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  1. Thanks everyone! I'm now using 5 and its a little bit faster i think!
  2. Hi Guys, I've searched for a long time to get the best setting but 99% of the time it's about quadcores... In the past my only tweak was the highmemfix but I'm reading about the Affinitymask tweak and used the calculator on a website. It gave me Affinitymask=4. But now I read on 2 forums that the correct number is 9?? I sure could use some help! Some extra fps is welcome, especially with the pmdg! Thanks guys!
  3. Install complete... Wow! That looks nice!! Latest updates really make a difference! Sadly I see some fails here and there... roads that cross houses and for example Havana... The houses are in the ocean :( Maybe scenery in the wrong order?
  4. Ok.. and do you recommend reboot after each install or not needed? I'm going to install tomorrow... I'm sooo excited
  5. Oh yeah one last question... Do I need to reboot my pc between updates??
  6. Hi Demious, you said that I can just install vector 1.20. But I just read this at the orbx support website: Version 1.20 28th October 2014 This is an incremental patch, therefore FTX Vector 1.15 needs to be installed.
  7. Because I dit a fresh install of fsx, I need to install orbx again. Do I need to install 1.0 first or can I go straight to 1.30 with the new installer?
  8. Ok thanks very much! So for global and vector I just need the last updates?! 1.30 & 1.20? And forget the rest? Sorry for the many questions but I had texture problems in the past so I want to do everything the right way from now on
  9. Thanks! At the orbit support website I find only 2 updates of vector and one for openlc. Strange that they do not put all their updates on their website... I cant find any for global there... only by google...
  10. Hi guys, At the moment I'm running the first versions of orbx. Now I read there are a lot of updates... Do I need to install all of them? 1.10, 1.20, etc. Or can I just pick the newest (1.30)?? Thanks!!
  11. Yes I already done that... I now made a new clean install of fsx and the problem is still there. (Without orbx). Here 2 screenshots just east of amsterdam... https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz9e0du6h1gcr9w/2015-1-15_13-47-7-908.BMP?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hfdaz6mift1c8y2/2015-1-15_13-47-25-78.BMP?dl=0
  12. Thanks stook2005. i tried it but no luck... I made a screenshot to show what I mean: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xw8n2jo7oi68tjq/2015-1-13_9-31-51-887.BMP?dl=0
  13. Thanks! I installed Orbx global, vector and openlc europe. It looks very nice but I get weird white squares in the landscape. I tried dx9 and dx10... It looks like there are many bugs in the scenery? Any suggestions what I can do?
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