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  1. Thanks for the warning. I looked again in the compability settings and the setting was restored to "Win vista". When looking at the FSX box I saw it is made for Win XP and Win Vista so it is difficult to understand that it would create problems if I changed to XP. Well ,then I guess the important thing was the setting "Run as administrator". Anyhow, now FSX is running as smooth as before, even if there are some stutters( I think it is called) now and then but never mind. I like having a good view of the landscape. Greetings Gunbjo
  2. Yesterday afternoon I started going through the CTD-guide and looking for the simpliest solutions to begin with. I started win up-date and there was one new upp-date but it didn't help. I can't still paste directly into this space. But I continued trying different suggestions and among them i looked in "Compatibility" were it was the setting WIN Vista. I changed to WinXP and had to check the" Run as an administrator" too. I think eighter of them or both were the solution because then FSX run even a little better from the beginning to the end. I think setting the compat. must be a very important way to avoid problems and issues but I haven't seen this anywhere earlier suggested as an important and easy way to avoid problems. Shoulden't this be maybe the first step to take when you start with FSX?? When using Win XP many years ago I remember having to set compat. to an an earlier version to be able to play an old game and it worked just fine. Is this also possible in Win7? Thanks a lot for all your help, Jim. Gunbjo
  3. Sorry, but this small window still appears . The setting of the browser prevent the editor to access the clipboard data directly, though the UAC is on the bottom. If I understand you right I should make a new topic, but the same is happening there too. I have tried both right-clicking and using the icons above but the same window appears every time. It is really frustrating.
  4. I have got "Appcrashview too, which seems easier to use than "ProcessMonitor" so I'll attach 2 crashes hoping it can explain why the freezes happen. When trying to paste I get a small window asking me to use that with help of "CTRL/CMD+v". I've got no CMD key and CTRL+v doesen't work. When I tried WIN. EXPL .EDGE it says that the sicurity settings prevent me from pasting directly into this window. Can't understand why I, the user, shouldn't be allowed to paste some words into a text file. And I can't find which settings are causing this. Anyone out there knows how to change it?? I almost start to whish going back to winXP. Very few problems then compared to now. I have also tried Goggle Crome and get the same window but no explaination.
  5. I thought I'd try to return to default configuration and now I see I've got 2 dll-xml files and 2 exe-xml files, the second of both the groups called "Before Add-on". Do I need both?? If yes, I shall put both in a temporary folder?? There are also Simconnect.xml and LWcfg.xml files. I don't touch them?? There are also several .cfg files. I only need to put scenery.cfg into a temp. folder?? Gunbjo
  6. Hi again, One thing was solved but now I've got another problem that happened to me also in Win7. At the end of a pretty short flight from Malmoe, Sweden to Berlin the immagine freezes short before landing. I have tried it twice and it happen more or less at the same place. Readig what to do in your CTD guide" I downloaded "Process Monitor" and it seems to consist of 3 folders but when I try opening the manual I can see the headings but nothing happen when I'm clicking them. It seems as the manual is empty. If anyone has experience of it, please describe to me in steps what I've got to do to get something to send to this site. The program records everything from the moment it's started so 1 minute recording gives a several pages long list of events. Very grateful for any help Gunbjo System: Intel® Core i5-4460 CPU@ 3.20GHz 3.20GHz, Ram 8 GB, HD 1TB, Win10 home, 64bit
  7. Finally I managed to do it right, so now FSX is installed. It was this DOS command as administrator that was the key. I am adm. all the time so first I didn't understand the importance of using the DOS command, and the manual that I got from MS was from 2012 and there it was nothing about being an adm, so thank you very much indeed for your help. :smile: Gunbjo
  8. I have bought a newer version of another app which I installed yesterday without problems.Why doesn't the same happen to this program?? I guess all the applications must use these windows installer files. Gunbjo
  9. Thanks a lot for a quick answer, Chris. This has happened to me a couple of times before so I have already tried it once and no luck. After the "resetsldl -all" I received this answer: "Cleaning up Token Store at C:\Programdata\MICROSOFT\SLDL\\Softwarelicensing". Then it said: "Faild to delete the Token Store, Error HRESULT 80004005". Can I really continue at once with Accelration?? Mustn't I start all over again because I also receive this: "Drawing back the installation" Anyhow I will try again as the event log also pointed out this place. But first I will wait for your answer before doing anything, of course. Gunbjo
  10. I don't know what to do. I have reformated and reinstalled win10 and when trying again to install the FSX Gold Edition (acceleration), at the end of DVD2 I get the error 1603 and the explanation that somthing is wrong with the WINDOWS installer. Win10 contains the ver. 5 and the WIN XP is using the ver.4.5. Could I have a too old ver. of FSX dvds? I never had any problems of this kind when I used WIN XP. I could use win7 for some year before it started to give trouble. Anyone understand this?? Should I buy a new FSX? Normaly I would write the code of the product key at the end of DVD2 and after that I would insert the acceleration DVD that has another code. Is the Windows installer part of WIN10 or is delivered together with FSX??? It seems to be part of WIN10 so it should not be any problem now, should it? I hope someone nows about this. I am grateful for any help Gunbjo
  11. Thanks a lot for all your help Jim, that I Have appreciated very much, and thanks to you Dozybee. I am sorry I wasn't very clear. Yes I have all the three DVDs. It's just that when finished DVD2 it never ask for DVD acceleration. It is like an own app. with an own product key. I used Win7 when the issues started and slowly it got worse, so finely I decided to change to Win10 hoping it would solve the issues. Earlier I got the error 1722 and looking in the Microsoft community they explain it as a general error message that states that a system level failure has occurred, mostly in the Setup program associated with registering fonts. The app resets .sldl files using DOS. "You are prompted for the license reset", they end the manual. I don't know if this issue, asking for a third DVD depends on if something is wrong on the HD or if it is the DVD. If it is the HD it wouldn't help buying a new FSX, I guess. If all the information on the DVD always go in just one direction from DVD to HD and never the other way around the issue is always in the computer except if you scratch the DVD too much, am I right? So the computer can't write on the DVD. Many thanks to all of you responding my questions.
  12. Your last manual solved the problem of starting the install. There were dublicates of the idriver in Driver10 but they weren't enabled. It was the same in Driver11 but there was also a third idriverT and that one was enabled for Winxp. But almost at the end again the install ends up by asking for one more dvd.(It would be the third one even if it doesn't mention a number). It was in that way it started earlier with error 1722, and again it seems to be stopped showing the word "License. I downloaded earlier the "Licensing System Reset Tool" and ran it but it didn't help. Should I try it again? I know I have to do the uninstall again but together with the Reset tool? Or is it something else I can do???
  13. I could only delete the TEMP file but then it stopped almost at once. Unfortunately this manual must be intended for the older versions of WIN and there are a lot of processes running but nothing like IDriver.exe. MS is not making things easy by often changing the file names not to mention everything else in the interface. It seems not to be any process in Win10 called something with "driver" in it, neither anything with "installer"in it.
  14. Nothing seems to help, because I get this error message: 1628 after a while when it is trying to start the InstallShield wizard. It just means "Failed to complete installation". To me it seems as something has happened to the DVD now. Looking at it, the DVD has very very few scratches, hardly anything to be honest. My problem started in Win7 and I'm not sure if it will help buying a new FSX but of course it isn't that expensive compared to all the add ons I've got. What do you think? Perhaps it may be worth trying and if it doesn't work in Win10 I can try to change back to win7.
  15. Thank you very much for the fast answer. Now I learned something more about these "Install shield" files. Otherwise I have done the things you are recommending. I have both CCleaner (free) and Revo Uninstaller so I think I have managed to get rid of all the FSX files. Is it important to uninstall GEX add-ons, Instant Scenery and Instant Object also?? At least the GEX files and Instant Object are put in folders outside FSX, but you can start IS and IO inside SMX . The more I think about this the more I'm sure I have to uninstall even these add-ons except the GEX files that can be inactivated. And I have the Uninstall - Reinstall manual too. So tomorrow it's a lot to do. Thanks again Gunbjo
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