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  1. I disabled the ai sloped runways file in the addons list and it appears to have worked. Thanks for all the help guys.
  2. That is correct @Christopher Low. All is well when loading into the airport but only when arriving are the AI aircraft parked where they shouldn't be.
  3. I do not have any iniBuilds exclusion files @fluffyflops I do not think it is an elevation issue because the affected airports appear completely fine other than the AI aircraft being piled up where they shouldn't be. I suspected ORBX could have something to do with it but I did a little searching around in ORBX folders and didn't see anything that I would think to be the cause of the problem although I could be wrong or may have missed something; I'm no expert. 😅
  4. I do have ADE installed and I checked the AFD files but couldn't find any issues. There isn't even a gate or parking spot where the AI is piling up at which led me to think that perhaps there was a duplicate file but couldn't find any such file.
  5. Hello, I have been having the exact same thing happen to me. I've noticed it at FB KMSP and SunSkyJet's KDTW but only when arriving into the airport. I also do not have and duplicate files anywhere and the issue seems that it began fairly recently. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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