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About monica6211

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    Southern California
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    Flying, Hiking, Camping, Painting, Photgraphy

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    i7-9700K RTX3600 2x2gb SSD

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  1. I had the same issue with both dukes as well. I opened a ticket with Just Flight and they sent me instructions on how to install to a different directory. Bring up the command prompt through the windows console. drag and drop the TBM installer to the command prompt. Add a space, then add the word "browse" without the quotation marks, and hit enter. It will run the installer. A box will come up that will allow you to install it to the folder of your choice. After it installs, copy and paste the aircraft to your community folder. I did this, and it worked like a charm.
  2. BT Studio is the developer. I have done several flights now in SW Ohio and have seen at least one train each time. Each time the train has been different. Here are a few observations I have: 1. The trains move very realistically, flowing along the track at a realistic speed and proper movement along the track. (no sudden sharp turn or jagged turns) 2. When a train comes upon another static train, these trains pass on the track next to them very realistically. 3. When a train comes to the end of its track line, the train will disappear, not turn around to go the other way. 4. The routes that come with this addon can easily be identified by the track being darker than the existing tracks. 5. If you have the addon "north_america_railways" by Taburet, you can use them together to hide the darkened tracks and you will still see the trains. 6. The addon does cause the sim to take longer to load, but once loaded, I don't see any significant loss of frames, even on my less-than-robust system, (i7-9700k, 3.6ghz, RTX3060) though I don't watch frame rates. Overall I am very satisfied with this product and looking forward to seeing where this goes from here. Great product.
  3. Flying in SW Ohio I spotted a freight train on my first try. The sections of railroad that they travel on are darker color than the rest of the tracks, so it is easy to spot the routes they travel. The trains do pop up when going over bridges that cross the rails, otherwise, the trains look very convincing.
  4. here's hoping next year to be the light-general aviation year then.
  5. Don't feel bad. I thought I had both, but it turns out I don't have either. I have the E190 that is offered in the Marketplace, which I am sure isn't of the same quality as these. So I will need to buy both of these as well.🙁😁
  6. How to Step 1 Ensure you own both E-Jets Packages, the E170/175 and E190/195. It doesn't matter in which shop you bought it. Step 2 Ensure you have started a flight in Microsoft Flight Simulator with the E170/175 and E190/195 at least once after purchasing them. Step 3 Click on BUY NOW down below and receive a serial via E-Mail. Step 4 Add the serial in Contrail or Aerosoft One and install the aircraft. Please Note If you claimed a free serial but don't own both E-Jets packages as per Step 1 your Freighter won't work!
  7. After some testing, it doesn't appear to be a problem with the beta. I installed another copy and updated it to 12.10b2, and it is working just fine, so I guess I have an addon conflict or a corrupt file somewhere. beta2 sure looking good in VR with my new install.
  8. For me 12.10 beta 1 was absolutely beautiful, and for the first time with XP12, I could fly it in VR. Before this beta VR shimmered too much, the screens were shakey, and the settings had to be so low to get descent frames. With Beta 1, everything was cleaned up, and I could have my setting about where I wanted them, and the sim was very smooth. With Beta 2, I can't fly in VR at all. The left and right eyes don't line up at all. The right eye moves with my head as it should, and the left eye really lags behind, and never lines up.
  9. I have never been able to get this sim to look acceptable in VR.....until now!!!! it looks AMAZING!!!!!! WOW!!!
  10. Don't do that!!! Get any one of the three mentioned above....you won't regret it!!! If it were up to me, definitely the Duke, then the 414, then the 310, in that order. But the 414 is a little easier to get going than the Duke. The Duke has to be handle more precisely, where the 414 is a little more forgiving, in my opinion. Of the 414 and 310, I personally fly the 310 a lot more than the 414. I feel more immersed in the cockpit of the 310 than I do the 414, plus I've actually flown the 310 a few times. You can't go wrong with any of them. The only way to go wrong is to stick with a single engine piston and miss out on the twins.😁
  11. I had the same issue with both dukes as well. I opened a ticket with Just Flight and they sent me instructions on how to install to a different directory. Bring up the command prompt through the windows console. drag and drop the duke installer to the command prompt. Add a space, then add the word "browse" without the quotation marks, and hit enter. It will run the installer. A box will come up that will allow you to install it to the folder of your choice. After it installs, copy and paste the aircraft to your community folder. I did this, and it worked like a charm.
  12. Your sceneries are absolutely stunning. I'm a transplant from Ohio, and your sceneries make it an adventure flying from one to another. Thank you so much for sharing.
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