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Shannow 48

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Everything posted by Shannow 48

  1. Hi everyone This is a total newbie alert as I'm just dipping my toe into this wonderful world of flight sims. New Computor bought. i5 quad core processor nvidia 660 graphic card. Whole lot loaded on to a 1 tb hard drive specifically for FSX , PDGM 737 Love it extended Otter love it. Ready to rock and roll. I've taken off, I've circled, I've planned and I've landed absolutely hooked on the flying. Next stage advised a friend. Get these musts. Top of the list Fsuipc. "It brings everything together" can't live without it its an absolute must. Now before I go on let me categorically state this next bit is in no way intended as a slight or a dig at Mr Dawson the Creator of Fsuipc. I found the manual I read the manual and quickly came to the conclusion I am not fluent in this language of ini files and delta rescans and to disable or not to disable FSX controls to avoid conflict. The result is now I haven't got off the tarmac in 2 weeks. I feel I have failed the initiation test of a dark masonic cult and I'm now going to feel the wrath of the grand wizard. I'm stuck firmly in between wanting the freedom that this adding brings and just wanting to fly. One throttle jerks like its having seizures the other range jumps front 0 to 16444 or in the region of. The airilon. Only moves 2 degrees. Left or right. So the main question is are there any remedial classes out there, or samaritians that will help. Hey they can laugh at the new boy as long as they get me back up in the skies. And just as a disclaimer to all please don't take offence at putting a light hearted slant on a desperate request. Regards to all.
  2. Total Newbie alert, Just bought my first system and really enjoying it . However keep getting told that the way forward is FSuipc. So I bought it including Wide. I have all my Flight sim programes on a separate 1 TB hard drive. I have Intel5i quad processor, 8Mb Ram Nvida GTX660 Grahics card. And a headache at trying to get my head around the setting up of FSUIPC. Especially to My PDGM 737 Love it and My aerosoft Otter extended. Can someone please put me out of my misery and at least prod me...

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