I'm currently running FSX "Gold' and PMDG 777 on an Asus VE258Q 16:9 monitor with a very good video card. I'm also able to obtain a good deal on an Asus PA248Q 16:10 (1920x1200) as well and I would like to ask...what are/will be the physical differences that I will see/notice upon viewing the PMDG 777 on this screen????? For those of you that take the time to answer it would mean a lot before I pass on the 16:10 monitor offer. I built my last rig specifically for the arrival of the T7 and I want maximum engagement and enjoyment for this add-on. If anyone can be specific as to what changes I'll notice it would be extremely helpful!!!!! I'm afraid all I know on this subject is that the 16:9 AR was a 'minimum' monitor requirement and the 16:10 AR was recommended. Attached is a screen shot (16:9) of the Captain's side at .80 zoom, what would be different on a 16:10 screen...wider, taller etc.,?????
Richard Rice