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Everything posted by wiryantono

  1. Does uninstall pmdg 747X impact to the NGX or 777 such as the NAV data or airac ? How to do this correctly ?
  2. I experienced freeze in pmdg 737ngx and 777-200LR particularly when use REX but now it's no longer happen even with SP1 or 777-300ER after I change affinity mask in fsx config from 15 to 14 means only 3 cores of 4 that are dedicated to fsx and 1 left for system, and I disable hyperthreading for my i7-4770K system
  3. a short haul flight in high or moderate turbulence....
  4. Yes I already set the sound option to 50% all on FMC and FSX. If it's caused by speaker setting or other setting, why do other aircrafts (other addons and default) not create same problem as PMDG did ? thanks
  5. I lose ATC communication sound when loading PMDG aircrafts of NGX or 777 but the text does scrolling completely, and I also experience same problem for Aerosoft AES, losing sound. All other sounds of aircraft such as engine, warning etc are normally exist. I dont get this problem with other aircraft addons or default FSX aircrafts, only with PMDG addons. is there any different sounds setting in PMDG that makes this happen ?
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