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About RISCfuture

  • Birthday 10/19/1982

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    San Francisco
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    Aviation, software development

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    Tim "Stretch" Morgan

About Me

  • About Me
    Tim Morgan
    "Stretch" (72nd VFW, Falcon BMS)
    DCS World, Falcon BMS, Prepar3D v4


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  1. Thanks so much! I still keep P3D around because of things like this, that you can't get in FS2020 yet.
  2. @byork I am not trying to run ENGINE FIRE though. I am trying to run ENG 1/2 V1 OR VR CUT, SEVERE DAMAGE (page 17 of the manual).
  3. @byork I took the up to 12k and triggered the failure, and I got the same problem. "Memory items complete" over and over. Are you not seeing this problem on your end?
  4. @byork Unfortunately, I just tested it with the ENG 1 - SEVERE DAMAGE failure, and the same bug happened. He just keeps saying "memory items complete" over and over.
  5. Understood. In that case, it should at least not bug out like it does when you trigger a different failure.
  6. I was using the ENG 1 VR CUT failure in PMDG options. That is a severe damage failure but no fire, and it happens right as the nose wheel lifts off the ground I believe. no other audio loops.
  7. This is happening to me too. Yes it loops, and no I am not doing multiple failures.
  8. Hello pilots! I'm doing my first multi-leg ETOPS flights in the 777 and I had a question for y'all. I landed after a transpacific flight and set up for the turn so I could fly back across the other way. Before takeoff though, I noticed that my ADIRU had a ~10-nautical-mile inaccuracy. I know this is typical for an inertial navigation system, but I also read that per transoceanic procedure, you shouldn't enter an oceanic leg unless your navigation system error is within acceptable tolerances. Obviously thanks to the GPS and DME-DME my total ANP was still ~0.06, but if my GPS were to fail over the ocean I wouldn't be able to navigate effectively anymore. Is there a procedure that pilots do during a short turn to reset accumulated ADIRU error? Or do they just power-cycle the ADIRU?
  9. Hey all, informational: I was getting crashes when flying the PMDG 737 and 777 (and no other aircraft) in Prepar3D v3 (faulting module panels.dll). After some mucking around I was able to fix it by disabling the Flight1tech GPS drivers (for the GTN 750 and/or G1000) in the dll.xml file. Looks like those of us who want to fly big iron and also do real-world GPS training need to modify our dll.xml file prior to each flight depending on which we want to do.
  10. Hello PMDG crew, for the last few months I've been unable to log into my account. I am 100% sure I am getting the email and password correct. In fact, I can request the "forgot password" email, copy and paste the password given to me in that email, and it *still* won't log me in. I suspect that this might be because I have special characters in my password. Would it be possible to have someone on your end reset my password to something else, so I can log in again? The account is pmdg @ timothymorgan [dot] info. Tim Morgan
  11. Hey, trying to download the v3 installers for my purchases. I enter my email and password, and get 'The login information you provided was not found in our database'. Now, I'm positive I'm using the correct email and password. If I choose "Forgot Password", I receive an email at the same email, and inside that email is the same password. I can copy and paste the password and email from the Forgot Password email I received and it still won't log me in. So I am pretty sure this isn't an issue with my typing. Is anyone else seeing this problem?
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