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About SUBerben

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    Virtual Pilot & 737NGX Cockpit Builder

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    Aviation Enthusiasts & 737NGX home cockpit builder

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  1. Hello ! Just bought the 737NG from iFly and I would like to know if there is a way to popup both PFD in the mean time. For now if I pop out the F/O, the Captain one return to the VC :-( Thanks,
  2. Hello Robert, Long time ago since this topic... Did you make someting with AutoHotKey to remove gauges borders ? I'm interested to see if it's work Thanks, Ben
  3. My Friend Joe ! You solved my issue, I can now undock the gauges and drag it to another screen. Dont' know why when I drag one on screen #5 FSX crash, but it's not PMDG related. It's the same with all default FSX planes. Probably another Microsoft limitation :-) I will try MaxiVista to run the lower DU and I let you know ! Thanks again ! Ben
  4. It's possible, this settings is checked for all my video cards because quality display is better. I'm trying it tonight and let you know, very good idea, thanks Joe !
  5. Hello Captains, After re-installing everything from scratch Windows 7 x64, FSX SP2, 737NGX Sp1d. I can't undock my gauges correctly. Nothing appears in the window, if I drag it to an other monitor, it completely mixed up and display other gauges. eg, if I drag the inboard DU I see the outbord. It was working fine before I re-install. Thanks for any suggestions. I forgot to add this : I'm using 2 x GTX 960 (not in SLI mode) and I have 7 monitors connected to it : 3 x 22" in surround mode for the external view (Virtual cockpit) 2 x 18.5" for Capt & FO DU 2 x 15" for upper and lower DU By any luck ... Some of you using MaxiVista ? Never tried it ... but maybe a good idea for performance issue running everything on the same PC until we have a Cockpit Builder Edition for the NGX. Ben
  6. Matt, I'm building my own Overhead http://benoitcampeau.com/fsx/?p=644 And I plan to add a dummy compass but it will be fine to backlight it ;-) Worst case scenario, I will buy a Saitek FIP, but it's a little bit expensive for this small project For now I'm using the one from the VC, but for night flight it could be nice to turn it on, and the other issue I have is that my mouse click doesn't work in VC :-(
  7. Hi ! I'm looking to assign the compass light to a joystick button, but didn't find the option from the FMC setup or LINDA. Any idea ? event or offset should be ok too, but didn't find any info about this. Thanks,
  8. FSX Another weird thing, the MCP works, but Overhead and FMC not, some buttons on the Glareshield works but not all.
  9. Thanks Kyle, I gave it a try, but no luck, still have the issue even I change the eyepoint :-(
  10. Hello ! I don't know exactly what I did, but the mouse clicking stop to work on my Virtual Cockpit, same thing with all NGX I have, 600/700/800/900. (running on FSX) Any of you had this before ? Thanks,
  11. Hello Captains, I see more and more posts here about P3D for the NGX users. I'm still running it on FSX, and I'm curious to know what is the big advantage to pay 200$ for P3D ? Thanks for you comments, Benoit,
  12. Bonjour Marc, Est-ce que tu as trouvé ton problème ? Je viens d'acheter l'expension pour le 600/700 et maintenant je vois ceci dans le Operations Center. Je ne comprends pas trop pourquoi tu n'aurais pas la même chose.
  13. Bonjour Marc, En théorie, tu devrais aller dans Démarrer/Tout les programmes/PMDG Simulations/PMDG Operations Center/PMDG Operations Center Tu sélectionnes ton modèle via le menu en-haut gauche et tu trouveras l'option "Livery Downloader" & "Livery Manager" Si tu veux un beau modèle pour le 800WL, tu peux downloader celui que j'ai fait ;-) http://benoitcampeau.com/fsx/?p=164 Tiens moi au courant ! Benoit,
  14. Hello Captains ! I just realise that I have an issue with the stab trim, when I use a button (from a joystick) the trim down stop at 3.5 (trim up works fine) if I use the mouse to turn the trim wheel inside the virtual cockpit everything is find. PS : I have tried mapping the button with controls from fsx, FSUIPC, LINDA. All 3 ways do the same. Any Ideas ? Thanks Ben,
  15. You're right Kyle ! Thanks ! I changed my ASn to Manual mode, select heavy rain and now it works ! Do you have an idea why why rain stop after 5 minutes ?
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