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Posts posted by FlyingGoose

  1. Yeah, the AA is terrible, and the performance just isn't there. They were supposed to be launching mid-December, but it's hard to see how this goes live in the state that it's in. 

    Maybe they should just take a couple months to fix stuff properly. It's not like people are clamoring for the release; the early adopters like us already have access and anyone can get access if they really want to buy it.

    The extra time will also give third party devs more time to get their planes released for XP12. 

  2. Running a monitor at non-native resolution (4k -> 2k) is not really a good idea. It will "work", but it's not going to be as nice and crisp as running at native 2k.

    There will be image degradation. Whether you are OK with it or not is up to you, but personally I wouldn't buy a 4K monitor to run at 2K unless you know you can return it. 

    3070 Ti on your machine should be able to handle 4K with maybe a couple of settings lowered. 4K is a real game changer so I would say buy the monitor (with return policy), run at native 4K, tweak some settings to achieve good FPS, and then see what's what. 

  3. Yes. MSFS needs to improve the flight model a little, and that's about it. They are continually working on the flight model so I'm sure it will keep getting better till even the real world pilots agree that it's the best. 

    But other than that, it's the massive ecosystem that MSFS has created, and their big tent approach of inviting people of ALL skill levels - from kids to pro pilots that is making the difference. If you want to fly study level, you can. If you want to load up a 747 and buzz around NYC - you can. It's nice to have that. 

    • Like 4

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tuskin38 said:

    None of the aircraft in this update will be getting Simbrief integration because of rights or something.

    I think Navigraph said they'd be looking into making their own addon for it?

    Simbrief integration should be coming back. The A310 has it, for example. Embedded charts has to be done by Navigraph, MSFT can't/don't want to build it in directly, likely for legal reasons (if you don't have a Navigraph subscription, should the game then encourage you to buy one? Doesn't make sense. OTOH, you buy a Navigraph sub, they give you a plugin that integrates with the game, done.)

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  5. I thought this was interesting. Google Search Trends from 2004 - Present Day for the term "Microsoft Flight Simulator", worldwide.




    There was a decade long decline in interest and then in Aug 2020, the search traffic spiked to the all-time high (release day). After that, it's been nice and steady, and we're back up to interest levels comparable to 2009. The spike around 2012 is due to the MS Flight release, but we all know what happened there. 

    Microsoft reinvigorated the genre, and it's only getting better. 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Malaromane said:

    I'm mostly a GA guy so the PMDG issue won't really affect me. But a fix for that issue has been found (by Asobo as it's an issue in MSFS rather than with the PMDG) and should be available sometime in the next day or so from what I've read in other posts.

    Yes, just saw this over on the PMDG forums. Looks like this should be fixed today/soon. 


    A few moments ago, Asobo advised that the bug causing the nav radio operation and nav radio switching problems in the Beta-MSFS stream has been identified and resolved internally at Asobo. The fix is expected to publish to Beta-MSFS users beginning today, 09DEC22.

    Once this fix is propagated to Beta-MSFS users via the MSFS beta update, the issue will self-resolve without any further effort required of the user.

    Please note that this fix will come to you as a fix to the MSFS platform, not as a fix to the PMDG 737- it is not a PMDG micro update, but is a platform update from Asobo.

    All of us at PMDG would like to thank those of you who worked with us as we tried to identify the issue, and also Asobo for leaping on a fix for the issue so quickly.


    Link - https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/229358-09dec22-updated-notam-for-all-pmdg-737-for-microsoft-flight-simulator-flight-crew-with-resolution

    • Like 3

  7. 2 minutes ago, Malaromane said:

    My resolve to stay out of MSFS betas is weakening by the day but at the moment I'm still on the fence. Might cave and slip in this weekend though.

    It does break the PMDG 737 in a small way - you can't set the comms frequencies manually. If that's important to you, wait for the release. PMDG is working on a fix, but it's likely they will release that only after the beta goes into full release. 

    • Like 1

  8. I wonder what the next milestone for MSFS will be. I suspect they have some big plans - Jorg spoke of three surprises, and I’m quietly hoping that one is the official liveries. Yes I can go download them but it’s a pain. 

    another big one is the community gateway like XPlane has.  They had hired some people to work on it last year so I think we’ll see this next year. 

    • Like 2

  9. 9 hours ago, Jerrymc333 said:

    I recently switched from P3Dv5 to MSFS2020.  I let it use the default location.  I installed FSLTL and it was working fine but I was having issues with my Prosim737 aircraft.  It wouldn't let me install new liveries telling me "Your organization will not let you put files in this location".  After trying for a couple of days to find a solution I uninstalled MSFS and reinstalled it on my M2 ssd which was really where I wanted it in the first place.  I installed FSLTL but when I click on Start no traffic will appear.  I went on their Discord forum and have tried to get help with this but when I click on Post I get an error message that says "Something went wrong, Try again.  After googling for several days and trying to get a solution to this problem nothing I tried would work.  Is there some other way to contact the FSLTL developers or should I just uninstall MSFS2020, start over and hope for the best?  I also want to mention that I have MSFS running on a 2nd computer with two screens for the left and right views via Wideview.  FSLTL is working fine on that computer, also installed on a separate M2 ssd.


    Sounds like the reinstall may have confused the installer when you tried reinstalling FSLTL. Check inside the new Community folder to see if FSLTL actually installed- it may have placed the files in the older community folder. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Dillon said:

    I'll be impressed if they make the HUD functional on top of all the avionics upgrade.😶  Let's face it, if you're updating the avionics yet leave out the HUD that's a little lack luster. 

    The HUD is apparently not fully certified for this plane, so that's why they haven't implemented it. That's what Working Title said on the official forums. 



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