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Posts posted by Millingp

  1. 43 minutes ago, PWJT8D said:

    Eaglesoft's development is two simulators behind. I wouldn't expect to see anything from them for a long while. They made the decision to finish their in process 32bit projects when we were all well settled into 64bit P3D. Now we are all getting settled into MSFS... *shrugs*

    Another all too common example of a company taking the wrong fork in the road.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, Borgillios said:

    Yesterday I had theese problems. Today they seem to be gone, touch wood. Only thing I did was to remove the cache completely. Also I noticed that I could change airport several times and still get real weather. There are things going on on the server side I believe.

    If MS/Asobo are doing stuff on the server side to address this, then they should tell us all eg., "we understand some users are having performance issues which we're working to address on our servers. We are sorry for your inconvenience and frustration. Please be patient, we're working hard to find a fix" 

    That would be good customer service and at least we'd know they're doing something about the problem!! 

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  3. Not happy at all!!

    Prior to Sim Update 3 I was getting a relatively steady 40+fps.  No stutters or freezes.

    I'm now getting random stutters lasting 1 to 3 minutes with momentary freezes and fps dropping to 10!!

    Just started a flight and was getting 10fps on the menus????   CPU and GPU are not being overworked.

    Selected a flight and it started with 10fps - totally unusable. 

    Nothing else has changed and before anyone suggests it - I've deleted the AI Ship Traffic from my community folder.


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  4. 14 hours ago, jaybird1nyc said:

    Can everyone having these recent CTD issues try turning all traffic OFF just to test.  No live traffic and no AI traffic and try a couple of flights.  It might bring all of us closer to figuring out if it's traffic related or not.  It could be some ATC interaction with traffic, so it wouldn't matter if it's live traffic or AI traffic.  It could also be a new SimConnect issue having to do with traffic, or ATC.

    No traffic and report back

    In all of the test that I documented earlier AI Traffic has been OFF.

  5. On 12/28/2020 at 2:53 PM, Millingp said:

    I've done some extensive testing on this CTD issue.  The problem seems to be with the Working Title G3000 mod (I've been using the up to date mod V0.3.4.  Here's are the tests:

    Rolling Cache deleted and switched off in all cases and Live Weather enabled in all.

    Flight 1 - Cessna Longitude with WT G3000 mod and Longitude Flight Model Mod.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Approaching EGBB descending thru 8,000 CTD!

    Flight 2 - Cessna Longitude with WT G3000 mod but Longitude Flight Model Mod REMOVED.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Approaching EGBB managed to get down to 4,000 but then CTD!!!

    I noticed on both of above flights just before the CTD's the boarder around the inserted map in the PFD started to flicker, then CTD.

    Flight 3 - Cessna Citation with Working Title CJ4 Mod V0.8.3. EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  This worked perfectly - landed without problems!!

    Flight 4 - TBM with WT G3000 mod.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Got down to 3,000 turning onto final and CTD!!

    Flight 5 - Cessna Longitude with all Working Title Mods (G1000, G3000, CJ4) REMOVED and Longitude Flight Model Mod REMOVED.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected. This worked perfectly - landed without problems.  This was the 1st time I've completed a flight in the Longitude since the December 22nd update.

    So, it would appear, at least for me, the culprit is the Working Title G3000 Mod.  I hope it gets fixed quickly as I can't do without it!!

    Haven't tried any of the G1000 aircraft to check if the problem is there or not also.

    Did some further tests as follows:

    Same flight EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) with Live Weather enabled and Rolling Cache disabled and Working Title G3000 only enabled (WT CJ4 and WT G1000 disabled).  Flying the Longitude.

    Flight 6 ILS approach to RW 33 (all other tests above were RNAV approaches to RW33).  This flight worked - NO CTD!! Landed without incident.

    Flight 7 RNAV approach to RW 33 again.  Failure - CTD again in descent passing circa 8,000!!

    Flight 8 ILS approach to RW 33 - just checking again!!  Once again this flight worked - NO CTD!! Landed without incident.

    So, seems its WT G3000 Mod when using RNAV approaches??

  6. 18 minutes ago, DAD said:

    Here also rolling Cache disabled since weeks. Besides the possible identified mod, are you running on an Nvidia Card and rolled back your drivers? That seemingly helped me. Just enroute from ekch to lszh in stable modded neo and multiplayer and live traffic on (live weather anyway always a Must) and so far all good - again

    Nvidia driver is rolled back prior to tests.  Just did the same test EGGP to EGBB in the FBW A320 and all was good - landed without incident!!  So I stick to my theory that my CTD's since Dec 22 are down to the WT G3000 Mod as described above.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, hvw said:

    In one of my previous notes, a few days back, I informed the good people that follow this thread, that Zendesk had informed me to remove all 3rd party mods, rollback the video driver and delete the rolling cache. As I didn't use any 3rd party mods I only rolled back my video driver but that didn't seem enough. Thereafter I disabled my rolling cache et voila, miracles happen.....no more CTDs. Now that you removed that mod you may want to disable your rolling cache if/when another CTD (hopefully not) happens. I disabled my rolling cache and didn't suffer any performance loss.

    My Rolling Cache was disabled in all the tests I carried out above - so Rolling Cache wasn't my CTD problem?

  8. 22 hours ago, hvw said:

    Sorry to hear so. Did you also try to have all 3rd party add-ons removed from the community folder to see if that brings any improvement?


    I've done some extensive testing on this CTD issue.  The problem seems to be with the Working Title G3000 mod (I've been using the up to date mod V0.3.4.  Here's are the tests:

    Rolling Cache deleted and switched off in all cases and Live Weather enabled in all.

    Flight 1 - Cessna Longitude with WT G3000 mod and Longitude Flight Model Mod.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Approaching EGBB descending thru 8,000 CTD!

    Flight 2 - Cessna Longitude with WT G3000 mod but Longitude Flight Model Mod REMOVED.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Approaching EGBB managed to get down to 4,000 but then CTD!!!

    I noticed on both of above flights just before the CTD's the boarder around the inserted map in the PFD started to flicker, then CTD.

    Flight 3 - Cessna Citation with Working Title CJ4 Mod V0.8.3. EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  This worked perfectly - landed without problems!!

    Flight 4 - TBM with WT G3000 mod.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected.  Got down to 3,000 turning onto final and CTD!!

    Flight 5 - Cessna Longitude with all Working Title Mods (G1000, G3000, CJ4) REMOVED and Longitude Flight Model Mod REMOVED.  EGGP (Liverpool) to EGBB (Birmingham) RW 33 RNAV Approach selected. This worked perfectly - landed without problems.  This was the 1st time I've completed a flight in the Longitude since the December 22nd update.

    So, it would appear, at least for me, the culprit is the Working Title G3000 Mod.  I hope it gets fixed quickly as I can't do without it!!

    Haven't tried any of the G1000 aircraft to check if the problem is there or not also.

  9. 14 hours ago, BrianW said:

    With some autopilots like the KAP-140 using a remote baro reading is only an installation option.  If it's not installed that way you're required to set it on the unit itself.  If there's a baro button on the autopilot have you tried verifying or setting it there?

    Brian, you are correct.  In the real world I fly both "standard gauge" + KAP 140 and G1000 + GFC700 equipped aircraft.  The KAP140 has a separate Baro setting feature to enable you to ensure the altimeter and autopilot have the same baro set, whereas the G1000/GFC700 only requires to to set it once on the G1000.


  10. 18 hours ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    I should have qualified my earlier post by saying this is how it works in the real world. It sounds from the OP’s post that pressure can’t be set correctly in the aircraft. Should be a reasonably quick fix for the developers.

    Ray, your absolutely correct.  That's the original point I was making and I agree it should be easily fixed by Asobo.


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  11. Thanks for your comment Izamm, however, I'm afraid I don't agree.  Unfortunately it demonstrates that FS2020 was not tested by real pilots.  Its an absolute must for a pilot to ensure that the baro pressure is set to that provided by ATC until reaching transition level where 29.92in or 1013hpa is set and to fly the altitude as stipulated by ATC for the baro pressure provided.  FS2020 fails to model this fundamental requirement correctly.

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  12. Folks

    Firstly, I'm a real pilot, so I know how this should operate in the real world.   Is there a fundamental problem with FS2020 with altitude management and baro pressure?  If I set an altitude for the autopilot to hold, or climb or descend to, it should do so (hold or acquire the selected altitude) regardless of the baro pressure that I set.  However, the sim appears to climb, descend or hold the altitude that I dialed in at the outside baro pressure - not the baro pressure that I set.   Therefore the actual altitude acquired or held does not agree with the altitude that I selected.  I've checked this behavior in the Baron and C172.

    This is a major flaw in FS2020.

  13. 8 hours ago, N9718 said:


    I spent a lot of time flying MSFS the last two days and ended this evening flying XP11. I only have default scenery for Europe installed for XP.

    For my flights I chose to fly to and from various Greek islands and the Peloponnese. My last flight took me to LGRX.

    I’d invite all of you who have XP and MSFS to do the same. Hands down, I had a better, more realistic flight experience in my XP Baron. However, MSFS blew XP out of the water in how it visually rendered the islands, the buildings, the water, the sunset, and the airports. Just visit LGRX in XP and you’ll see what I mean.  

    Bottom line: I enjoy both sims for different reasons and look forward to what both MS and Austin will do with their  sims in the future. It’s a win-win for me.   

    I totally agree with N9718.  I'm a GA pilot and I've been flying GA aircraft since the early 90's.  I've also been flying sims (FS2004, FSX, P3D, X-Plane) over those years as they have become available and have developed.  For the past number of years its been X-Plane for me.  I use sims for 2 purposes: fun and also for IFR practice (approaches etc) and practicing use of aircraft systems etc.  I'm not going to get into whether MS2020 is better than X-Plane - its horses for courses.    Currently, I believe there is a role for both.  In my view, X-Plane is a Sim and it suits my requirements for practicing IFR work and aircraft systems etc, (its systems and flight models etc., are pretty identical to the real thing) - which you need if you are practicing your skills.  MS2020 on the other hand is good for 'fun'.  The visuals (terrain etc) are extraordinary as is weather depiction and it's performance is very good.  But it doesn't (as yet) pass my benchmark for practicing my IFR skills and the use of aircraft systems.  That doesn't mean I think its bad - far from it - as I say, its horses for courses.    So for the moment I will retain and fly both.  MSFS2020 for 'fun' and X-Plane for skills development and practice.  Will MS2020 get there?  I do hope so. But I don't think it will come from Microsoft.  It will come from an eco system of 3rd parties building add-ons onto the undoubtedly technically excellent core that Asobo et al have built on behalf of Microsoft.  So, until it matures, I will use both, per my points above.  It's a very promising start though!!

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  14. Hi, I'm an avid user of Chase Plane in P3D V4.1.  All my aircraft have Chase Plane Presets.  However, just got Just Flights Warrior II, set up some camera presets and all worked fine.  Shut down P3D, Chase Plane disconnects as normal.  Reloaded P3D and all my Warrior II presets have gone!!  Tried a few experiments.  Set up some presets for the Warrior - worked fine again.  Selected a different aircraft - worked fine.  Selected the Warrior - presets were there ok.  Shut down P3D and restarted it again - Warrior presets gone?? 

    Thinking it was possibly a Firewall problem and my presets weren't writing out I added a new preset to an existing working aircraft. Shut down P3D and restarted - the new preset for existing working aircraft was there ok.

    Completely bambuzzalled!!

    Anyone any ideas?



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