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  1. Thank you all again, I am blown away by the kind replies and helpfulness in this forum. looks like I'll be assaulting the credit card again soon.
  2. Thanks very much for your replies, I appreciate your time and input. Kind regards Jason
  3. Thanks Mike. My specs are as follows. Processor: Intel ® Core i3 CPU 550@3.20GHz Installed Memory: 4.00GM (3.87GB usable) System type: 64 - bit Operating System
  4. Hi all. I'm new to posting here. I do not yet have any PMDG products but I am in love with what I've seen of their 777-300ER. The reason I ask this seemingly stupid question is because I currently have the Captain Sim 777 and my PC seems to hate it. I can run and fly without issue, the VRS Super Hornet and Tacpac, same can be said for the IRIS F-22, A2A C-172 / 182 and P-51. The Milvis F-15E also runs well, but the CS 777 is horrible, it freezes all the time and takes forever to be able to even enter info into the FMC. So, with that being said and in the hopes that some here have had or do have both 777's, can I assume that if I can't run the CS 777 I may be wasting my money on the PMDG version? Last thing I want to do is drop over $100 on something I can't use. Thanks in advance for any help. Rgds Jason
  5. Hi all. I have been looking for some repaints for the 182T and have found very few. Are there any repaints out there and if so could someone point me in the right direction. I've been looking for somtning like the the one at the top of the page at this link http://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=42819&start=30
  6. Everything had power on, batt and everything else, still nithing, the funny thing is, it only happened on one color scheme, the red lwer with the white upper, so far all the others work fine and I have nade zero modifications to anything in the CT182.
  7. Hi all, I have just tried to use the C-182T for the first time since I ;learned how to make all my FSX aircraft start off in cold and dark and it won't start. I can crank the engin with both the key and the Ctrl E keys, it craks, just won't fire up, is there an issue or am I missing something?
  8. Thanks all, this is very informative, I appreaciate the replies. Rgds Jason
  9. Thanks for the reply mate, that was actually helpfull, I'm off to do some reading.
  10. Hi all. How / when am I supposed to use the prop pitch? I kind of understand that pulling the blue prop pitch lever out increases pitch of the prop and therefore slows the prop RPM down, this should also result in a bigger "bite" of air that the prop gets thus resulting in a higher speed, am I correct in this assumption? Because when I do this the plane acutally slows down. Also, are we supposed to decrease manifold pressure / power first, before we decrease (push in) prop pitch, to avoid over revving the enging / prop I keep getting confused about this.
  11. Hi all, first THANK YOU to Carenado for the updates. I have one problem though, since the update I have tried to use the auto pilot as I usually would, only problem is, when I select FD and HDG, it tuns me and flies in the direct opposite direction to where my heading bug is. What am I doing wrong?
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