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About Iwerbrouck

  • Birthday 10/18/1954

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  1. ok, everthing here solved, Navigraph AIRAC was the problem, they made yesterday a new version (revision) "AIRAC Cycle 2209 rev.2" After installation, everything works fine in the MSFS2020 VFR map after loading a flightplan from LNM Ivan
  2. Ah, ok Alex thank you for the fast reply, il wait.... and by the way, still fantastic piece of software you made!!
  3. Hello Alex, Since yesterday (after last update MSFS2020) its impossible to export a flightplan from LNM to MSFS2020. It gives me long "legs" to the Northpole ? in the map from MSFS2020 and later in the G1000 NXi (updated also in MSFS2020) Every flightplan i used last month has that, so i can't load navigation to the G1000 to fly... Installel'd LNM last version (Beta 2.8.0) No solution. All flightplans are VFR, as i'm flying a VFR tour. Reload the scenery database as usual after an MSFS2020 update. I found that it is ok from one airfield to another direct, if you start to put WP in the "leg" it goes to the Northpole ? after you load it in MSFS2020. Thank you for an answer! Ivan
  4. Made an XLS-file with all the VFR points for Belgium and Luxembourg airfields, exact coordinates, according to the latest AIP 30 DEC 2021 for LNM. Can i upload this here ? or maybe send it to Mr. Alexander Barthel ? Great program! (file is CSV, direct to import in LNM)
  5. Hi everyone, I can compile a "route" without any problem just with only one boat, the "wash_ferry_sm" the default ship in the map boats from FSX after installation. The traject is correct, compiling without problem. The boat shows up, turns as it should be, everything works fine Now, i would like to use a ship from the collection "Global AI Ship Traffic" for instance AI_Statsraad_Lehmkuhl and let it sail in the "kanaal" ...(I have them all in the corresponding FSX maps, they all show up, made many pictures yet...) Compiles ok, but the ship never shows up....Making the Boat, Plans, Route files exactly as with "wash_ferry_sm" no way, does someone have any idea how that comes...? Thanks, Ivan
  6. Sorry, can't follow this time, i use my headset cause i need a microphone. My audiocard has 2 connexions, micro and speakers and that is where my headset is connected on. Ivan Werbrouck
  7. Ok, here are my last results, just did the flight again, simply to be sure, same problem, inbound Amsterdam (EHAM) after saying descent cheklist, 2 sec later FSX crash...I tought ok, i do the flight in the oposite way, going from EHAM (Amsterdam) elev 13 feet, to EBBR (Brussels) elev 128 feet, no problem desent checlist normal behavior... I'm sorry, it seems that there is still something wrong in the code... I'll search an airport wi​th an elevation like EHAM (Amsterdam) to see what happens...any sugestion ? Can someone fly this flight (very short) EBBR to EHAM ? Thanks! Ivan Werbrouck
  8. Yes, wednesday,before my last test, i did exactly this update.... update was without problem, but afterwards ...again FSX crash when you speak "descent checklist" No solution...are there other things to consider? Ivan Werbrouck
  9. Hello everyone, First of all, what a nice product FS2Crew, it takes some time to learn, but now, i cant fly without. I'm using it nearly a year without problems. This week foor the first time a flight from EBBR (Brussels) to EHAM (Amsterdam) start descending, FSX freezes without saying why, a second time, a third time, problem persists! Using latest version 2.3 voice.... but, i happens the moment you say descent cheklist. I just just skipped this item and went direct to Approach cheklist....found it! Everything works normal. Found on the net that it could be that de airport is very low, indeed Amsterdam EHAM 13 feet. The readback of the FO provokes the crash of FSX!! Is there a solution to this problem ?, it's not elegant to skip the descent item... Thank You!! Ivan Werbrouck
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