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Posts posted by joandreas

  1. I'm hoping that if/when the new owners announce anything this week, that they aren't simply going to say, 'Yeah, we bought it', but expand more vividly on what their goals are with the platform and the timelines to achieve those goals.  I also hope they come prepped to address key themes that get slung about these forms on a daily basis:


    64 bit

    backward compatibility

    3rd party development

    open architecure


    They should address and dispell from their business model absolute failed ideas in the flightsim world, like DLC.  Just because they have bought the MSFlight licence doesn't necessarily mean they intend to follow the same business model as MS had proposed with Flight.  If they do intend to follow the DLC route, and skim the cream from developer's profits, then they may as well have tipped a truckload of cash down the biggest toilet imaginable.  If the new owner is Aerosoft, I doubt they would do something that foolish.


    Microsoft flight is not backward compitable and i doubt it will be.

  2. I think there are multiple problems with the MD-11--first, that the programming team that built it (Bill Grabowski et al) may no longer be with PMDG...if you remember, Bill started coding the MD-11 project independently, and then PMDG took it on and rounded things out with the talent on their team.  I also believe that PMDG, with what they've learned through multiple dev cycles for FSX including the 747X, NGX and 777, have built some common in-house development processes that would likely require a complete re-write of the MD-11 to make it fit inside their production model.  So given that the fast-disappearing MD-11 is not an especially popular plane, and that it probably would require PMDG to "rebuild Rome" to produce anything like what we have come to expect from their recent add-ons, personally I won't be holding my breath on anything beyond what we already have with the MD-11.



    Well i guess flightfactor will not want develop one. Not a popular plane enough. same for nearly every other developer.

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