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About Alean

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/24/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sicilia Italy

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  • Online Flight Organization Membership
    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
  • Virtual Airlines

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  1. Because Aviaworx Flybywire is a fantastic tool, even if some planes are old, but the simulator tends to nervous shots that are not absolutely realistic, Flybywire perfectly corrects these unreal shots, that's why I wanted it to work, hopefully in the future. Alean
  2. Hi guys, the Flybywire, I use it with all planes and it works great, only I have problems with the Leonardo Maddog, which when I activate it, it becomes paralyzed, I can no longer move the joystick, what can be the problem? Alean
  3. Hi guys, I bought aviaworx CDU for CRJ aerosoft, it works correctly, I just don't understand, how do you activate the DAVE? Alean
  4. Now it works, I connected the correct key of the Sim Yoke, I hear the activation and deactivation sound, only I would like to understand, which corresponds the activation tone and the deactivation tone
  5. Hi guys, I bought the Aviaflybywire license, I activated it, in the settings, I connected a button, of the Sim Yoke, I just can't understand, how do I notice when I connect and disconnect it? other question, i have all controls via FSUIPC, does it work the same? do i need to have the controls directly with the flight simulator? Alessandro
  6. Yes, thank you, I had already seen it I wanted to know, if it will be possible to activate it only on some aircraft of the simulator and not necessarily at all. Alean
  7. Hi guys, but aviaflybywire, is this a product that has yet to be released? Alean
  8. Let me explain; I Prepa3d v. 1,4, I bought AS2012, just one day after a few months when I clicked to start it you are no longer open; then having the doubt that the installation file is damaged you, Iregained the AS2012 to solve the problem, just that i have not solved anything because it prevents me from opening it himself; I known that ASN is not compatible Prepar3d v. 1,4 in fact i have not bought. Alean
  9. Hello guys, several months i bought Active Sky 2012 and installed on Prepar3d 1,4, one day i started AS 2012 and will not open in a window sayng: A critical error Occurred: Application failed to load The root elemnt is missing I tried to unistall and reinstall and it is not changed anything, so i thought that the download was damaged and no longer usable; I have since bought new AS 2012, I downloaded all the file and when it restart still does not open and introduced the same window: I have basically spent more money without solving the problem. If anyone can help me to solve it thanks.
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