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Posts posted by dmarques69

  1. 1 hour ago, Nkflyer said:

    I'm currently debating between the i5-8600K, i7-8700 and i7-8700K, while balancing out a few criteria:

    -I'm NOT planning to overclock anything, so I'll be using the stock clock speeds


    So I guess what I'm getting at is: would it be possible to enjoy a smooth FSX



    Quoted what got my attention, no overclok the awnser is simple for me i7-8700

    FSX!? just confuses me that people still invest in FSX with all the OOM problems, but well is hardware, you can go later to P3D v4 or even better X-Plane 11

    • Like 1

  2. I think you are overreacting a little bit but ok...yes the "problem" with steam is that you need to go online, in every game, no just flight sims, if their servers are down you cant play anything, but in XP a lot of plugins only work if are online, xenviro, Jar plugins, flight factor you name it, the majority of them have licence online check... so i dont understand whats the big issue!

  3. In X-plane Pilot2atc and world traffic 3 are by far the best options imho , and you can use them working together, there are still issues with WT3(plane separation, ATC cant see the planes in the ground, etc) but the dev is working on this issues and doing a full integration with p2atc.

    As a side note wt3 requires some "maintenance" to get it working right regarding the issues that still has, but a must have for AI in XP in my opinion.

    More info the best place to look and questioning regarding wt3 is in x-plane.org

  4. Yesterday i downloaded several speech packages on W10 for P2ATC and i found some of the voices to low even in 100%, im using it with XP and for example in the latest FF a320 update the cockpit sounds are very high and even reducing the volume of internal cockpit sounds in XP its very hard to hear P2ATC...

    this dint solve my problem:

    Anyone has this problem? how to solve?

  5. Aivlasoft EFB is a electronic flight bag and Litlenavmap is a flight planner, regarding the names indeed they have some similar functions, both have moving map, support airacs, sid's and star's, etc...  i never used the version AS EFB v2 because im on XP now and unfortunately they dont support it but from version one the first thing i recall is the vertical profiles in the EFB that where pretty useful...but if you are happy with littlenavmap what's your doubt? its free and a awesome tool 😉

  6. 25 minutes ago, Jim Young said:

    I read where Windows 10 updates will soon delete programs like CCleaner, Advanced System Care, Bleachbit , etc., and treat them as malware.

    If thats the case Microsoft is going to have another pile of law suites in their hands, because they cant mark anything as malware and delete it from any computer that is not, i found that one hard to believe, but you know their are the masters of the old good propaganda!

    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, AAN1718A said:

    I run the i8700 at 5ghz on a Kraken NZX without issue under load, temps in the upper 60's. No de-lidding necessary. Just make sure you got adequate cooling..

    Well im seeing a lot of people saying that, which i found surprising, not only based in my experience but on the reviews on this processor an others that i personally know... i have a good cooler, maybe not good enough, theres always another factor that we forgot to say, the room temp, i average 25/26c in my office in the current summer, maybe you guys all live in Siberia 😀

  8. 1 hour ago, KNOSSOS said:


    Update to Fog & Scattering tweak

    • Fixed the issue with low visibility and foggy conditions (visibility stayed at normal level).

    How to update:

    If you are using old 1.00 version of tool, you need to update it to 1.01 version (see July 26, 2018 post).
    If you are already using actual version (1.01), you need just restart the tool and apply you solution. Done.

    Yuri you are the man, concerned with your costumers without charging one cent, not even a donation link!?

    I wish other developers where like this, in XP we have several that simply dont care about costumer satisfaction and in well know not cheap products!

    Don't drop X-vision in 1.30, make it payware, you deserve to be compensated.


    • Like 2

  9. 12 hours ago, bowingic said:

    Sorry to be a Dumbo but can you give an example of the short cut. Do you just have a blank Custom Scenery folder in the main Xplane folder and have the short cut to just the scenery required on the other drive?

    Would appreciate an example as I'm not clear on how to structure it so that it is seen by Xplane in the Custom Scenery folder, if that's how its done.

    Many Thanks


    Ian as simple as it gets, example folder with custom airports in D:/airports, X-plane in C:\X-plane\Custom Scenery, you pick the aiport in D, drag it with the right mouse button to the custom scenry folder release the button and choose create shortcut, you can rename the shortcut for whatever you want then start XP, the aiport is going to show in scenery ini file, you just need to order to the right position, in the case of custom airports they go on top so you dont have to do anything 😉

    • Like 1

  10. 53 minutes ago, GHarrall said:

    The lookup table vs blade element flight model discussion has been beaten to death (and debunked) over the years. The conclusion was that one was not better than the other, it all comes down to how each is implemented. Some addon devs do it better than others. Its that simple. This will be the same in both sims.

    A2A, realair - both excellent in the P3D / FSX realm.

    My conclusion with using the XP11 demo at least with the default aircraft (main focus was C172) that it was on par with P3D. No more, no less. Certainly not 'night and day' difference.

    Well you gave the only example than in my opinion is head to head in FD with XP, A2A, this guys know what they do, you just need to follow them in social media to see all the work that they do before releasing a plane to the public! Rather than that you cant give me another example, because there aren't, the only difference i see in this one , is that you have to pay in one side and on the other is free.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Bjoern said:

    I run XP11 from a 512 GB USB3 SSD. Linux and Windows binaries coexist in the same installation folder to share the same resources (although it requires a workaround during initial installation of either flavor).

    One thing I still need to figure out is a multiplatform solution to automatically copy the right preference files depending on computer name (too lazy to change graphics settings and controller assignments each and every time).

    Other than that, I basically have a mulitplatform plug&play flight simulator now.

    What do u mean? you just need to copy the keys, joystick and calibration .prf files located in the preferences folder!

  12. 3 hours ago, Colonel X said:

    Very impressed by your tool! However, I think low visibility isn't handled that well (Impressive Preset) - it seems the fog is completely gone, thus allowing high visibilities even in foggy weather. Anything to be done here on my end?

    Strange, i dont have this issue, there are other users reporting the same in the org, im using xvison together with ultra weather XP, maybe UWXP is taking care of the fog!?

  13. 20 minutes ago, jcomm said:

    Wow Marques,

    I had never thought of that one!  Good trick !!!!!

    Is the best option my friend, you save time and resources, if you have all in the custom scenery folder, every time you fly over one of those airports XP as to read all stuff it in memory and you not even going to see it, well maybe from a cruise altitude 🙂

    Some people even delete the global airports folder!


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