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Everything posted by nicksort

  1. Funny you should mention that, I did also purchase the Q400. But I have not had the time to install it as of yet.
  2. Just an update - I actually made a short flight without a crash or stall. Getting used to the Trim wheel and slowing way down before decent is going to be the big learning challenge for me. Years ago I set the sim as auto mix and never worried about it, boy was I wrong. The B1900 is extremely sensitive as I make each change and I am enjoying this learning curve.
  3. Thank you for the link, I enjoyed the read.
  4. Thank you all I did purchase the B1900 and it is very nice and I was happy to see that it came with 3 different install options including P3dv2. I tried to take a short flight with it and to my embarrassment I will admit that I need to learn how to prepare and fly a Turbo Prop, after 17yrs of not flying props I am completely lost.
  5. I agree, the JS41 is the perfect Regional for short trips. I am still afraid to purchase the B1900 unless a few come forward with their results. I have been reading that there are planes that say they are P3d ready but they do not list which version and if there are any issues.
  6. I have been looking for a nice regional airliner for P3DV2 and the selection list is short. I was hoping the PMG J41 would be available by now but it isn't so I have continued to look around. I have searched around and cannot find anything on the Carenado B1900D HD being compatible with P3dv2, does anyone have it and can comment on the what does NOT work? Does anyone have any other suggestions for a plane this size? Thank you
  7. Testing a pic and seeing if it works. Looks like it works, great
  8. Well that worked, I wonder why it did not work using the upload box going thru AVSIM. Thank you I will try in the Screen shot forum now. Thank you Nick
  9. Richard I tried tinypic and still the same results, no upload when I paste the link in the URL window. This is so odd.
  10. Tom, thank you again, It must be at my end. Could it be a pic format issue, I have been try ".jpg" Or could it be length of name?
  11. You know I have been doing this exactly as it stated over and over in the screen shot forum and still it is not uploading. The only thing I am now wondering is there a standard post requirement total on Avsim that must be achieved before I can upload? In case you are wondering I am using Photobucket and yes I am using the copy IMG function to populate the AVsim popup window asking me to paste the URL of the photo! I am lost
  12. Thank you, I did not see that post. Also the link for the tutorial is dead
  13. I have been trying to post a pic in a forum but to no avail. There are no instructions on Size of pic anywhere that I could find. I have tried different sizes but no go as of yet. Anyone have the size limit?
  14. I will have to admit that not everyone's settings will work for you, I have been following Richards posts about his findings and each time he posts I will make a change, he has helped me but I have also made changes on my own that have given me the look I need to have from a cockpit. I feel P3d is a fantastic Sim and I look forward to the next update. I can also say that you need to choose your add-ons wisely, because I thought as long as you use the migration tool everything would work correctly, I was WRONG!!! With my settings the way I like them, most of the sliders at full, I am enjoying my experience, here I am climbing out of KROC this morning in the typical upstate morning Haze.......I know it may not be the best pic but I am not a photo buff.... Sorry. It seems that no matter how many times I have tried to upload the picture using the image link it just never works. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i115/71GTXD21/KROCMorningHaze.jpg I guess this can work...
  15. Because of a Scenery issue I could not resolve I needed to uninstall P3d and then do a fresh install, I would not like to fall into the same problem once again. My question is I have the following scenery I would like to install, in what order would you install these and in what PRIORITY should they be listed in the Scenery Library? FTX: Global Vector PNW Blue Alaska Northern Alaska Packs 1-11 Freeware Airports Additional Payware: FSdreamteam FlightBeam FlyTampa Thank you
  16. Well I am enjoying P3d, It seems very stable. I added all of my airports, (KLAX, KORD, KLAS, KJFK, KSFO, KPHX, KIAD, VXXH, and TNCM) that I purchased from FSDT, FB, and FlyTampa and Tested almost all of them. Frame rates were 25-30 which is better than FSX. I then added FTX Global and then Vector, frame rates stayed at 25+, this is still good. I will start to get just a few of the regional areas that I might like and of course I will start to download the free airports. I want to begin learning how to fly GA, all I have ever tried and I do mean try to fly are Airliners, any suggestions on any GA....
  17. Thank you for the quick reply. This is what is confusing, do I need to purchase FTX Global Base and then each region or is there a complete package?
  18. I downloaded it and the install went smoothly. After taking a few test flights around an airport I am familiar with I was pleasantly surprised at the stability of the sim. I am very happy I took the chance to see how P3d would run on my system. I also purchased the FSX to P3d migration tool to help with installing my airport addons purchased for FSX. What I am confused about is there seems to be multiple scenery packages and mesh addons and it is quite confusing. What I currently use in FSX is REX4 w/OD GEX UTX Should I consider these or move on to FTX, but which ones? Nick
  19. I am at fault about the License question as I did ask it but a member quickly sent me a message about the policy and I immediately removed it. As far as a plain vanilla FSX platform I do have GEX, UTX, REX and also added 5x FSDT Scenery's and 3x FBeam Scenery's and 2x FlyTampa Scenery's. I have it looking real good but it must not be as good P3d as you say.
  20. After being away for 17yr from MSFS I purchased and installed FSX and quickly updated to DX10 and I was in the clouds enjoying every minute I was in the air, until I saw a video and I went blank, is P3d this good or am I dreaming? This is the video I saw! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHNt6KRO4X0 Thank you to all that reply.
  21. Thank you all for the reply's. What a difference DX10 makes, thank you Steve for your fix.......
  22. I purchased the DX10 fixer on Sunday 5/11/14 and installed it and today I received an email stating v2.2 has just released. I checked the version I had installed and it is version 2.2 Build 45. Do I have the latest version or do I need to download it again? thanks
  23. Gee it looks like I went to flightsim.com and registered a couple of weeks before my brother passed away. I made a new post back then about being away and wanting to start back in flight sims. I don't remember this at all, My head was not on straight back then, I am glad I am back to normal and life is going smoothly. Also I want to say that I did take some time to check out the links that were posted above and also did check out the image forum. I am impressed with the advancement the sims have taken. I also checked out you tube and looked at the videos of FSX, and XP10 and yes there is a difference as stated but I think I will just start with FSX for now and eventually try XP10. Scenery and panels/aircraft are a must for me, and I want them to look as real as they get, are there any must haves for US scenery or is a global package the only way to get this.
  24. Wow so much to read and learn, I just thought this would be easy to get back into a seat and begin flying once again. I want to thank all of you for your advice and suggestions, it is overwhelming and appreciated. Wendell asked "If I could ask a question, what kind of flying did you do? Airliners? Or more General Aviation?" I loved flying Heavy Airliners from airport to airport, short to long distance, in varying degrees of weather. I also loved the short commute in a JS31 or 41.
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