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Everything posted by desertman_218

  1. Hello Portia911 i have the last version of mu2 and the wx500 is not shown in the virtual cockpit. To have wx500 I need the version of mu2 before "VERSION 2.2 UPDATES: JUNE 23, 2016" (New integrated WX Advantage Radar by Rex / Milviz) Flysimware does not put him anymore the wx500 I do not know how to find this version. Thank's
  2. I found nothing in this forum. Can be that I shall find on Web somebody understandable who will understand that I do not want to steal copyright but simply to use a model of plane which is not any more sold. Thanks for all.
  3. Unfortunately the aiscraft available on the Flysimware site is the same that i already bought . he have only the advantage radar in the virtual cockpit. idem at Simsharck. I look for the old model with the wx500 in the virtual cockpit but I do not think to find it thank you anyway for that.
  4. Ho sorry , I thought that it was possible for a simple file.One more time sorry. I am ready to buy all the plane but I do not know how to find him. If you have one idea. Thank's.
  5. Hello Charliearon Thank you for your welcome. I am going to think of the thread.
  6. Hello at all. i am french and I am sorry for my bad language. I have just bought the Mitsubishi MU-2B-60 for FSX / P3D in the laster version. I shall want to have wx500 in my virtual cokpit but Flysimware does not put him anymore. Somebody can tell me where I can find to buy one older version of the MU2B with the wx500 in the virtual cockpit ? I have two licence : reality wx500 and Advantage but i I prefer the implantation of the wx 500 in the virtual cockpit. it is more beautiful. After i think to put the data of the advantage in the wx500 and adjusting the data in the pop up 2D. I hope that you understood me. Thank you .
  7. Hello simmers I am sorry for my bad language but i am french. I find this forum very great, I read many messages very interesting. I am simmer since 1998 with fs98. I hope which I can help but I am sure to find an answer to all my questions. i fly on fsx with many addons. Good flight at all.
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