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  1. Hi i just baught Rex 4 texture direct, unfortunatly i cant seem to install it. i have looked at guides on how to install it and still no luck. most guides and videos show the folder that is downloaded when rex is purchased is full with numerous files, However the one I downloaded (From the REX store its self) only has "rexfileinstaller_20160815" and "rexinstaller" I'm not sure what is the problem and im hoping that i am not missing any important files. But if I am I am not sure what to do next, Thanks. Update: after a lot of searching i found that changing the drive I install the files to seems to have made it work. Interesting (or im just a touch tired and didnt realise i didnt use the installer correctly)
  2. I just tried the A321 again and i dont recall doing anything different but this time it actually lifted off properly. I think my problem was i wasnt changing my trim setting to what was on the fuel planner. i was setting it to something different that was clearly incorrect. anyways. thank you to everyone for giving me a hand in figuring out what i was doing wrong.
  3. Thanks for all the help, Just got back from holiday so i will try theise tips next time i fly. Also before i left i realised i could fly the A320 perfectly fine using the same feul planner and using the automatic checklist.
  4. Ill make sure to try an A320 this time and where can i find the required trim as the last flights ive done ive had to use the fuel planner and i wasnt sure weather there was an indication in the aircraft itsself somewhere
  5. HI, I decided to buy aerosofts A321/A320 and A319/a318 when they were on sale the other day. I have never flown an Airbus in flight sim so i knew i would have a few problem and would need to learn how to properly opperate the aircraft but i havent managed to even leave the ground yet as on takeoff the aircraft will pitch back but not lift off the ground. Other information: when the automated checklist requires the Elevator trim to be set no trim setting seems to work (which leads me to believe this could be the problem) also I have been following a guide on how to set up the aircraft so i can try and learn for myself but even following this guide seems to result in the same problem. Thanks for any help Ps. I am very new to the airbus so its very likely that the problem is me doing something wrong.
  6. Thank you very much, just about to try it now
  7. I've recently been able to add a peice of freeware scenery to FSX to add the new airport on the island of St.Helena in to the game. I have a large interest in this airport and its development however I have no way of flying in to or out of St.Helena in the PMDG 737NGX. I decided to try add the airport in to the NAVDATA folder however i was confused as to how to add the airport in without causing problems to the data Eg. listing the airport in the wrong place in the sequence. I was just wondering if anybody could help me add the airport or even do it for me :wink: I have found some deitails I think I will need to add: ICAO FHSH Coordinates 15°57′33″S 005°38′45″W Elevation 310m Runways 02 and 20 are 1,950m/6,398ft in length. Thank you for reading.
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