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Everything posted by geholger

  1. I completed some flights with the correction - mainly with the PMDG777-200. If you like to try the software, you can download it for an open beta test using the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7he0jyrrjyntm9d/AABM0MBx-MGfs0E0Vj-uxFLEa?dl=0 Contained within the zip file there is a short Readme.txt that will explain how to install the addon. There is no installer yet but the setup should be very easy. Please read the Readme.txt! In order to receive a license, please send an email to vp.correction@hotmail.com with the subject "Request License". I will provide you with a license file (hopefully within 24 hours - depending on your time zone ;-) that is valid until the end of July. This simple registration process will enable me to notify you once a new version is available. I have not decided yet, how to make the software available after that period. However, I would really appreciate your feedback, problems or suggestions for this addon. Please use the same e-mail address as for requesting the license file. My testing was done using the latest version of FSX-SE (10.0.62613.8). I **think** it will work with FSX as well but I'm not sure about P3D. So any feedback about this is also very welcome. There is one (known) limitation yet: Changing the eyepoint via the key commands will not work as the algorithm will overwrite the changes for the next correction. I will work on a solution for this and update all license holders once a solution for this is available. Have fun. Holger
  2. I was doing some further testing - so far even the flight tests look good. So here's the plan: As there are some holidays coming up and I'm not available during that time, I plan on providing the prototype for an open beta test somewhere around the end of next week. I will provide you with a download link and an email adress where you could request a license in order to try it out. Why does it take until the end of next week? Well - quite simple: I'm a one man show here and I would like to provide you with some basic support within a reasonable timeframe at least. I will keep you updated. Thanks for all your kind comments and your support so far.
  3. Thanks a lot for all your positive feedback (and some skeptism as well ;-). I will come up with a way on how to make this available for the communitity. However, it is one thing to develop a prototype and a completly different pair of shoes to make it available for a broader community. I completly agree with Andy. The "right" place for a solution would be within the code of FSX itself and should be provided by Dovetail/LM. I'm not sure how their license agreements are and if they are even allowed to fix it. But that would definitly be the right way to fix this. As there are some holidays in the coming weeks I will take some days off for vacation. But I will keep you posted on the progress I'm making - probably not on this (PMDG) forum but I will leave a link here where to continue. For now, I will move over from ground tests to do some flight tests. I'm limited to PMDG 747-400 and the PMDG 777-200 on FSX and FSX-SE but that should be ok for now. Furthermore, it would be intresting how this approach will work together with EZdok. So far I do not have a license for it but that's a topic to keep in mind.
  4. I did some research about different parameters and how they influence the current viewpoint. After that I was trying to model some compensation for it. It needs some calibration per aircraft being used - but this not very complex to perform. So far I did some testing using different locations on the globe but definitely need more testing to be done. It's just a prototype yet.
  5. I was using the rainy weekend to do a little rearch on this topic. It apprears that there is a solution for this. I have implemented a little prototype that shows that this issue could be resolved by automatically correcting the viewpoint based on a few parameters. I have posted a video that shows the results. Maybe someone is intrested in this solution approach. https://youtu.be/ZroSNEGPXbg
  6. Chris, the panel state was saved correctly and automatically. However, it did not load automatically when I load the flight. Instead, the default Panel state was loaded. So I'm concerned about two issues: why did the Panel state not load automatically and the default state was loaded instead? why the engines were not running after manually loading the panel state that was saved automatically?
  7. Maybe someone has encountered the same issue: I currently start using the latest version of the T7 together FSX-SE (and the ASN beta). Therefore, I started cold&dark in EDDM and did all the preparations for a flight to LEPA. Shortly before lining up on runway 08L, I saved the flight just to be able to start over again practicing my departure skills ;-). If I try to load the saved flight later again, the T7 comes up with my default panel state (cold & dark) instead the saved one. This also happens with a just started FSX-SE session. Ok - if I then manually load the saved panel state for this flight and afer the initialization phase, I get lots of warnings and a stabilization error in the display. I also notice that no engines are running any more. However, at the time I saved the flight, the engines were running... Strange. As a workaround, I started the APU. After the APU was running, I could start the engines and after that I finally could do my takeoff. Just wondering if someone experienced the same issue. Would a ticket for PMDG be the correct way to proceed? Thanks for your help, Holger Schmid
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