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About CaptCWGAllen

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  1. From the author This is a Mod for the payware product xEnviro. This Mod is made to enhance and improve the environment/world lighting in X-Plane while using xEnviro to appear more realistic and visually stunning. This mod enhances the following lights in X-Plane while using xEnviro: -Dense and Sparse Commercial/Residential/Urban area's -Realistic Road/Highway/Vehicle lighting -Airport Ramp/Runway/Terminal/Gate/Vehicle Lighting -Aircraft Nav/Beacon/Strobe/Landing lights and many more.... Have downloaded and will give it a go. Some interesting flight model mods for various payware aircraft on the site - will give them a go as well. cheers Peter
  2. Dan Church the developer just issued an update. He shows how you can use desktop apps inside the VC without the need to remove the headset (e.g. chart look ups), also the ATC window can be used now. All this can be manipulated either through the mouse or you own hands using leap motion. Not yet showing manipulation of knobs and switches. He is now very close his stretch goal so if you are interested have a think as to whether you want to contribute to his kickstarter. I am currently using the FSX Alpha version (free) prior to the Beta release. It is mind boggling and that is in its current raw state.
  3. Dan Church the developer just issued an update. He shows how you can use desktop apps inside the VC without the need to remove the headset (e.g. chart look ups), also the ATC window can be used now. All this can be manipulated either through the mouse or you own hands using leap motion. Not yet showing manipulation of knobs and switches. He is now very close his stretch P3D goal so if you are interested have a think as to whetehr you want to contribute to his kickstarter. I am currently using the FSX Alpha version (free) prior to the Beta release. It is mind boggling and that is in its current raw state.
  4. I'm with you on this one Tony. I fly a Tomamhawk in RL and you do look out over the wing, but you are not looking to see if there are pretty reflections. When I fly in the sim the same is true - I am looking for a landmark, turning point, traffic etc. So I actually can't recall what reflections there are on the wing of the Tommy in RL although here must be some. Certainly I don't think - 'OMG the reflections are missing'. Also when I watch a video of FSX/P3D/Xplane I don't recall noticing whether one has relflections or not (although I am aware of it as this subject has raised its head before as one reason why some people would not use X Plane - as if that is the be all and end all - lol). Funnily enough it wasnt an issue that Robert Randazzo has raised at any point in building their first aircraft. Having said that, in one of recent the Flightsimcon 2015 videos (I assume the X Plane one but can't remember) Ben is lightly joshing with Austin and saying how he was pointing out to Austin which parts of a plane has reflections and which don't - so it is on their radar but not necessarily that high up - and for Austin is probably just a minor irritation - don't you just love him?.
  5. Mind Blowing.........but don't hang up your TIR just yet. Without trying one for yourself it is difficult to describe what I saw. It certainly is not perfect. In fact it is far from perfect. Everything shimmers. There are no sharply defined lines. But.......... I cannot go back to the flat screen. The immersion factor from the perspective of a feeling of vastness, depth, height, movement (my stomarch lurched on occasion), speed (particlulary on approach or low passes) - it is jaw dropping. FSX is not renowned for volumetric clouds - but you get them - don't know why, dont know how - but they also feel real size - they are massive. I set up a thunderstorm over San Francisco using the preset. It was amazing. I was in the A2A Cherokee. It was being thrown around a tad - but it felt so real (apart from me not physically moving). But it plays tricks with your mind - phenomenal ones. A break in the clouds and you bank and look down through this hole in clouds and you feel like you are 4000' up. The ability to judge distance and height is uncanny. And flying above a layer of cloud with the sunsetting is stunning - you just want to keep flying toward the sun. You do not want to stop what you are doing.........it is mesmorising. But don't rush out and but one yet unless you are happy to compromise on the quality of the visual - but if you are just too curious for your own good (as I am) then I don't think you will be disappointed - but you have been warned - it is far from perfect. The headsets are development kits right now and pushing up the resolution with any decent amount of detail will give you an OOM in seconds (remember although the resolution might not seem that high it has to push out two slightly different images - half on each side of the screen) for the 3D experience. Then there is the issue of the pixilation. If you go to this link and set it to 1080 - that is sort of what you see - except that in the moving scenario all those pixels cause the shilmmering and lack of sharpness. I say that is all you see but I must emphasis that you also see this vast 3D world which feels real size, which unless you experience it it is so hard to imagine. http://vr.mkeblx.net/oculus-sim/ The consumer model (which is CV1 in the demo) will reduce this pixellation considerably. For basic point to point GA flying where you know where you are and you know where you want to go it is completely workable assuming you can do it by VFR and don't need to programme the GPS or play around with the radio nav too much (although you can lean forward just as in RL and twiddle those knobs quite accurately). For anything more complex it will take a lot of refining. But for me with this amazing piece of kit and the amazing work that this chap is doing to bring us Virtual Reality to the flight sim world https://www.kickstar...ref=hero_thanks I just want to fly around the world in my virtual bubble. Oh and one other thing - the system uses something called Timewarp - and basically if the screen in the headset is refreshing at at least 75fps then it has a way of guessing and merging any delayed frames from the sim itself. I had quite heavy settings over San Fran and the FSX framerate was dropping into the low teens from time to time, with the load of the object settings and a thunderstorm. But Timewarp did its job and the fight model stayed as fluid and smooth as oil. I think that this is the start of something very big for the flightsim hobby - I could be wrong but based on this early evolution it looks immensely promising. cheers Peter
  6. Thanks for posting this. Looks very interesting and feasible - and quite far down the line. Donation duly made. Next stop purchase of DK2. cheers Peter
  7. If you watch the Flightsimcon You Tube video where there is a panel discussing the future of flight sim Robert Randazzo states clearly that the future of flight sim lies (in his opinion) with how the platforms interact with the developers - he singles out Laminar as being amongst the best at this stating that he gets answers in minutes and hours or sometimes days if it is very compex, but things get changed and fixed very quickly (Austin is in the audience although you can't see him). There is another PMDG video filmed at the conference where he again talks extensively about X Plane and the fact that he now has a development team that have been through the learning process and indicates very strongly that the NGX/747 etc will follow. He also states in the last issue of PC Pilot that XP is probably the best sim platform in many ways from a developers point of view. He has clearly come to this conclusion through the devlopment process and by using the platform himself - there is a funny moment in the panel discussion where Froogle (Peter Wright) points out how he has changed his view based on an historic e-mail exchange between the two of them. My take on all this is that it is his intention to follow through on the development of more aircraft for X Plane - let's hope so because it surely msut help the size of the user base and that should, in turn, encourage more developers across. cheers Peter
  8. Great decision - I use both XP10 and P3D 2.5 professional. If you ever want to fly in the UK W2XP GB Pro and Flight1/RC Simulations photoscenery will give you probably the most realistic and accurate portrayal of England & Wales available in a home sim - I am learning to fly in RL and use it to practice VFR. See these two links South Lake District (mountainous) https://youtu.be/sjATCkvvKGA East/South Coast - a little slow to get going but then shows a number of towns/ports, estuary to the River Thames, white cliffs of Dover etc in quick succession https://youtu.be/uq5pS7BLuwU cheers Peter
  9. I know, I know - one of the foibles of X Plane when there is no scenery available. Hopefully you enjoyed the rest of the scenery though! cheers Peter
  10. We were on approach to EGGP (Liverpool, UK) practising no-flap landings. From right came what we now know to be a flock of Racing Pigeons. There were three strikes - prop, windshield and co-pilot window. The latter one came straight through. Luckily my instructor had good reactions and raised his shoulder, which was subsequently found to have broken skin and massive bruising, otherwise it would have hit the size of his face. Being no-flaps we were on apporach at about 85 knots, so 15 higher than usual. My instructor, Lucas, was briiliant - mayday'd immediately (not knowing at the time what other damage might have been done nor whether any of the blood was his or not!) - we got down pefectly safely and the emergency services were right there waiting. Luckily no serious injury and an amazing real life emergency training scenario. The bird organ has no been placed that is where it landed - we believe it is probably the heart. Photos can be found here. http://1drv.ms/1IROeuV cheers Peter
  11. The insinuaton by Dan and others 'in the know' appears to indicate that it is a big leap forward so hopefully it will have a lot of functionality. Like the visuals though! cheers Peter
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