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  1. Okay guys, those sound like some fun routes to fly. Thanks for the help!
  2. Hey guys, I am away from home this weekend, so I only have Sunday afternoon on the sim. I was wondering what routes you guys like to fly that are short but also popular in real life for the 737. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I really appreciate this helpful community!
  3. That is crazy! One time on final, my instructor and I came within about 15 feet of a huge buzzard! Glad you were okay.
  4. Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. I spoke with a distant uncle who flies with Southwest, and of course asked him some questions (I want to be in his shoes one day!) One question that I was really curious about was the cost index. On youtube, you see people putting in various numbers, but I wanted to know what the real pilots use, and he said that a typical value was 20-25. By the way, he said that very rarely they got up to FL410 due to the heavy weight of routes these days. Hope that helps with your simming experience. -Josh McCoruqodale (P.S. If anyone here is a repainter and would like to do me a favor, could you check out my previous topic on an A2A Cherokee repaint? Thanks!)
  5. Again, thanks for all the helpful input guys! I have decided to purchase the Turbine Duke V2 and the GTN 750 avionics package. The avionics package will also be great as I can use it with other aircraft such as the amazing A2A Cherokee.Have a great weekend all!
  6. Thanks again for all the help everyone! I think I will be choosing the turbine Duke V2. By the way, the turbine instead of piston aircraft is the better option, correct? Thanks!
  7. Thanks for all the help guys! I think that I have now narrowed the list down to the Beech Duke from Real Air Vs. the TBM850 from Carenado. Which do you guys think I should choose?
  8. Thanks for the quick reply! I have been considering that plane, looks like it fits the bill of what I need. Just wondering however, does the GTN750 display come with the airplane, or do you have to pay for the package seperately to get the avionics? Thanks!
  9. Hello everyone! I am thinking of buying a new payware add-on for FSX, and am interested in a Turboprop General Avaition plane. I was wondering what add-on you guys think is the most accurate for me to buy.I really want a plane that is perfect for routes of about 500 nm. I am strongly considering the Carenado TBM-850, but was wanting to make sure that I am making the right move. Thanks! -Josh M
  10. Thanks for all the input guys! I forgot to mention that I will be soloing at KRDU, which has a class C airspace, so I will make sure to say I am a student pilot (Thanks Chris!). I have heard about the climb performance with the airplane being light, which I am for sure looking forward to! I am also looking forward to the solo cross countries that follow, especially the thought of flying to see my grandparents for lunch, as they live at an airport not too far over 50nm away. I am just wondering guys, is this kind of frowned upon to go on a cross country and have a stopover of about an hour? Thanks -Josh M.
  11. Hey guys, hope you all are having a great summer! I have been continuing my flight training and I am happy to say that I am approaching my first solo on September 18th, which is my 16th birthday! Just wondering if you guys have any helpful tips on what to expect or anything else. Thanks for the feedback! -Josh McCorquodale
  12. I found the fix! It turns out that when I reinstalled FSX, it turned the world texture settings back to high instead of ultra high. This is what caused the blurry cockpit textures. Thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate this great avsim community!
  13. Thanks for all of the input! I tried the suggestions by Slayer and Peter Weber, but didn't get success yet. By the way Mephic, where is the max texture load in the fsx cfg file, I can't seem to find it? I appreciate the help! :rolleyes:
  14. I recently reinstalled the PMDG 737NGX for FSX Gold Edition on my computer, and noticed that the textures in the cockpit are a lot lower than the quality that they used to be. They are quite blurry in comparison to the crispness of before on the aircraft. I have checked the PMDG operations center, and the cockpit resolution is set to high quality. I was wondering if anyone could help me resolve the issue. Also, if you guys could tell me how to put up screenshots, I will so you will be able to see. Thanks for the help!
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