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Everything posted by iMoveQuick

  1. I know, But even though it was on fast, But on the switch a 360 turn was just a 1000ft for wxample, sometimes Not even a 1000ft. EDIT : This was the was the post i made a few months ago (is it improved with This combo?
  2. The problem with the multi panel is that it took ages to go from 10000ft to 35000ft, But is the rotatie speed quicker than the switch panel? it was Not only with the altitude, But also the speed,heading, altimeter and minimums. EDIT : are the rotation knobs also programmable for the Airbus and the non pmdg aircraft, since pmdg uses event id's and the qualitywings and CS version don't?
  3. Hi there, Few month ago I had the multi switch panel from vrinsight. That was a big dissapointment, But I'm now looking at the Airbus combo II or the Boeing combo II. But does that panel work better than the the multi panel switch in terms of rotation speed with de altittude,heading and speed, and are all buttons programmable for other aircraft? And does it work in p3d, bacause it days it only for fs2009 and FSX? Because I had slot of trouble with the Airbus speed/altitude/heading knob setting or does it have a profile for the Airbus or Boeing planes? Planes I fly : - all pmdg aircraft (+747-8) - Aerosoft Airbus Prof - Qualitywings 787 - CS 757 (Not alot) My problem explained by a review : "Setting a heading or altitude is dead easy. All autopilot values are visible at a glance and are simple to change. Each value has its own knob (as you would expect at this price) and they all work. However, they are very sensitive which is useful if you are setting the altitude from 10,000 feet to 35,000 feet as the value moves quickly, however it is less useful when you are trying to get a precise speed as you have to increase then decrease and it can be inconvenient. Something else I noticed was that the displays lag slightly when you change the value, making it even harder to get the desired value. This can start to get annoying after a long period. This is true for all the displays." Thank you in advance! ~iMoveQuick
  4. Hi there, Here's a small video of me showing the problem that I've bene facing since the update that rolled out this week. Last weekend when I last flew I didn't have this problem. Watch what happens between 0:25 and 0:30. at 0.39 I stopped zooming in, but less than a second later it jumps to 0.40. And this happens alot. Also with switching views. I've already tried to look up any conflicting key binding within P3D and FSUIPC, but no luck. Thank you!
  5. I will send it right away! One thing I also noticed is that I again takes ages to load. Version is v0.4.220 Beta Exp.
  6. Hi there, So I would like to report a problem that I'm having at the moment since the new update. The problem is that when zooming in in the cockpit is really laggy and stuttery and I have never experienced this before. Thnaks for reading, ~iMoveQuick
  7. Both of them? Seem to recall that clouds are GPU. But I'm No expert. DL is GPU? and Run p3d in 1080p. But the upgrade is Not only for p3d. Also for other games.
  8. If I do upgrade within the next 2 weeks, will able to get better performance with more traffic and overcast/stormy conditions? Since that's the problem I'm having now.
  9. Hi there, Just a Quick question regarding an GPU upgrade, since my r9 380 4GB is really struggeling with v4. Is it worth upgrading to a 1070ti or wait for 1080? Since the 1070ti is 500€ on sale and a 1080 Goes for 200€+ (Dutch prices) My specs atm : MSI Z370 (If I'm correct) Motherboard 16GB ram r9 380 4GB (about 3,5 years old) i5 8600k overclocked to 4,7GHZ (recently upgraded) Regards, ~iMoveQuick
  10. I will. One questions left though. I've been settings up my controls for P3D v4, but whenever I get to the axis there no way I can set them to do anything. Is there a way to let the axis act like a button, so I can program them inside FSUIPC? Sorry for not creating a different topic for this...
  11. I think I've fixed it for now! I changed the dials for heading etc to a different knob and it seems to work flawless. I will use the other ones just for other functions less important! Thank you anyway!
  12. And is there a possiblity I have to edit Some kind of code? But ill send the files when im home!
  13. So I won't be able to fix the problem? Download the file or within Linda?
  14. It is not Boeing or an Airbus model. its just a general model : https://www.google.nl/search?q=vrinsight+multi+switch+pmdg&rlz=1CDGOYI_enNL757NL760&hl=nl&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWi-_l45ndAhVGaVAKHRwGAgEQ_AUIEigC&biw=375&bih=591#imgrc=_6H0pwT5FBIa7M: As for the files I hope to send them tonight.
  15. Hi there, I've been looking around the forum for an anwser, but no luck. The problem is that whenever I rotate the knob on my Vrinsight Multi panel the input into p3d (PMDG 777) is very slow, even that slow that I have to wait to let the plane catch up to my rotation's. For example I rotated it 10 times, it takes quite some time to do so. And if I'm going to fast it won't even do anything. This problem also goes for the heading and altitude. Is there any way to fix this winthin LINDA or in the code? Regards, iMoveQuick PS: I'm using the config for the 777 that you can get on this forum.
  16. Hi there, So I got 2 problems since updating to the latest p3d version and updating chaseplane. The first one is about the advanced settings..Whenever I enable that settings chaseplane's functions don't work, the camera is stuck and panning with middle mouse is not working. Whenever I unable the setting it works fine, though. The second problem might have something the do with that advanced settings aren't unabled, but switching between camera's/presets isn't smooth, it just move to that position instantly. Hope you understand my explanation... Best regards, Casper EDIT : This video (Mine) will explain my second problem a little bit better.
  17. This is exacly what I thought. After a month of v4's release I'm allready forced to spent 200$ on new planes and p3d v4. IMO it's way to quick.
  18. Yeah it makes sense, but why make it compatible with the Old FSX and the new Steam FSX. IMO p3d v3 and lower is not that different from FSX. p3d V4 is. I know.
  19. It is all a big change, obviously. But not a possible upgrade for everyone "Yet".
  20. Hi there, I have a quick question regarding the compatibility of the QW 787 for p3d. Because from what I've read there will only be a FSX, FSX steam edition and a p3d v4 version of this plane. But will the FSX version work with p3d v3? Because at the moment I don't have the money to upgrade to p3d v4 and also buying the QW 787. Regards, Casper
  21. Hi there, So the title may not sound very clear, but my problem at the moment is that when I am in the air and having FSpassengers running along with Realwx Lite I can't go into into any menu, because when I do that and I close the "options" window for example my plane makes a weird turn, loses 80knt and Fspassengers will say I need to watch my G's. Whats the problem with this, or am I on the wrong forum? Casper.
  22. Hi there, So I've been figuring out how to get the plane (NGX 737) from cold and dark to engine start, but after a few steps I already run into a problem. When I want to start the APU the needle(EGT) moves really slow towards 4, and doesn't go any higher or lower and also at that point the "Low oil pressure" light comes on. (Nothing weird about that since that's normal I guess). But the problem is that it won't go out. It only goes out if I turn the APU on and off. So to make it clear, from the point that it reaches the 4 mark the APU gen off buss also goes on and when I click it the APU start (I think I'm not sure, but it sounds like it.) But why doesn't the "Low oil pressure" light go off? Here's a picture of my overhead panel : http://imgur.com/a/O8uUx Thanks! Casper
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