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Everything posted by paulbinet@gmail.com

  1. I am saying "What about the 707 for MSFS?" in the forums since MSFS began. Nobody still hears me. I'm sure there's a lot of crazy boomers who'd be very happy to have the plane on which they received the Airliner Baptism when kids or even youngsters. I propose 5 versions: 707-120 A&B, 707-320 B&C and E-3 Sentry. There you pretty much depict the whole story of the plane. Paul.-
  2. Oh! Thanks willy647 No, I merely followd the steps depicted in the Lockheed Martin's Installing-updating and uninstalling leaflet (whose link appears in the same download page of P3D's site). It just mentioned to use Control Panel, Programs, Uninstall a Program, and there simply selecting Client, Content and Scenery within Prepar3D range of sub-programs and simply uninstall them. I only added the second time a mere good demeanor use: passing my C-cleaner and re-starting my PC before re-installing, just to make things easier to my OS... Where are those "shaders" and "scenery indexes" you mention? I am not a simulator expert. I've got my years and flight hours, but I can't say I can deal with everything inside... would you be so kind to explain me this issue? There's one more point which could be interfering: I have several texture addons installed. I mean: REX 4 & 5 and OrbX Global Range updated to V4. I was thinking to try to uninstall them first, to uninstall-reinstall P3Dv4 and try again... Thanks, a lot for your time!
  3. Hi! It's the very first time, I guess, I participate on this forum and I have the best opinion about it since I have already found here several answers to many problems in earlier versions and simulators before, but this time even P3D forum itself has not given me an answer yet. The issue: I was trying P3D v4. I tweaked my old Windows 7-PC for this new platform installing a new graphic card, an NVIDIA GEForce GTX 1070. This, with an 8-core AMD FX-8350 processor should give me enough power to deal with the new V4. Even with this old OS, I filled up requeriments. Sadly I could never get a good decent FPS in earlier V4 versions using highest quality and even medium quality graphics. When I used to land I got even 3 - 6 FPS and I usually crashed the aircraft for it is impossible to control a plane in such a slow frame rate. I was so frustrated when there appeared V4.3. I decided give it a try: I downloaded the whole pack and updated client, content and scenery installers, following instructions LM itself released in their P3D's page. My surprise wasn't minor when I found out FPS ran better than never. Even in max. graphic qualities! There were some falls here and there, but FPS moved around 25 which is my target and which was almost never ever reached by my harware before. However, it came with two mishaps which have no explanations for me yet: First: the planes don't respond to steering imputs while on the ground. I have looked for the answer and I can't figure out why. They only respond when they have speed enough to catch rudder imputs only. Second: The ground landscape is flilled of squared patches of wrong textures; most of them water textures on solid terrain. Others are black, some of them sporting orange dots and looks like night terrain and road lamps illuminated. The ground mesh is respected, but textures are wrong (i.e., imagine a squared part of a mountain made of blue water!). When I landed on Pichoy Airport (beside the fluvial city of Valdivia) it really looked as I was landing on a carrier, since all the crop fields all around sported squared patches of different tones of navy blue with even sea waves beautifully shining under the sun! I unistalled the client, content and scenery, re-downloaded them and re-installed following the same instructions. It happened the SAME. Well, just want to have an answer to all of this... Did anybody ever found something as weird as this? Paul.-
  4. Hi Callergo: I have that same problem... My rig isn't the highest end one, but it is quite, quite a good thing and it even freezes and FPS go to hell every time I fly over a city. The greatest problem is trying to land in a city airport even an easy plane at 1 FPS... The other day I made a last correction at 20 ft over the runway on my old A-1J "Spad" and next frame I was tumbled nose-down and I was written off. It is impossible to land this way! If I ever find a solution I will post it! In addition, realism is really amazing and makes a great difference when flying over the countryside but even so, there is still the other problem: the #/°°!! "fatal errors" that appear after any sudden maneouvre... I use Windows 7 and I was aware that FSX and W. 7 isn't always a good friendly relationship, so I had downloaded a freeware solution to this problem: a little patch that had worked really fine. From 1 "fatal error has ocurred" each session I was experiencing pretty much as 1 "fatal error..." every 2 months or so. Well, after installing FTX Vector I have had an increase in fatal errors frequency too. If it isn't a fatal error, FSX freezes down for a long, long time; say 3 - 10 minutes or even longer. Let's hope FTX find a real solution for this bug. I'd like to know if higher-end rigs experience the same bug... Paul.-
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