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Posts posted by andym001

  1. 1 hour ago, St Mawgan said:

    Bought, installed and had a quick flight - it really does look quite different to before. A big improvement. Given where I live and fly this was a must and it's a very worthwhile upgrade I think. Cost me all of £4.92

    Funny how exchange rates fluctuate even within a couple of hours, I purchased it this morning and it was £4.70.

    I thought it was worth it for little more than the price of a coffee.

  2. 1 hour ago, roi1862 said:

    Not quite sure I understand this part. At which point other than reducing reverse thrust does the throttle moves fwd ? The way i see it the Boeing has a dedicated levers gor reverse thrust, and they go backwards to increase reverse thrust.

    I'm not sure if he is on about the way he has it working in MSFS, but in real life you are correct. The pilot would pull the reverse levers up to the interlock position, when the reversers have fully deployed, he would then be able to pull the reverse levers further up to increase the thrust.

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  3. 2 hours ago, jarmstro said:

    I'd like to try this. But how do you set up FSLTL to use the FS models as well. Is the the Exclude Generic Models option in the setup menu?

    It's an option in the latest FSLTL Injector update, when you start the Injector, click Y to change the options, the last one is to enable the FS Traffic if installed.


    Lol, was writing the same time as edu2703

  4. 6 hours ago, G-YMML1 said:

    What exactly should be updated now? Terminals are the same, a number of gates is still the same too. 

    I pointed this out to them a while back ..... EGKK 8R Signs incorrect - London Gatwick (EGKK) - iniBuilds Forum

    And there are a few other small issues pointed out by others like AFCAD and performance. 

    Here is a scenery issue .....

    EGKK Unusable gates being used by aircraft - London Gatwick (EGKK) - iniBuilds Forum


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  5. 7 hours ago, captain420 said:

    I currently have the RTX 3090 FE but am thinking whether or not if I should get the RTX 4090 card. I run the sim in 4K ultra settings and would love to be able to get better performance if the 4090 will make a noticeable difference.

    I have pretty much the same setup as you (except for a 1200w PSU), and recently considered upgrading the card. I've decided to upgrade the CPU and M/B, I think that would benefit other applications as well, and would alleviate the CPU bound a little.

    • Like 2

  6. 6 hours ago, EGLD said:

    such a shame this ended up being a disappointment, the new MSFS rendering engine really deserves the very best from scenery developers and Heathrow deserves a rendition that is ultra-realistic but with decent performance

    hopefully it get's sufficiently optimised in the future

    Looks like you may get your wish, they have just announced that they are going to optimise it and improve some area's. 

    What would you like to see in an update for Heathrow! - Support - iniBuilds Forum


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  7. I have the scenery, and think it's better than the default, but still needs a lot of work to optimise it and to make it better, but sadly I don't think they will ever improve it. I'm hoping the Aerosoft will do a rendition as they have done in other sims, their work recently has been excellent with releases like EBBR.

  8. 48 minutes ago, captain420 said:

    Does anyone know if I will get decent performance with the Fenix A320 with my system? I'm kind of hesitant about purchasing it due to fear that it will not perform well. I run the sim in 4K pretty much at ultra settings. Can anyone with similar system specs let me know their experiences so I can decide whether to buy it or not.

    Your system is almost identical to mine, I'm running it at 3440x1440 widescreen. Most of my sim settings are on ultra, with a couple on high, and a couple turned off like bloom, dof and motion blur, I've also set my fps to 30 in the sim and it is really smooth.

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  9. 3 hours ago, WestAir said:

    So I checked with the discord, and Aamir was troubleshooting this with another customer. You should be able to turn off a failure just as easily as you can activate it, much like Aamir did during his feature videos a few months back. We may be looking at a bug, I think.

    Also had 2 failures on taxi out, I've submitted a ticket.

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