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About Sylle

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  1. I was saddened to learn about the passing of Ilan Papini, the creator of many different sims over the years that revolved around planes and boats. Those of you that have been around for quite some time will remember him from Hangsim, Virtual Sailor and Vehicle Simulator amongst other titles. I have exchanged multiple emails with Ilan over the years and was always impressed by the way he listened to customer feedback and tried to incorporate it in next revisions. Ilan passed away doing with he loved the most - flying a small plane. A bird strike with an eagle unfortunately ended this flight forever. The pilot Ilan Pepini was killed in a light plane crash • His funeral will be held today (Sunday 11/2/24) - Chai Poh - The News Corporation of Haifa and the surrounding area Bird strike Accident AeroAndina/ICP MXP-740 Savannah 4X-HPR, (aviation-safety.net)
  2. You would be surprised how long we have to keep flying with known software errors before a fix can come out to solve it (or better said - manages to get through the full certification process so that it can be rolled out to the airlines under a new version number) As long as the conditions in which those software bugs will happen are considered to be sufficiently remote crews simply have to work their way around it with the info given by Boeing in the bulletins. For those interested you can find some info about the various 737 FMC software versions here: http://www.b737.org.uk/fmc.htm Regards, Sylvain
  3. I must have read too much into your post initially and wrongly interpreted it that way. Apologies for that. I’m glad you replied and further clarified that was not the case. Going back to the issue of the RNP AR bulletin… MAXs should indeed be fully capable of RNP 0.10 approaches but unfortunately those presently equipped that specific GE FMC hardware number are not allowed to do it per bulletin until update 14.2 comes around. I can understand that operators who do not frequently use RNP AR approaches prefer to wait it out instead of coming up with the requested dollars to swap out FMC hardware. Regards, Sylvain
  4. I’m honestly disappointed to read that someone like you @Stearmandriver - a long-time forum contributor viewed as a trustworthy source of info by a lot of our fellow avsim visitors - has no issue to ridicule another B737 colleague or look down on other companies standards and training without proper fact checking?! That Reddit fellow has some valid points in his posts. And there definitely is a bulletin published by Boeing for the MAX that prohibits RNP AR operations with minima below 0.30 on airplanes equipped with FMC U14.1 and Boeing FMC hardware part number 10-62225-004 installed in either left or right FMC. I guess your fleet must have a different combo of software and hardware as you are unaware of this publication. Best regards, Sylvain EDIT: reason to prohibit RNP AR below 0.30 for those specific airplanes has to do with ‘atmospheric radiation induced interference’ which can occur during all phases of flight but presents the greatest risk during RNP AR operations according to the bulletin.
  5. It’s a hotfix release… not really intended for widespread distribution but only to offer a fix to those affected. this direct download link should work just fine: https://international.download.nvidia.com/Windows/531.26hf/531.26-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch.hf.exe
  6. Depends on the airline I guess… Not every operator has sufficient maintenance personnel available to power up all aircraft and wait for the operating crews to arrive. Maintrnance might have done the daily inspection hours before departure. In that particular case it is not uncommon to fully power down the aircraft again. Catering and cleaning can power up the cabin separately from the Flightdeck for their duties. The electrical power up and preliminary preflight procedure ons 737 takes about 5min to complete at maximum so it‘s not really wasting a part of the duty times to be honest. Cheers, Sylvain
  7. If I'm not mistaken you will also need an additional Oi4FS driver package to get your MCP working with PMDG. Total price then amounts to 78EUR on top of the Opencockpits hardware! As an Opencockpits customer I'm glad we now have an option at least to use the hardware in MSFS but I find it unacceptable from Opencockpits that they are merely selling the hardware these days and leaving customers hanging dry when it comes to compatibility... In the old days you could use their MCP and EFIS straight out of the box with Project Magenta, PMDG 737 (FS2004), iFly 737 and Prosim for example. Good luck these days if you even want to get a reply from their staff on your support query. Unfortunately, I can't recommend their products anymore these days. Cheers, S.
  8. That is certainly not the case. Two examples that immediately come to mind: - Wizzair - Brussels Airlines: no longer using ULDs on their narrow body fleet
  9. Although you highlighted it in red you forgot to read the OR in the sentence. It‘s not top-tier quality like some of FlyTampa‘s airports OR (Aerosoft’s) EBBR
  10. Hi Piett, the 737 VNAV automatically transitions to ‘on approach logic’ when you get close to your final approach fix. No need to activate anything like on the Bus. Also no need to extend the flaps at speeds of 240kts or to go out of VNAV to manually lower the MCP speed either… A/ At around 30-40 track miles remaining you will see 2 green dots on the ND. Those indicate the position where VNAV will decelerate from your ECON descent speed to the speed restriction below 10000ft defined in the DES page (240kts by default). B/ Around 15 track miles remaining you will see a green DECEL point on the ND. That’s the point where VNAV will start decelerating from 240kts (to try) to hit the speed + altitude restriction at the final approach fix or outer marker or equivalent position. (Every approach should contain at least 1 point with a hard constraint for speed and altitude defined in the database - the FMC needs it to calculate its descent profile because it calculates from the approach backwards to ToD) Watch the speed decrease after DECEL and start extending flaps when you are 10-20kts above the green UP on the speedtape. If you fail to extend flaps VNAV will not decelerate below UP speed. If you need to decelerate faster, use the speedbrakes or drop the gear like Stearmandriver said. Extending the flaps at 240kts to decelerate is rather useless as the first stages of flaps create more lift than drag… Hope this helps, Sylvain
  11. Just had a go at it today for the first time... It's indeed a very immersive experience. Fantastic to be able to do that in the sim from the other side of the world. Thanks for the heads-up! Hope to get some more approaches in tomorrow...
  12. Gamean activity that one engages in for amusement or fun. Simulatora machine designed to provide a realistic imitation of the controls and operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or other complex system, used for training purposes. You like to stir up the conversion, don’t you?? A game can be a simulator but a simulator making too much concessions on the realism simply becomes a game and no longer qualifies as a sim… It’s not that complicated to understand when being used in this context on the forum. As the name of this computer game called ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’ points out, it intends to be a simulator, therefore it should aim to be as close to reality as possible. That means not only from an aerodynamic simulation point of view but also in the rendition of the outside world, the weather, etc etc I’m personally quite happy to see where this sim is going over the months…
  13. Well… the A320 pilot does not choose where he gets to fly his real-life Airbus. That could be one reason to fly your virtual bus after working hours… Why not? 🙂
  14. I understand you need some form of AC power to be able to open big cargo doors and refuel but again... why would it need to have a fully powered flightdeck to do that? On a B757/767, you just press the ground service bus switch on the forward attendant panel (with ground power plugged in) and everything you described above works while the flightdeck itself remains cold and dark... Seems strange to me that Airbus would not have a similar system.
  15. @Chock are you telling me that the A320 needs a fully powered flight deck so that servicing the aircraft can take place?? (Cleaning, functional cabin lighting, loading the holds, fueling) Most Boeings just needs ground power to be plugged in and with one flick of a switch on the cabin attendant panel a very small part of the electrical system gets powered to allow all servicing activities to take place while the flight deck stays completely dark. It’s actually very common in my airline for FCM to get into a cold and dark cockpit in the morning or after a crew change. The 787 is an exception as apparently it doesn’t like to be electrically depowered Cheers, Sylvain
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