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About Alan_A

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    Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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  1. Thanks for staying with the Covid-19 thread.

    Putting quasi-science and quasi-intelligent comments in their place amounts to a public service.


  2. The Aerosoft Airbus doesn't get along well with FSUIPC. I had a similar issue a few years ago. This post in Pete Dowson's FSUIPC support forum might help. For background, read the entire thread. This dates back to the Airbus X Extended, and I'm not sure if the problem and solution apply to the current Airbus, but they might. If that fix doesn't work, search on "Aerosoft Airbus throttle FSUIPC" for a variety of issues and workarounds. Hope this helps. EDIT: There's also an Aerosoft subforum devoted to Airbus throttle issues with FSUIPC.
  3. Before you give up on the A2A aircraft, head over to the support forum on the A2A website and search on "Saitek Multi Panel." Several people there have had to figure out autopilot issues related to the multi panel and there are some suggested workarounds. Good luck with it!
  4. Or perhaps Fantasy Island. I like to think of it, not as a period aircraft, but rather as a restored one operating in modern aircraft. So in this case, it might be something Delta is doing as a promotion. Now, it they wanted to be authentic about their heritage, they'd fly the Northwest paint that comes with the aircraft. But Paul's Delta version is just too pretty to pass up. A2A has said that they'll treat their upcoming Connie the same way, as a modern restoration, with room for a GPS in the panel. So maybe that'll fly with the 750, too.
  5. Will give it a test drive... with luck this weekend, if I can get clients and colleagues to shut down for Labor Day...
  6. I'm embarrassed to say I only just realized that I could use the 750 in the Stratocruiser. I mean, I knew it was possible, but never thought of doing it. Have always struggled with the top-of-descent and rate-of-descent calculations for that particular aircraft, and the idea of using the vcalc function feels like getting out of Stratocruiser jail. The 750 ought to fit beautifully with that wonderful retro Delta livery you painted for it.
  7. I used to be a bazillionaire in the sim... and ran pretty high costs in real life, too. Later in real life I made myself happier by cutting my costs way down and getting off the spend-and-carry-debt carnival ride. So in the sim I also like to live less expensively. I see that GTN in the panel of my Cherokee and have bad flashbacks... so then I downgrade it to a handheld and I feel liberated. That's my version of fun - seeing how few sim dollars I can spend, or at least making them count. Your mileage, of course, may vary - mine used to, and, who knows, it might again! Never say never... B)
  8. Agree. The co-pilot option is nice for an intro, but it adds a whole new layer to "what's it doing now?!" Checklist by itself is helpful, though.
  9. Ah! Dave had said he wasn't a member, so I thought it might be more generally accessible. But it makes sense that that wouldn't be the case. Will stick with what I've got.
  10. Dave - Sounds promising. Can you provide a link? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but it's not turning up in my searches. Thanks in advance!
  11. Seems perfect. Thanks much for the guidance. I'll get started with it.
  12. Question for the gallery - is there currently a preferred program for swapping pre-set fsx.cfgs and other settings on startup? I seem to recall ORBX once had one (FSX Go?) that worked pretty well, but don't know if something else has come along to supplant it. Reason for the question - I'm still on the fence about the FSL A320 - looks like a masterpiece and I'm definitely interested, but I'd rather not go through the extra labor of toning down my settings just for the bus, then bumping them back up again for everything else. Having a one-click "configure for FSL Airbus" option would be a nice convenience. Let me know if that's a realistic hope. Thanks in advance!
  13. I think you're right. Nobody has said anything about it beyond what Markus posted in their forums about 3440 x 1440 being probably OK... So the system requirement feels like more of a disclaimer. But I also agree about sitting it out and waiting for reports. It would have been nice to claim the small discount but I'd rather spent an extra $10 later than gamble $90 sight unseen and lose. So back to the sidelines for me. Hope the early adopters have fun.
  14. Andrew, can you shed any light on the monitor resolution question? The product description is quite clear that anything beyond 1920 x 1080 is not recommended. But Markus Burkhard suggested in your forums that 3440 x1440 (which is where I sit) should be OK with reasonable settings. Would like to get an opinion on that from FSL before I commit. Would love to come on board, but given the premium (and nonrefundable) price, I'm a bit hesitant to experiment. Thanks in advance for any insight you can share.
  15. IIRC, there was a similar issue earlier this year when they updated their Concorde. Was interested but had to pass, since in that case, I was given to understand that it absolutely wouldn't run on anything higher than 1920 x 1080. On this one, they're sounding a little more equivocal, in the forums at least. But that statement about system requirements seems pretty stark. I hope they'll clarify between now and tomorrow, otherwise, given the price and the fact that it's not refundable, I'll hang back. As to why - I'd love to hear their explanation. Obviously it's a very demanding airplane to simulate, and for that reason it's likely to be a big resource consumer. But the screen resolution requirement seems to disqualify a lot of real-world systems. I guess, worst case, I can scratch my heavy iron itch with the PMDG 747... or just stick to the A2A Constellation, which is more where my heart is, anyway. Too bad, though, if so... I do like Airbuses and it would have been nice to try one that's so deeply modeled.
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