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  1. TszChun

    Activation error

  2. I just perform a test, flying from RKSI back to VHHH. The arrival SID/STARS is not entered until descent, so far the vas is VERY STABLE without continuously increasing. At past. I was used to input SID/STARS before departure from the origin, and oom always occured then. BUT NOW, I notice vas will be very stable if SID/STAR is not entered/chosen during crusing stage of the flight yet ... As shown above, I havent chosen arrival star for VHHH, so vas usage is just 2.2GB, JUST 100MB more than that when initial climb above RKSI. At the past in the same position (waypoint), the vas would be around 2.9-3.1GB! Sorry for my bad English, hope you can understand
  3. Try to enter arrival SID/STAR on fmc earlier...Some comments above in this post mentioned the possibility of entering problematic approach in fmc leading vas leakage during cruise.
  4. When did you input arrival SID/STAR into fmc? I suspect that entering arrival infomation just before descent helps solve oom which may associate with AIRAC Cycle...
  5. ABBEY3A for 07L I will be grateful if you could help me test the scenario using PMDG 777, AIRAC Cycle 1403 and Taxi2Gate VHHH In my case, OOM ONLY occurs when VHHH is the destination of the flight. That means, if I depart from VHHH, oom will NOT occur, but when I approach VHHH, oom occurs.
  6. glad to know that I am not the only one having oom issue which maybe associated with AIRAC cycle. My case is a little bit different, oom always occurs while approaching VHHH, and I found that vas was continuously leaking while cruising, although I have tried everything I can do like lowering graphic settings, as do you guys. The strangest thing is that Vas is very stable while cruising when I fly from VHHH to other places...but not the opposite....
  7. I have heard some people claiming that setying "Antialiasing Compatibility (DX1x)" to "BioShock2, BioShock" option allows using what we are used to setting for FSX, but I just tried and nothing works :(
  8. I have the same problem with GTX770 and all the driver versions I have tried before. Should it be the problem of P3D itself?
  9. Haha...Actually I am not using DX10, I dont even know how to get it work. In my FSX, DX9 is used, and Texture_Max_Load is 2048, however my REX4 Textures are set to 512 and 1024... Do you mean selecting FXAA in P3D in-game setting?
  10. I see...thanks for everyone's comments and recommendations. In fact, I really want to switch to P3D as it saves much time of tweaking stuff, but sadly in my point of view the graphic is far from my expectation. I would say I would use both FSX and P3D depending on types of flight. Actually I didnt do anything on DX10 Preview...Do you mean that my graphic doesnt match with the settings?
  11. Without doubt, DSR provides a A LITTLE BIT BETTER (NOT THE BEST) effect of antialiasing, but it is still far from my expectation comparing with FSX's... I really want to switch from FSX to P3D, but P3D's antialiasing is still not really good...
  12. Thanks gboz! After checking the box, the anti-aliasing is a little bit better now. I have tried servel combinations of settings including your recommendation. Unfortunately, the effect is still not as good as FSX...In-game 4xMSAA with NI 4xSS is still far from satisfactory, but performace when SGSS is enabled is, as you mentioned, BAD! Are there any recommendation? Just like FSX, I can get a very good anti-aliasing effect without performance dropping a lot... Do you mean "Antialiasing - Mode" ? I cant see any difference after I set "Enhance the application setting". :(
  13. OK...I just tried to set my desktop resolution to DSR, still not effect so I have pressed ALT+ENTER twice... No, FXAA is DISABLED
  14. When DSR was enabled, I chose the highest available resoultion in P3D display settings, then press ALT+Enter twice in order to make DSR effective, however there was still no actual anti-aliasing effect I could see
  15. Having referred Steve's comments on this post, I have tried everything I can do for anti-aliasing, but it doesnt do the trick... http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462722-really-bad-antialising-in-p3d-25v/ Firstly, I have selected P3D profile in NVIDIA Control Panel, restored and applied it. Secondly, I made a change there in order to create a new profile, aniso mode to 16x in my case. Thirdly, I got into Nvidia Inspector, loaded p3d profile, chose from the "Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling" settings according to my p3d perferred setting (in-game 4xMSAA; NI 4xSGSS) AND HERE IS THE RESULTS. CASE 1 : in-game 4xMSAA + NI 4xSS + CP Aniso 16X CASE 2 : in-game 4xMSAA + NI 4xSGSS + CP Aniso 16X CASE 3 : in-game 4xMSAA + NI 4xSGSS + CP Aniso 16X + DSR2.0x CASE 3 : in-game 4xMSAA + NI 4xSGSS + CP Aniso 16X + DSR4.0x As you can see from the above screen captures, there is no actual effect of anti-aliasing...AND here is my FSX perfect anti-aliasing effect. Can anyone help me to find out what I have missed??? Some people claimed that DSR is largely beneficial for anti-aliasing effect, but I cannot notice at all...Normally, if DSR factors are set, the words will become extremely small, but in my case there are no changes...I suspected that it is the problem of my graphics driver, so I have tried both 347.88 and 347.52 version, but they both dont have any effects I can see
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