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  1. Is it possible to simulate a failure on all pitot tubes and simulate AF447?
  2. Recently I was watching an Seattle 777F episode on PilotEye where a brand new 777F was shown being created in Everett factory and then purchased by LUB and flown back to Germany. In route the captain explained that the reason the Lufthansa Cargo went with ipads for the EFB is because the apps could be constantly updated whilist had they gone with a hardware installed version it would have been very expensive to upgrade them later down the road, and likely whatever they installed would be stuck with for the lifetime of the aircraft. I did a search but didn't find anything substantial, was wondering since PMDG 777 SDK is available, have any third parties created any apps for Android or iOS that could function as an EFB with getting flight info from the PMDG 777 in real time and then using that for things like on the ground when doing taxiing rather than just static pdf charts, runaways etc? I know in the past other third parties have created apps like the CDU/FMC displays in iOS for use with PMDG products and other virtual add-ons FMC's etc, but I don't see why it would be just limited to an FMC. In theory with the SDK and the form factor of the iPad, couldn't an app be made that could interface with the PMDG 777 that could have multifunctionality such as being used to display the camera/external views, EFB purposes, NAV/Radio tuning panel, virtual touch-based tiller for when on the ground, 2D MCP, EFIS/EICAS, MFD and/or electronic checklist panel, and or any number of other conveniences other than just as a CDU. --- Bo Chen
  3. Are you refering to the boxed version of the 777-200 from Aerosoft? Which two printed materials were provided? The tutorial #1 pdf version is at 128 pages, was the printed "introduction" at 174 pages included as well? If not, did Aerosoft write up its own version of a "how to set it up" doc that was shorter? Thanks. --- Bo Chen
  4. Why doesn't all the community band together, PMDG / Orbx / Rex / and pitch in to purchase the code from Microsoft? I mean after Microsoft gave license to Dovetail, Microsoft stands to get more by re licensing it again, unless of course it is withholding out of spite because the third party community didn't support FLIGHT? Or maybe someday Microsoft hopes to get into real Flight Sim again and knows that if it let the likes of PMDG have at it, that it would be sacrificing their own cash cow... probably same reason MS didn't view Dovetail as a threat, because DT is not a serious company when it comes to simulation aspect. They just want to cater to the massess and dumped down DLC.
  5. What was recompiled? FSX.exe or some dlls? if that is the case , can't we just copy/paste patch some of the improvments to FSX, and forgot the Steam stuff?
  6. As much as I don't like Dovetail/Steam concept, they must have changed something, because now I'm getting above 200+ fps framerates (stock) with everything maxed out and at 1440p resolution.
  7. So Dovetail outbid PMDG and other 3rd party devs for the MS FSX code. What kind of bid was this for? Basically, does Microsoft still own or have any claim or rights to the code whatsoever? If yes, then what is preventing PMDG from bidding with Microsoft again and purchasing the FSX code? And if no, then that means Dovetail can do with the code whatever it wants, including re-selling it to PMDG, correct? My thoughts are this... Dovetail gets better fps than FSX, solves the OOM VAS issues, then everyone jumps on board. PMDG supports Dovetail because it doesn't run into the licensing issues like P3D and less of a hassle/port compared to X-plane. Years down the road, after Dovetail has cornered the market, what is to prevent them from pulling the rug from underneath everyone's collective feet? So to speak? If FSX-SE basically flops or ends up catering only to the "FLIGHT" arcade market/demographic, then perhaps Dovetail will see that it makes more financial sense for their own bottomline to resell the code to PMDG (doesn't mean Dovetail will kill off FSX-SE, just that it will be liberated the code for others to develope an independent platform), and stand to make more money that way than try to skim the PMDG simming crowd by forcing everyone on FSX-SE a la FLIGHT style and then once they get everyone on board, they do a bait and switch?
  8. I just bought this on steam, it is $13 or close to it, not $5. I'm downloading now and will benchmark to see for myself.
  9. Keven, Thanks for the email support you provided. Do you know when we might expect the next update to ship with weather presets? They would be useful for taking screenshots, videos, and troubleshooting issues like the one that I thought I had.
  10. So to give my experience. I originally purchased the AOA 737 PMDG NGX "Captain's Package" way back in early 2013. At the time, they were still wrapping up ground work, had some flight work videos already out, and basically didn't even start on line work. Several months go by, Ground work was finally completely finished, flight work was progressing alone, but for the most part, they did not have much line work videos out yet. Mind you, the "Captain's Package" at the time promised up to 3 months of "line work", and I specifically recall an official from AOA state that due to delays, they would "start the timer" of when the "3 months" started counting when they FINISHED line work for earlier purchasers of line work such as myself. By May of 2013, they had completely scrapped their old forum and started a brand new forum from scratch, essentially and effectively deleting all the posts/comments that had amassed on the blogs and forums of AOA at that time. Around the same time, line work finally started coming out with videos. A lot of users, including myself noticed that in contrast to Ground Work and Flight Work, Line work was 'streaming only' and did not allow us to have the option to download the videos for offline viewing. There was forum speculating amongst several users that Chris intended to withhold the 1080p version for download and that it was streaming only because perhaps one day AOA wanted to package all the videos into a blu-ray format and sell it that way. We had assurances that once they got everything settled that they would allow us to download the line work videos, and that for future /new customers that came in afterwards, that that might not be an option. Essentially, those who had already paid for the packaged would be grandfathered in. Shortly after summer of 2013, I completely forgotten about AOA and got out of simming entirely for a while. That was then, this is now. Fast forward to Winter 2014. I am back toflight simulator and signed back into my old AOA account. First thing I noticed was that in the "dashboard" my Captain's package that I purchased was gone. I checked my order history and was shocked to see that : "No orders placed", then saw that "Orders prior to September 8, 2013 will not show. Your training should still be accessible from the dashboard."... I thought no big deal, I'm here to look into the PMDG 777 videos, as I'm not really getting into 737 this time around. Then when I go to view all the offerings, I see that for all the other packages (777, Aviator Pro, etc) it says "Enroll", but for the PMDG 737NGX package it said something different (I didn't note exactly what it said) so I clicked on it, thinking maybe it did remember me and I do still have access to all my 737 videos after all... Then it had the audacity to proceed to attempt to charge myself credit card again! Luckily, that was a year ago, and the credit card that was on file was expired and no longer active. I recieved then an email in my inbox stating that : "A training packages is past due" ... "Your recent payment was declined. We'd had to see you miss out on the training as a result of this. Please update your billing information to reactivate your account."... and that I OWED AoA, "1 payment of $79.99 USD" and insulted me with : "Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter." So between all my AOA blog/forum comments /posts that were deleted due to Chris deciding to start over from scratch and purge the old system, my promised Captain's package that I had paid for taken away from me (ground, flight and line work) and AOA attempting to re-charge my card for another Captain's package for the same 737 Captain's package that I had already paid them upfront for.... I think I'm done. Thanks but no thanks. I was interested in the 777 videos, but their so-called "trial" not only requires all credit and billing info up front, but only has a few select videos (even teasers/trailers/demos give more content) and by the looks of it, I don't want to take the risk of somehow some glitch not allowing me to effectively cancel in time, and then me getting billed the full price again and still not being able to access the content that I paid for...
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