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  1. Same happened to me but GSX did the pushback allright once I had removed the wheelchocks. I do not find this plane buggy.. did you download the update that was released today ?
  2. I understand an incorrect IATA type code in the ac cfg file makes that PSX is unable to identify the aircraft properly. Aircraft entry in the UI will be yellow and the log wil state " wingspan unknown, max is taken". Normally the solution would to be to update the aircraft CFG file with the correct aircraft code. For the Asobo ATR and A310 I am unable to find the CFG file. Could it be that they are encrypted ? Could somebody give me a hint how to get PSX to recognise the aircraft wingspan correctly for these aircraft ? Thx !
  3. When preselecting my arrival airport and gate I get a warning that the halfwingspan of my Fenix A320 is 39,6 mtr and the ac will not fit in the requested position, consequently wherever I go the adjacent aircraft polity disappear. I far as I know the full wingspan is 39,6 mtrs. How can I correct the wingspan ? thx very much Dick
  4. Is this what you are looking for ? https://secure.simmarket.com/mk-studios-vagar-p3d4.phtml
  5. I kept a backup of the 4.5 version of the AIG files and just moved the relevant files over to the new AIG 5H structure. Seems to work fine on first sight... Would be a pain having to reload all of the files .. b rdgs / Dick
  6. I have the same issue as you describe here. All my UK2000 airports measure 6.47GB as per the list in the remove/deinstall page. When I use a program to visualize the disk ( like Spacesniffer) I can see that on the disc they have the correct size. So I take it as an administrive error and I do not worry about it. Happy flying / Dick
  7. You did not give any information as to what airport and to what gate but GSX normally only uses the information contained in the afcad. If GSX does something wrong or unexpected most of the times the cause lies with the afcad of the airport in question. However as explained there is a GSX menu that allows you to configure various options like e.g pushback directions.
  8. Fuel in the center tank makes the aircraft noseheavy. Fuel in the wings do not affect the center of gravity that much. When the center of gravity is forward because of fuel in the centertank you will need to use trim to get the center of gravity in the desired position. This increases the fuelburn. So you really want to fill the centertanks last ( and use first). Contrary to what you say the aircraft is better balanced when the tanks are used one after another in the correct sequence
  9. but he probably uses a keyboard to fly the drone apart from a stick and throttle
  10. Good story, thank you ! I will follow in your footsteps soon. brdgs / Dick =
  11. In my case ASN also did not want to network anymore. Fortunately my firewall came up automatically, saying ASN was blocked and offering to deblock which I accepted and ASN networked without problems afterwards. b rdsg Dick
  12. Thank you both for the good advice. Will proceed as suggested. kind regards / Dick =
  13. Have been an active sky user for a long period until I got caught in the Opus hype. Now with the new version It seemed all very good so I got your trial version yesterday . I did install ASN on a second computer and was very disappointed about your minimalistic instructions on setting up. Needed to go left and right on the various forums to get the ins and outs of the simconnect and sdk stuff. Got that behind me now. Next ASN kept compaining that it could not install a module and it needed access to my flightsim folder . Have been working on opening ports. Right after I think I succeeded in opening the requested port ASN wanted a new key. Just 10 mins ago it still stated I had 6 days left and now it wants a new key. Requesting a new key is not successful. What I am supposed to do now ? thx your help / Dick
  14. or just close it and and open it. When starting a session with doors open GSX does not always get the state of the opened door right as it has not seen the opening of the door. Dick
  15. Topic title is misleading. The article reads " Lufthansa Cargo plans to phase out two of its MD-11s next year" . Most other MD-11's in the fleet were the last ones to come of the production line ( last one in 2001 ) and will see more years of service. The ones that are being phased out ( converted and build for another carrier) are non standard to the LH build aircraft and are more expensive to operate/maintain. b rdgs Dick
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