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  1. That was interesting. That 737 in the video.
  2. I fly the PMDG MD-11F mainly and that plane autolands beautifully. You're even able to keep the auto throttle on and engage reverse thrust. For the Boeings I believe auto throttle needs to be disengaged or the reverse thrust won't activate for you. From videos I've seen the pilot will disengage autopilot at or around 1000ft. Weather being a factor of course. Also at some airports and runways you may need to do a DME VOR approach with no ILS beam. So it's good that you want to know how to land manually. I would suggest you look up real world cockpit approach videos of the planes you fly and you will most likely be able to see or hear the procedures used for certain aircraft.
  3. I couldn't find those two folders anywhere. I can't be the only FSX user who's having this problem. And I have gone directly to the Ezdok forums and posted and also emailed people from the dev team and I have not gotten a reply. Flight1 doesn't have a ticket option either for this software. I mean could there be something wrong with my FSX + Accel install? ''Application can not run. First start configure tool for registered components.'' I had v1.15 with the 1.17 update before and never did a flight without it since I bought it, so I know the program is great. But stuff like this is just And it's probably something simple but what else can I try? Thanks for the replies Poppet.
  4. Thanks for the reply Poppet, I do have EZCA.exe running in Admin. Also I couldn't find any simconnects located in my main FSX folder. And I launched the configure tool, open options--> unregistry components. Then options--> registry components. I got two windows after. They looked like this: RegSvr32 DllRegisterServer in dx8vb.dll succeeded RegSvr32 DllRegisterServer in Ezsc.dll succeeded But still I got the ''Application can not run. First start configure tool for registered components.'' I have gone to the flight1 forums about this and even emailed support. But nothing from them yet.
  5. Hello, Maybe someone can help me with this problem. I have been unable to use EZdok since trying to run the new 1.18.7 version. The V 1.15 with the 1.17 update ran fine for me in the past. So I download the exe and run it in administrator and everything seems to load fine. And I run the EZCA config.exe tool like it says but every time I start FSX I keep getting this message: ''Application can not run. First start configure tool for registered components.'' I have performed the options configure FSX files registry and unregistry components plus conflicting hotkeys and still no go. I have the config.exe desktop shortcut permanently to admin. I have run the registry components option again and again and still get the same error message. Also I have anti virus off and UAC off. What the install does for me automatically is it makes a folder called ''EZdok Software'' in my C:\ drive. That folder has two files called ''ezdokcam1.lic'' and ''EZdok-Setup-1.18.7.exe'' Then it makes a other folder in C:\Program Files (x86) called ''EZCA'' That one has 14 files 2 folders at 11.7 MB. And those are the only two locations that seem to have EZdok stuff. I also ran the file simconnect.msi and Ran the config tool. I did both registry and configure FSX files and then started the sim in that order and I'm still getting the same error message. I get a other message too it says: ''Found 3 installed simconnects in system. EZCA switched to 10.0.61259.0'' Is that a normal setup message? I have FSX Gold + Acceleration W7-64 Thanks for any help. Regards, George.
  6. Okay I'll give it a shot. But I don't have any previous versions loaded in my system. I did a system restore of my computer it's been two years since I did that last and I'm in the process of reinstalling everything FSX related. I wasn't even aware of the update until a few days ago haha.
  7. Thanks for the replies Jetsmell and Onebob. I'll try that but I don't know. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 1.18.7 a lot. And it's the same problem every time. I wish they'd have a up do date manual on installation of it and trouble shooting guide of some kind. Because I've read on some other forums unofficial ones though that you should have v1.15 installed first. And then others make no mention of it. And I have posted this same question on the official flight1's EZdok forum a couple days ago about where I can get a official v1.15 exe download but no reply. As for Googling EZDOC 1.15 I have but I can't find anything official. Just plenty of torrent sites that claim to have it but I'm not comfortable with those.
  8. Hello, For some reason I can't get v1.18.7 working for me. Error massage appears saying check for registered components. I bought Ezdok some time ago and was running fine with the 1.17 update. But on the flight1 page where you download the product It only has v1.18.7 there. So I'd like to download the 1.15 base package exe again and just update to 1.17 but where can I find v1.15 again? I'm using FSX gold with Acceleration W7-64Bit Thanks for any help. George.
  9. FS++, This fix has worked very good. Thank you for taking the time to look into it.
  10. Well I hate to bug tech support over a small issue like this but I'll drop them a line about it as you suggest. Thanks for your time David.
  11. Thanks for your reply David. I played around with the vox script phraseology as you suggested and it still didn't work. But I did notice that MCE never switches the MD-11 taxi lights switch to just taxi. It goes right to land. Even with a voice command. You flown the PMDG MD-11 before so you know how that plane has the two landing light switches and the taxi toggle switch has both taxi and land options. Well it seems that if the taxi light switch is on at all MCE thinks the two main landing light switches are on already too. But with the taxi light switch off the before take off flow works just fine. I'm still having issues with the flaps. I tried editing the landing flow script and added ''set flaps to twenty eight'' so a verbal command would not even be needed but it wasn't recognized. Small issues not a big deal if these things don't work. But the light thing is odd.
  12. Hi, I been really enjoying MCE since I bought it. But I got a few issues with the add-on I'm hoping I can get some information on how to correct them. First issue I'm having is with a script flow and some of its actions not being performed. It's with the before take off flow script in the MD-11F which is the plane I mainly use with MCE Here is the script I use: I edited it a little. [OPTIONS] Suspend=0 Verbose=1 RequireConfirmation=0 [REPLIES] [COMPLETED] Completed1=ready for takeoff checklist [sCRIPT] high intensity lights on pause=1 landing lights on pause=1 taxi lights on pause=1 transponder on pause=1 The co-pilot always puts the high intensity lights to on with no issue but never the landing lights or taxi lights to on. He says landing lights on but the switch never moves to on. I have to do it manually. This seems to be the only flow I been having this issue with. A other issue I been having is with requesting flap settings. The co-pilot understands slats extend and flaps 10, 15, 35 and 50. But he never seems to understand flaps 28 which is a flap setting the MD-11 uses for approach. I say flaps 28 but I get 20 instead. Those are my questions for now thank you for any help. Regards, George.
  13. That did the trick :smile: Thanks for taking the time to help me Charlie130.
  14. Hi, I read that scripts and flows can be edited in MCE but I'm not 100% sure what file or files to do it to or how. I mainly just want the FO to not shutoff the Hi-intensity lights on his after takeoff flow because I don't believe that to be a SOP in the MD-11. Since those lights are it's strobe lights and those lights must be on all times when in the air is my understanding correct?
  15. Well, I think I got this egg cracked finally. Well you guys did B) So I reinstalled GSX minus anti virus, MCE and FSUIPC4. Thanks for that anti virus catch Firehawk44. After GSX was reloaded I added the stand alone add-on manager, plus VC++2013 runtimes per FSDreamteam's support forum and FSX worked. Then I went on to add FSUIPC4 and later MCE and everything is installed and working fine with my FSX now. I'm not sure what the root cause of the problem was. I'll guess the visual runtimes were the big thing and the add-on manager but I don't get why FSUIPC4 was acting up because of it. But everything is coupled and working as of now. I thank you guys so much for the help, I would have never figured it by myself. How you guys can read those appcrash reports is magic in my eyes. Again big thanks AVSIM crew. Regards, George.
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