovetail for FSX:SE. But I can’t find extra liveries for the A319. Where can I find them (Specifically Lufthansa)? Thanks
  3. I've been trying to update my AI traffic in FSX SE as I have only been using World of AI packages, which are outdated (2000s - early 2010s). Because of this, I've searched and come across AIG AI Manager, which fits what I want to do. I've already reached the point where I can open the program until the title part (not the actual UI). Unfortunately, I cannot proceed as when I want to select FSX in the drop-down menu it's empty. I tried to click the select (green) button and it just quits the program. Am I missing a step? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. On loading FSX-STEAM I am getting two warnings….one is…. “SCENERY.CFG Local scenery directory (Addon scenery\SCENERY)in scenery area 115 not found) Short of a complete re install of FSX STEAM, is there a way of correcting this and finding the missing item? Thanks Donald
  5. Hi all, currently I'm investigating which of all my planes in FSX I can bring to P3dv6. And while doing so I found a few real Beauty Queens among it. Except 1 it's all freeware and all flyable, some have only a 2d panel but a good quality of these. Douglas DC9-14, HJG B377, CalClassic Comet 4, David Maltby B777-300er, Posky Fokker F27-500, Benoit Gaurant DC8-20, HJG DC6-B, CalClassic DC8-63, HJG DC10-10, Thomas Ruth DC4, CalClassic F14, Dino Cataneo B747-200, Posky A340-600, Thomas Ruth B757-200, Captain Sim Dash 8-Q400, don't know Constellation L749, CalClassic Manfred Jahn B707-420, HJG B727-200, HJG Eric Cantu B737-400, Kittyhawk Eric Cantu B767-300, Sky Spirit Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  6. hi all have used the forum anonymously many many times over the years to solve a plethora of issues but this one has me so stumped that I need to ask. have recently changed PCs after my old one had a meltdown. Still playing FSX (SE) though despite the new hardware….everything works absolutely fine with the software including all the aircraft I have always been using, except for one major problem and wondered if anyone can help: I use pop-out gauges on a variety of 737 models, moving the PFD and MFD to a second monitor, the FMC to a third which is a touchscreen monitor. Graphics card is a Geforce 3050. Setup is therefore as follows: Monitor 1: 737 Virtual Cockpit (connected via DP) Monitor 2: PFD / MFD (connected via HDMI) Monitor 3: FMC / ATC and others (connected via DVI) FMC / ATC on monitor 3 work fine, reacts to touch inputs etc and refreshes correctly, but the PFD / MFD freeze once moved to monitor 2. As soon as I start to pick up speed, the PFD should show speed increasing on the gauge but it remains frozen at 0 knots (the actual gauge on the main monitor shows the correct, increasing speed). Turning e.g. Flight Director on and off also shows up in the VC but not in the PFD on monitor 2. Similarly, inputs into the MCP such as CRS changes show up in the MFD in the VC but the MFD on monitor 2 remains frozen. I have tried everything in the settings of the game, the NVIDIA settings for my graphics card, even reinstalling gauges etc but nothing works. Its making me tear my hair out and to be honest, I dont have much hair left to lose... Does anyone have an idea as where else to look or anyone had a similar issue with frozen pop-out gauges? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi! There was this one developer who created a nice Addis Ababa scenery for FSX SE for free as of now the link on his website are dead for the FSX version i just wanted to know if someone still has a backup or if the developer is here on avsim forums that if they are able to share it https://whitedotsim.de.tl/[OLD]-HAAB-Addis-Ababa-previous-versions.htm Thank you
  8. Hi all Sometimes when I start FSX se, when my flight loads within a couple of seconds I get the blue spinning icon and fsx se stops and I am back to the desktop Looking at event view I have located this error message which is below Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.62615.0, time stamp: 0x559f9a9a Faulting module name: API.DLL, version: 10.0.62615.0, time stamp: 0x559f9ab5 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000e3b9a Faulting process id: 0x1ddc Faulting application start time: 0x01da217ff04c1970 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\API.DLL Report Id: 151187a8-414b-4c4d-8cd8-c55360c1cec2 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: Doesn't do it all the time but a little annoying and wondering if anyone here as had the same issue and is there a fix Regards Rhys
  9. Hi there- Im just posting to see if any of you out there have ever experienced the problem of after the sim gets installed when you go to play it, you get an error messages that says something about some side-by-side thing configuration and to check out sxstrace in the system screen thats back where you can enter commands and such. Anybody get that error and possibly know how to fix it so I may be able to play the game after installing the game? Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Lee
  10. Hi all, some shots here from the Grenadines again, i love it. Fly Tampa never migrated it to 64 bit, so it runs in FSX-SE here. But it's a rather good old sim so it's fun to fly. Thank you very much for viewing! Cheers Andreas
  11. Hi all, I have being using FSX se for along time and over the years many tweaks have surfaced with lots of different opinions on what works and what doesn't and so on So the question is, and yes it is VERY subjective what tweaks are really needed in FSX se. I use Steve's Direct x10 fix -Infinity mask= -highmemfix= -buffer pools= Any others I have missed? Cheers Rhys
  12. Hi, I've been a happy user of FSX:SE for a while now and I use a TM T flight HOTAS. However suddenly came across an issue where when I'm in pre-flight, my HOTAS and keyboard decide to stop working after a few minutes. I've looked over old forums regarding my same annoying issue but all of them had no answers. I've tried stuff like verifying file integrity in Steam, running SCF, doing a fresh reinstall and even things as simple as pressing Control+K but all of them didn't solve the problem. I do notice one thing, my keyboard has a Caps Lock light and usually when I press Caps lock (outside of FSX) my Caps Lock light stays on until I press it again. In FSX the Caps Lock light turns on when I press if but it turns off when I let go of the Caps lock key. I would be more than grateful if anyone can help me find an answer to this seemingly unfixable issue.
  13. Went to run FSX after a fairly long absence and presented with this message when trying to run the game: https://ibb.co/jybnTs4] Not physically changed anything with the install since last running the game, other than any official Steam updates. I initally verified file integrity through Steam, no change then did a complete uninstall (including deletion of all subsidiary folders) followed by reinstall but getting the same result. Any guidance on fixing this greatly appreciated.
  14. Hi all, I just installed FSX Steam version for the first time. The main menu is displaying super tiny, basically unreadable. I have to use the magnifier just to read it. I have a notebook computer that can easily run the sim in the max settings. I have adjusted the resolution within the sim to no effect. The sim itself appears to be working at the correct resolution when I start the first training mission. Any ideas on what might be going wrong here or how to resolve? BTW, I started this post a couple of days ago and got deleted for selecting a poor username. Sorry about that!
  15. Good evening. Recently I've purchased and installed the Bombardier CS300 and 100 serie pack from SimMarket for FSX steam edition and was looking foward for the configuration with Ultimate Traffic Live. The problem was when assigning liveries in the UTL app i couldn't find the FSPXAI manufacturer and the repaints I've installed from the internet. I've checked the cfg.aircraft file and seems to be all good: model, sim, texture and ui_manufacturer voice (set to "FSPXAI") were all set. Even the [fltsim.x] was correct, with the number set in the right position, so I really don't know how to assign repaints from the CS300/100 model if the manufacturer won't show up in the UTL live app. If anyone can help me to find the solution or link some helpfull forum about this topic would very appreciate, since I couldn't find any answer on the internet,
  16. I have been an Flight Sim user for 50 years, so this is very strange... In FSX-SE. I am pretty sure that KSAN is not a detailed city or airport in FSX, so I installed an addon scenery. (Normal installation, creating a KSAN folder on my external drive and creating a scenery folder inside that, Then putting the file's bgl's in there. Then adding it through the Scenery Liobrary, as I've done for decades (although this is the first time using a separate drive for addon scenery). It now has cruise ships, several hangers, etc. So it worked. I also added several other sceneries... Here's what is strange. After adding another scenery that did not seem to be changing anything, I went back to the scenery library and, as a test, disabled the KSAN scenery (unchecked it) and hit OK . When I loaded up a flight at KSAN, the addon objects were still there. I went back to the Scenery Library and this time deleted KSAN. No change. It still looks like the addon. I was also wondering why I had zero AI traffic at my KTUS addon so I thought maybe the addon had changed something, so I deleted that airport. But KTUS still looks the same. To be honest, I am not sure if what I am seeing at KTUS is FSX default or the addon but if I disable that there is no change...same as KSAN. So I see 2 possibilities. 1- KSAN and the San Diego area is a lot mor detailed than I expected the FSX default KSAN to be, which means the addon isn't showing (even though I got no error messsages when installing it through the Senery Libray). 2- The addon installed but, for some resason, I can't deactivate it (which makes no sense whatsover.) 3- FSX is not recognizizing any of them, even though, when I examine the sceneries in the Scenet Library, they all have the correct location (external drive) and look like they are installed. Somebody help if you can. Pete
  17. Hey Guys,I had a program that I used for FS2004 that enabled me to speed up the Taxi Speed of AI Aircraft. Is there a program that will assist with that in FSX? Thank you.-Brian
  18. Sorry, I applogize to use blue FSX-SE. Hope Jim will not get to angry. I no longer have a dual system and rreinstalled FSX-Steam. FSX has been uninstalled. I had no pproblems with any of the FSDT software including GSX with dual install. After stand alone steam install everything appeared to work just fine including all of the FSDT and Flight beam. Now I am having problems with the couatl error closing down FSX-SE when starting in any FSDT airports. I have reinstalled some of the airports and then the addon manager but each time couatl error occurs shutting down FSX. Below is a typical error message in couatl.err. I am not a guru on trouble shooting this sort of stuff so hope someone can see what may be the problem. I do have a question is the Virtuali Addon Manager the same as the Addon Manager downloaded from steam? The only thing I can gleam from this is either a dll.xml problem and/or an addon. I have also iniformed the problem on the FSDT forum early this morning but no replies. Probably they are unable to understand since I am not to good at explaing this sort of stuff. I sure will appreciate any help. The last resort is a reinstall of Steam. couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Tue Feb 03 10:15:42 2015 problem raised by engine or unspecified addonBglmanx disconnected prematurely couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Wed Feb 04 17:03:19 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Wed Feb 04 17:41:12 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Wed Feb 04 17:57:53 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Wed Feb 04 18:06:55 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 11:22:28 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 11:37:29 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 11:42:51 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 11:53:05 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 11:58:16 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 12:08:27 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 13:04:38 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 16:56:11 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 17:09:39 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') couatl v2.0 (build 2378) panic log started on Thu Feb 05 17:31:33 2015 problem raised by addon <unknown>Traceback (most recent call last): File "couatl\common\__init__.py", line 52, in checkBglmanVersion File "couatl\common\liveUpdate.py", line 75, in liveUpdate File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 109, in _setPreference File "couatl\common\preferences.py", line 46, in writePreferencesToDisk IOError: (13, 'Permission denied', u'C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Roaming\\Virtuali\\CouatlAddons.ini') c
  19. Hi, I have re-downloaded the file from the customer portal and installed it but it never showed a registration popup and still shows black gauges. Please help. Thanks.
  20. im planning to move on FSX :SE. but before i upgrade. i just wanna know if dovetail fixes the anti aliasing issue on FSX boxed ed.??? or do you still need to tweak the anti aliasing setting on the nvidia inspector?
  21. Heads up all, from Dovetail on Facebook and fair play to them as they have followed up on the promise to keep it moving forward: ''We are pleased to announce a new update coming soon for Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. This update resolves several issues reported to us by the FSX: Steam Edition community and will be automatically applied to your software via the Steam platform once it’s released. Below is the full list of changes and fixes made in this update: • Networking: Resolved - potential crash bug when decoding Steam host tag data. • Error Reporting: Resolved - error message if the software failed to load the language.dll so that it shows the name of the actual dll it is trying to load. • Learning Centre: Resolved - when selecting a mission from the Learning Centre, you would be told that the mission script failed to load and would be disabled. • Learning Centre: Changed - the Learning Centre still referenced a GameSpy logo - now replaced with Steam logo. • Graphics: Improved vertex and index buffer handling defaults and a few other things to give up to 10% framerate improvement (as long as vsync is not enabled/forced). • Graphics: Change - Enable trilinear mipmap filtering by default. • Graphics: Resolved - If the Special Effects setting was set to HIGH, some special effects like external lights, landing/water effects would not work. • Graphics: Changed default value for max per-frame texture uploads to decrease time for high quality terrain textures to appear. • Settings: Resolved - HIGHMEMFIX was enabled by default but could very rarely be disabled at load time. • For new installs, we now provide default versions of dll.xml and exe.xml files to improve compatibility with existing addons. We are continuing to monitor your feedback on FSX: Steam Edition and would like to thank the community for taking the time to report these and other issues. We know that we have not fixed all of the reported issues, but we continue to work to improve the product in the coming weeks. - The Community Team''
  22. I dont know if this is the corect forum. This is suppose to be an tweaked version of fsx but with the same settings as my main fsx and with no addons, just defalut 737 at KJFK nice weather it pulled 19-20Fps. With the original FSX + PMDG, FS2crew , Rex texture direct, UT2, ASN, etc I got at the same airport, same gate with snow and poor weather around 15-19Fps That means if I install all addons on the new fsx I will crawl at around 5fps
  23. I am prepared to use FSX:SE only and uninstall all the 165 GB I have accumulated in FSX! What is the recommended procedure? Uninstall first all addons (to reinstall them again on FSX:SE) and after that uninstall FSX? Also, does the uninstallation of FSX leaves behind non-original material, e.g., an addon scenery or aircraft or is the complete FSX directory wiped out? I would appreciate some feedback/recommendations from those who have already made this procedure. Thanks
  24. I've been swimming since the 80's. I've lurked around here for years under different user names. I've contributed freeware but quit doing that. I received my copy of FSX before the release date. Bottom line it was a pig. I've reinstalled once in a while when snake oil hacks would get the community jumping with similar results. I have a modern machine I-7 with 16gb of ram and an nvidia 7 series card with Nick's tweaks Along with others. Guess what, FSX is still a pig. I keep going back to FS2004 that has ran flawless for years with max settings and a ton of add ons. I remember the days of every driver upgrade people would come on here raving about the FPS increase. I remember every time Pete released a new FSUIPC, people would come on here raving about the huge FPS increase. With every tweak I've got the same results. I bogged down flight sim that isn't enjoyable. Why should I spend the money for FSX:SE? I paid $60. 8 years ago for FSX that is worthless. I don't like being negative but this has been fact for me. I've thought about P3D but people still have in consistent flying just like we still do years after FSX.
  25. Hello, How to avoid the "lost" of the FF stick after Autopilot flight? Thanks in advance? I have already changed the properties of the USB devices.
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