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About Raufvogel

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  • Birthday 12/17/1948

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    The Netherlands

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    I play in two brass bands, sometimes I make a video, I like working on the computer, especially working with flight simulator is very interesting.

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  1. The problem of AFCAD KPHL 27L is solved by changing the file KPHL_ADEX_SUNSKYJET.BGL Stephen with my bgl file. I have to learn why my newly installed AFCAD not working well and how to repair a AFCAD before the monthly Herve Sors Navaids update. Does this update also repair AFCAD ILS NAVAIDS (non standard), and is it possible to Update Herve Sors Navaids cycle a second time if necessary, as in my case? Thanks for the help, especially for Stephen. Regards, ​Jaap Mooijer
  2. Thank you Stephen, i've switched off SunSkyJet Sceneries in FSX-SE Library The plane is now to much on the left side off the runway Maybe PMDG menu, CORRECT LOC CRS TO FSX = OFF must be ON again?
  3. Thank you, i've done it a moment ago again. and placed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\scenery\BASE\Scenery I've to leave now, tomorrow morning i will try again. Regards, Jaap
  4. I've checked NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Data settings 1603 in FSX-SE Perhaps there is an error in the PATH where NAVI GRAPH updates should be installed? Regards, Jaap
  5. Hello Stephen, here the result during approach 27L. Strange, the heading of the plane is still 267 degree? FSX-SE map Before the flight i've updated AirAc 1603 again. Maybe i've to place the "magnetic variation updated by Herve Sors" again as well? Regards, Jaap
  6. Hello Stephen, thank you very much. After StartUp for a new PMDG 777 flight, this new file appears: < magnetic variation updated by Herve Sors, Navigraph 1603 > This all i've done as well... Now i will try again flight KWRI 06 - KPHL 27L, i'm very curious what will happening. Anyway, this is a VERY good sign: Regards, Jaap
  7. First i've renamed ARPT_RWY.dat in ARPT_RWY.dat.bak Then i tryed to find "MakeRwys.exe" and then i came to "AF_cleanner.exe" It is sufficient to simply rename, then FSX and PMDG 777-200LR / F to boot, so that a new "ARPT_RWY.dat" file is placed? ​Regards, Jaap
  8. Thank you Stephen. To be sure, is this the right file please: Regards, Jaap
  9. I've made a new flight KWRI 06 - KPHL 27L Landing on the new scenery of Philadelphia, but the heading is still 267 degree, en must be 265 Regards, Jaap Mooijer
  10. Thank you all for replying to me! I have performed this afternoon Hervé Sors Magnetic Variation Update . I've downloaded scenery KPHL, and also installed, beautiful scenery. But Heading on runway now is 268 degree I've installed Herve Sors FSX/P3D Navaids latest update 1603? Now, after making all the changes I've made the trip again. Landing on runway 27L looking good for me now!! Because an error appeared during the landing and just for the runway i've to try again. Regards, Jaap Mooijer
  11. Hello, today i maked a flight and during landing on KPHL-27L the PMDG plane landed with ILS 109.30/267 but must be 109.30/265 My current AIRAC cycle is 1603 There is something i can do? Regards, Jaap Mooijer
  12. Elevation problem solved with ADE.
  13. Strange, during ILS landing on 32R, elevation runway is perfect, no elevation problem, RWY 24 elevation difference less than 14L
  14. Thanks to hervesors and after removing all the 3rd party off EDDK ILS scenery parts, ILS frequencies are OK now. Only the elevation difference is remaining I got a tip to solve the elevation difference "Make some tests by adding only one scenery after the other and you'll find" but unfortunately it is a puzzle to me, haha. ​ It is a rotten feeling like and scenery is out of order, i want to know how for now, and later, maybe someone have the right key for solution
  15. Hello Herve Sors, thank you. Before i will try out Peters advice, i've removed the scenery "FSX_eddk_ade_rs" from Ray Smith, then i startup FSX-SE at EDDK 14L, with elevation difference. Then I opened the folder of FSX, and have maked a screenshot of runway IKEN 32R with ILS 109.70 ​I hope it means something to you? ​Regards, Jaap Mooijer
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