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Everything posted by giantkillerrobot

  1. Well, I guess I’ll leave it as demonstration of measurable impact under one set of conditions, consistent with theory and documentation. Have a a good weekend flying.
  2. OK, Proof: https://imgur.com/a/BztILT9 P3D, MILVIZ DHC-2, ORBX everything I could find for the PNW, Active Sky and ASCA. Saved scenario, HT on and off after a reboot. HT on yields 25-55FPS in flight, while HT OFF yields a consistent 55+ FPS, all other considerations being equal. For my system HT has a quantifiable impact on performance, contrary to AnkH's opinion, it is not "nonsense". This is a reasonably easy, non-destructive configuration change the OP could try that might have significant bang-for-the-buck. I"m a little confused why it has touched off a firestorm from AnkH and lownslo. If you'd like to dig into how HT works Intel's tech docs are at: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/introduction-to-hyper-threading-technology Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation of the tech at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading
  3. Well, it gets posted from an understanding of how HT works... Prepar3d is often bottlenecked by CPU - we need single-process, single-thread, single-core performance to be maxed out. HT does the opposite of this, attempting to run several threads/processes on a single core, allowing it to multi-task - for example, if one process is waiting on memory access, HT allows another "thread" to ustilize the core to do some work. This is exactly what we don't want with Prepar3d. My rig is water cooled, GTX1080, i7-8700, with 16gb dual channel DDR4 - HT OFF made a quite significant improvement in performance.
  4. Hyperthreading OFF often makes a significant improvement in reducing the CPU bottleneck. I have an i7-8700k and I went from 25FPS with the MilViz Beaver to >60FPS just by turning off hyperthreading.
  5. I had the exact same issue, even after two full uninstall/re-install cycles. Running the delete-generated-files batch file in the P3D installation directory fixed it for me. I can't remember the exact filename at the moment...
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