Thanks Jim,
Although I've had the 747 and 737 for a while, I just installed the 777 (200&300) within the last couple weeks so it's the latest one. I thought the scenery update would take
care of it by matching the runways with those in the FMC database. It seems like that's what should have happened, but something's not meshing. I completely understand
why I would have this problem at, say, Seattle, which has gotten a new runway since FSX came out, and I haven't updated that scenery to match the newer databases. This
is also a major reason I would not pay for nav updates, most of the FSX are frozen in time while the real data is always changing, and you would end up with this sort of error
a lot. Anyway, maybe the Aerosoft update doesn't complete some critical piece of data, hoping someone knows. Otherwise I'll try to go in and change the database manually.
Alex V.
I think the SIDs/STARs wouldn't show up because they are actually linked to the runways. If you want to fly the YESKA2 arrival to rwy 14, but it's actually 15 now,
that star won't show up because that runway doesn't exist anymore, and the procedures even get renamed (usually by one number). So it'd be the YESKA3 to 15.
At least I think that's how it works, could be wrong, it's been a while since I've been in the real system, but would make sense why the FMC isn't giving me the procedures.
Alex V.