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  1. Hello, So when i tried to install edzok and successfully setup everything and it seem to be working until when i load the plane i can't look around using the middle button. I use windows 10 and p3d v3.3
  2. Hi, I just installed my gsx yesterday from the gsx website. Please show me how i can update it because i think i have the lastest version already from gsx website. If you want to see the error please give me ur email and ill send you picture of the error.
  3. I cant use gsx because all sort of error happen in the installation. Something support file fail to update and some scenery fail to update error. I would like to know how to fix that and python25 dll error. Also Couatl crash error.
  4. Can anyone help me, My pmdg md 11 wouldn't work with keyboard. The yoke wouldn't turn or go up and down but the exterior shows that the aileron was moving. Please help
  5. I just bought the md 11 and realized i can't use my keyboard to turn the plane. I can't turn the plane with my keyboard and other stuff works.
  6. well it really hard to find a joystick in my country. But i did saw a joystick the other day when i was on vacation, i think it was the logitech extreme 3d pro. do you recommend me to buy that joystick?
  7. captain sim l1011 controls are good. just concern that this plane will turn like the default b737.
  8. So it possible but really hard to turn?? will it be really sticky to turn?
  9. Does the md 11 work on steam edition? Is it possible to used a keyboard to control the plane?
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