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About RKOines

  • Birthday 10/04/1933

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    South Dakota
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    Flight Sim

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    Ron Oines
  1. Thank you for the information. I was thrown off by the talk about the Queen with nothing mentioned about the DC-6 I am looking forward to its release too. Glad to hear it is in Beta Testing.
  2. Did I miss something somewhere? The October update specifically said the DC-6 was next and it would be the first aircraft for all flavors of simulators. Thanks for you response. Ron Oines
  3. I posted the same problem in another topic in this forum. I compared the performance in FSX to P3D and found P3D wanting. It appears to me that there is a speed wall in P3D on my system which has no problem running FSX. Ron Oines
  4. After reading this far into the forum, I suspect no one else is having the problem I am having with the 777 running in P3D. On my system, running the 777 in FSX I get 20fps both with both inside and outside views. Running the 777 in P3D I get 20fps with an outside view but in the virtual cockpit I get 9-10fps. I have both FSX and P3D set to display 20fps. I installed P3D using both LM's and PMDG's recommended settings. I have tried changing all of the video settings with little or no effect on the frame rates in P3D. Needless to say, 9-10fps is not satisfactory so I am doing all of my flying in FSX. The other problem I have with P3D is that all of the video seems considerably darker than it is in FSX. Messing with the brightness and contrast on the monitor doesn't seem to be the answer. Maybe it is just me, but I like the FSX display more than the P3D display because it is brighter and sharper and faster. (picky, picky) Thank you for any suggestions. Ron Oines
  5. Thank you for the responses guys. I did turn off FXAA which provided some improvement. I believe FSX is still more focused that P3D but P3D is usable. Ron Oines
  6. Everything seems to be working after loading the 777 base software except all of the info on all of the displays is out of focus and the smaller numbers are completely unreadable. I have set up the sim with all of the recommended settings including those from LM. I have not be able to find an adjustable parameter that changes the focus problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone fixed this problem? Ron Oines
  7. Everything seems to be working after loading the 777 base software except all of the info on all of the displays is out of focus and the smaller numbers are completely unreadable. I have set up the sim with all of the recommended settings including those from LM. I have not be able to find an adjustable parameter that changes the focus problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone fixed this problem? Ron Oines
  8. Everything seems to be working after loading the 777 base software except all of the info on all of the displays is out of focus and the smaller numbers are completely unreadable. I have set up the sim with all of the recommended settings including those from LM. I have not be able to find an adjustable parameter that changes the focus problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone fixed this problem? Ron Oines
  9. Everything seems to be working after loading the 777 base software except all of the info on all of the displays is out of focus and the smaller numbers are completely unreadable. I have set up the sim with all of the recommended settings including those from LM. I have not be able to find an adjustable parameter that changes the focus problem. Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone fixed this problem? Ron Oines
  10. Here is my latest experience. Sixteen hours and NO PAUSES. (Doesn't mean the problem is solved, but looks good for now.) I don't know what the AffinityMask setting is but if I do the following all 8 cores of my SandyBridge get involved in the action and NO PAUSES. This is what I do about the affinity thing: Start FSX getting the default Air Trike or whatever that is called and immediately go the Windows Task Manager and select the Processes tab and locate and right-click on fsx.exe. Go down to list of options and click on Set Affinity .... I select the CPU 0 box and uncheck it by clicking in the box and go down and click OK. Now find fsx.exe and right click on it again. Click on Set Affinity... and this time put the check back in the CPU 0 box and go down and click OK. You are now finished. If you go to the Performance Tab and click on View then select CPU History and One Graph Per CPU you will see over time that all 8 cores are active. As I said before, I don't know what the Affinity Mask is (maybe Sydney Turner above gets the same results) but I just know I haven't had a problem with this yet. I know someone here has a final and better answer but I found this one has worked for me so far. The PMDG sims seem to load faster and I have had no pauses since I activated all 8 cores. Some of you have bigger and better processors and are not having a problem, but my Sandy Bridge seems to get along well with using it all. I will be following this thread to learn how others have worked out a solution to the eight minute pause. Ron Oines
  11. Thank you all for your responses. You helped me a lot by acknowledging the fact that it is not my problem alone. With all of these interactions between different pieces of software one never knows where to concentrate their efforts. I enjoy using software that runs without problems, but lo the real world today mandates we all find new bugs and report them. This bug is the worst kind of all because it cannot be reproduced with any certainty. I will try the affinity masks and report back here if I find one that works. Since each test takes up to an hour to run, progress is very slow. Ron Oines
  12. After installing ASNext SP1 I started getting random pauses where Windows Task Manager shows no CPU usage for FSX and FSX NOT RESPONDING message lasting about 8 minutes. After the 8 minute pause the system just picks up where it left off. This has happened on five different flights using both NGX and 777 models with just FSX, vPilot, and ASNext running on the system (with all of the usual stuff.) I did not have this problem before installing SP1. On my last 7 hour flight there were 3 of these 8 minute pauses over a 5 hour period when I switched back to AS2012 with no subsequent problems. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Ron Oines
  13. Well it appears that I had the answer in the above post. FSInn was the culprit. I have removed FSInn from the system and all seems to go well now without pauses.
  14. The release and use of the B777 series called my attention to a problem I have been having with both the Triple Seven aircraft and the B737NGX aircraft. I call it the pausing problem. During a flight the aircraft’s clock will lose time in 1,2,or several second increments which can add up to an hour on very long flights in the Triple Seven. I was unaware of the external effect of these pause until a VATSIM supervisor informed me that I was pausing my flight too many times. OOPS! It’s not just the clock but the whole system is pausing during these intervals. I have not been able to find a cause for these pauses that could be directly correlated to any other computer activity. During long flights, I use the same machine to go to the internet for charts, live atc, news, weather, and sometimes even videos. None of these activities seemed to cause a pause directly to the extent they could be used to predict a pause by saying, “if I do it, I will get a pause.” No, this did not happen. The pauses keep happening regardless of what I am doing outside of FSX even if that is absolutely nothing. I should add that the pauses are not related to CPU usage that I can observe with the Task Manager. On long flights over water the CPU usage varies between 15% and 30% very rapidly and regularly giving me the impression that everything is cool, until, bam-- CPU jumps up to 50-60% with little or no variation and a pause of 1 or more seconds is added to the flight. After an event, the CPU slowly and surely returns to the normal pattern. Needless to say, I have fiddled with the options in FSX, reducing complexity, resolution, distance, all to no avail. Even with these changes everything is cool until --- BAM, there goes another 5 (or whatever) seconds of pause. I finally found a major contributor to this apparent instability problem. FIREFOX. Just for grins I decided to try using Microsoft Internet Explorer instead of my faithful friend Firefox and lo and behold the instability disappeared. A Eureka Moment! I could do everything in IE (including watch a movie) without the pauses -- until -- last evening I was cruising along with 0 pauses after six hours of flying time and out of the blue and to my complete consternation I CAUSED a five second pause. I sent a long message to a controller using FSInn texting which starts with ‘.msg XXX ---- lots of stuff here’. FIVE SECONDS! FSInn! Maybe that explains my perfect pauseless flight until I approached Honolulu to land where I managed to accumulate 11 seconds of pausing before landing with doing anything but watching to my dismay. First Firefox and now FSInn? I have fought the battle of the pausing problem alone long enough. It is time for some of you to throw your two cents in. I have not gone to tech support with this problem because I have felt it was my problem (or my system’s problem.) Now I am not so sure. Thanks for your comments in advance. Ron Oines
  15. Even though it has been mentioned several times above, I would strongly suggest that if you have not taken this ground school course, it is well worth both the time and the money ($0.00): http://forum.avsim.net/topic/440291-cat-iii-instructional-video/#entry2972723 Ron Oines
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