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Everything posted by KL791

  1. Bigcav just sent me the beta of a complete route overview for easy installation in Google Earth - looks great and with this file it takes two seconds to find out which ships are sailing in a given area - hopefully soon ready for release B)
  2. Hi Chris, Could you post some screenshots of the ships you see at port? I would like to confirm if they are mine - if they are mine you conversion went well and then you experience some other problem. But they might very well be static ships, and then something has gone wrong in you conversion, and rememeber just one unconverted FS9 traffic file and you will not have the ships or any other FSX traffic functioning. Sometimes an FS9 file can hide in a scenery folder, so you should check your add on scenery folders also, Best regards Henrik
  3. Your World of AI traffic files will prevent the AI ships to show unless you transform them to FSX format using the freeware AIFP program. The ships do not spawn - they follow routes with times; if you have everything installed you will have ships sailing constantly in the English channel. Most likely the ships you noted are static ships from some scenery - if you upload some screenshots I can probably identify them or at least exclude that they are mine.
  4. Hi Bigcav, Most of the older routes you cannot decompile as I used too long names for the ships in the plan files; that gives a problem with the decompiling with AIBTC. Names in the plan files should be below 7 characters for AIBTC to be able to decompile. Henrik
  5. Ooh Martha! Any plans to put "Barken Margrethe af Danmark" in too, now you're doing movie stars? https://www.youtube....h?v=CZ6avu4qpno B) Of course and it would get the sound track of the movie as sound file...
  6. Hi RomeoPapa, Line drawings are always welcome; no guarantee they can always be transformed. But if the ships are interesting, and there is a good story then there is a good chance ^_^ The shipyard did restart with a few classic models all ships with lots of history - like the S/S Martha from the classic Danish movie of the same name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Prftd2Fu8 Best regards Henrik Above S/S Martha - below the start of a T2 tanker, which hopefully should be slightly nicer than the existing default model in FSX, and should have good options for repaints. Hi Mike If you put 5 % then you will have all my ships; if you increase to 10 % or more you will get more of the default ships also (not always desirable...) - if you use e.g. RTMM ship packages for the Pacific North West you should increase to 10 %. Henrik
  7. Beautiful pictures of the Deutschland cruise ship in the evening light :smile: And yes, the majority of the ships actually have sound; Knud did sound effects for some while others have standard sound; some of the first does not have sound as I did not know how to do it... How loud the sound is compared to other sounds depends on individual settings as well what as we have written in the effect files. But normally you should be quite close to hear it. Martin, you will get a new link for a file with the navy ships in a PM; Knud prepared one yesterday where he shortend the route, increased spacing, and slowed the ships; there might be a couple of other routes with the same issue as I sometimes copy route plans from area to area. I will check on that, before making an official patch.
  8. Hi Martin, I found the spot and the ships crossing each other, but flying around them, over them... I simply can't provoke a CTD - the ships pass each other exactly as they should; maybe a bit too close to be really safe, but definitely no CTD - I have flown around in the area and everything seems perfectly okay. If somebody else could take a trip in the same area could be interesting. For good order I tested this on two different computers with P3Dv2.5 on one and FSX on the other. Both without problems.
  9. Thanks - the problem apart from the space between them is that they have different top speeds set - also the new route you use has a higher speed set than the max speed of the ships. Therefore as the ships accelerate some will only reach 25 knots while others will accelerate to 30 knots and consequently overpass the others. A new route is being done..
  10. Hi Tym, Thanks for the feedback - there might be an issue related to certain settings - I cannot see the problems you describe in P3Dv2.5, but we will do some more testing with different settings. And it will eventually come on the list for the patch. Regards to the earlier mentioned issue with the 3 navy ships sailing through each other south of England we have found the issue and an update route will also be in the patch together with a small visual improvement for the HMS Bounty. As we can now confirm there will have to be a patch please make your observations; preferably with screenshots with time, date, and position. There is no deadline yet for the patch, but I expect it will be out in a couple of weeks, as all issues found so far has been smaller cosmetically issues and not something affecting performance of the sim. Henrik
  11. Good evening, Knud has been searching and found the three navy ships; effectively they perform a bit strange - even if they are set to have the same speed and should normally have space between them it is like they catch up; I think the problem is due to the avoidance the AI ships do when they get to close so probably we just need to space them a bit more. We will look into that, but not today. Regards to the crash - if you think it is related to a ship we need more exact info to be able to help. None of the ships however should be capable of creating a CTD in FSX. Henrik
  12. Hi If the blue and white vessel was a containership with cranes, then you most likely did not apply the fix for 75 AI Ships correctly, as it resolves that problem. If you believe that was the ship, then send me an MP an I can send you a replacement folder with the correct content. Regards to the double ship, which dissappears into itself... Did you change plane during your flight? When you do that strange things happens to the AI ships; e.g. they appear double. I never tried to land on one of the doubles, so I can't tell if it gives the effect you describe, but it could be. If you can give coordinates for what you see it helps me a lot in checking if there is a problem. Henrik
  13. If you look closely at Milton Shupe's Bounty model, that I recompiled as AI model, you will discover that i made a small mistake with an animation and there are three flags and not one as there should be on the main mast. Below link to a small fix for the package correcting the above mentioned issue of the flags on the Bounty: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0r67qtcvb...AItgR_usa?dl=0 Copy the mdl file in the above folder and replace the file in simobjects/boats/ai_hms_bounty - Please note this fix SHOULD NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER VERSION OF THE HMS BOUNTY THAN THE ONE INCLUDED IN "80 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic" (This link will be removed with the appearance of the next larger update.)
  14. A few images from the new package - a small fix will be uploaded here later today. Near Long Beach, California Rio de Janeiro at dusk, scenery by Paulo Ricardo
  15. Hi Clutch, Thanks for the appreciation - the aircraft carrier is not a part of this project; it might be part of default traffic, but I newer saw it. Normally I keep my setting at 5 or 10 % to avoid the default ships. 10 % I only use when I have RTMM activated in the Pacific North West. All the ships in the Global AI Ship project are activated with Ships & Ferries traffic setting at 5 %. Best regards Henrik
  16. Selv tak With ORBX and all the fantastic freeware from Norway + the ships I think Norway is becoming one of the nicest places to fly.
  17. Yes, that is correct, the new file 80 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic just goes on top of the rest; you have to accept overwriting a number of traffic.bgl's - that is it.
  18. Thanks for those words RomeoPapa My reconnaissance trip around the world continued in Norway, where three Skjold class stealth corvettes are on an exercise south of Bergen...
  19. The reconnaissance continued a bit further south near Singapore, where several ships where approaching and others were waiting not far from the Singapore Changi airport Images from FSX PS... In real life the density is even higher... PPS.... If somebody ever get the bright idea of doing a Singapore scenery covering the city and island in the quality of Flytampa Hong Kong it would be fantastic... I would happily provide ships.
  20. The new package adds additional traffic in many places including the Malacca Strait, where I just did a small reconnaissance flying out from Kuala Lumpor. The strait was alive in the morning light
  21. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTION The project consists of many download files - sorry for that but it is a result of the long development project - for installation you need to follow a particular order as some files updates older files. When I started the project I only had 63 ships, so the diversity on the routes was limited. The newer packages takes benefit of all the ships so with the new traffic.bgl installed you can see up to 42 different ships following the same route - and a places like Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York or Gibraltar will have a different traffic coming in every single hour, every single day during a 14 day rotation period with more than 250 models activated in each area. The following packages makes out the complete project - the ones marked by *** are obligatory if you want all ships - and you should install in the order of appearance here: 63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for South America and Europe V1 (Download #175622) *** Patch for 63 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for South America and Europe V1 (Download #175703) Caribbean AI Ship Traffic for 63 AI Ships (Download #175702) 75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic - Mediterranean Sea and Asia (Download #178959) *** Patch for 75 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic (Download #179076)*** AI Ship Traffic for North West Europe (Download #178960) AI Ship Traffic for US East Coast V1 (Download #179258) P3D replacement effects for AI ships and AI Ship Traffic (Download #179348) 130 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic (Download #182953) *** AI Ship Traffic Mexican Gulf and Caribbean Sea (Download #183304) 130 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic - Patch/Fix (Download #184092) *** 179 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic (Download #188085) *** FIX for Ship Wakes for P3Dv2.5 - version 2 (Download #189063) This file is only needed for P3Dv2.5 users 80 AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic (Download #190792) *** The download AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic US West Coast (Download #176133) is no longer needed as it is completely replaced by the new files in 80 AI ships and AI Ship Traffic.
  22. Thanks Mooze, You will see lots of good stuff for Canada and combining with the Canadian ship packages for the Saint Lawrence made by Jean-Pierre Fillion available on www.jpfil.com you will have a perfect coverage of the Canadian waters.
  23. I think it came late for today here at Avsim, but it is available for download at www.simviation.com
  24. For those who already installed the rest of the files installation of the new package is easy - the new files just have to be copied over and the overwrites some traffic.bgls and a sound file, but they are mostly an addition to the existing files. Clutch, if you have a "muddled" installation I would probably uninstall and reinstall depending on what you mean with muddled - it is important that the files are installed in order as the newer traffic files are much better than the older files. The first routes I did had some collisions and ships making funny maneuvers when they passed each other with too little distance. The newer files also utilizes all the ships where the older files only uses a limited number of ships.
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