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Posts posted by FlyingGoose

  1. 26 minutes ago, Alvega said:

    Lol, and another airport (Calgary) that has visibility almost zero with xEnviro when it should be 7 miles (it's spot on in MSFS). Case closed for me.

    He he keeps saying he thinks xEnviro looks a lot better. This guy is nuts. He didn't use to be as biased as this, this looks like a paid review to me.

    Yes, I was disappointed as well, Q8 used to be a decent source of info. This was way too blatantly obvious, and he's no longer on my list of trusted reviewers. Thankfully MSFS has brought in tons of new reviewers so there's no lack of good reviews out there. 

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  2. After a day or so testing, I'm really happy with the performance improvements. I have a powerful machine (5800x3d, 3090ti, 32GB), so it was pretty good before, but it's definitely smoother and just more optimized. DX12 mode, 60 FPS locked, 4K Ultra, Fenix. I don't get 60 FPS at a big airport, but it's anywhere between 35-55 FPS with an average around 45, which is very smooth. 

    This is shaping up nicely. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, ryanbatc said:

    I've got a 1080 ti.  If I can find a used 3080 ti for less than 400 USD I'll consider not moving up to a 4080 16GB.

    I'm sure you'll be able to get that in a month or so when the 4080 releases. Plenty of people will be dumping their cards. I bought a brand-new 3090Ti (EVGA FTW Ultra) for ~$1100 US from an actual store. This was before EVGA announced their departure from the GPU business, but hey, I've never had a GPU fail on me in 20 years so I'll take my chances (and EVGA has said they have kept back some cards for warranty purposes). 

    Just wait a bit and deals aplenty should be around.

  4. It all comes down to your own budget. I just picked up a 3090 Ti for ~1000 USD brand new. It’s definitely helped the sim, but equally, if I waited for the 4080 it would be faster. 

    For me the $1000 cost was ok since I’m going to buy a whole new PC late next year once all the PCIe 5 stuff shakes out and the early adopters get through the platform bugs that always happens with first gen equipment. I’m confident that the 3090 Ti and my 5600x will take me through another year and then I’ll see what’s a good GPU to get along with a new CPU, RAM, etc. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, AJZip said:

    Once I find the magic method to also keep the in-cockpit sharpness, I will be a very happy bunny indeed  🙂

    Yes, this will be the final bit we're missing. Asobo is apparently working on a way (or thinking about) creating a mask for the areas of the cockpit that need sharp text - so that those bits will NOT be using DLSS but will be rendered at full res. 

    I'm not a game programmer so no idea if that will work, but Martial sounded pretty confident when he said it, so I'll leave it to the experts. I'm sure there's some way of doing it. I guess we should have a great DLSS implementation in another 3-6 months now that every MSFS player has access to it (and thus is sending back telemetry, and some will send in bug reports)

    • Like 2

  6. 45 minutes ago, JSmith2112 said:

    It certainly works on my system. I run an aggressive GPU fan curve that sets the GPU fans  to 100% at 55 C and within seconds the fans ramp down if I minimise the sim.

    Vsync must be on for this feature to work. Could that be your issue?

    Yes, good point. There's definitely something that's not working for @tup61. 

  7. GPU-lowpoer.png


    See what the blue arrows are pointing at - this is when I maximized the sim for one min. The rest of the graph is with it minimized and low power enabled. You can clearly see the huge jump in power when the sim is maxed out.

    Temps will take some time to cool down, of course. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, tup61 said:

    Hm, okay, paused the sim, switched to windowed mode and then minimised it... PC keeps on blowing as it does when I play the sim and CPU and GPU-usage is still very high. Nothing changed. This low power mode doesn't seem to do anything...?! Does anyone else here see a noticable difference?

    Yes, it does work for me. Check your GPU usage with Windows Task Manager or a tool like GPU-Z, you should see a clear difference in usage. My GPU load drops from ~90% to ~40% and everything is cooler, quieter and draws less power. Give it a few minutes to cool down and you should see a difference as well. 

  9. 25 minutes ago, Tuskin38 said:

    Traffic Radar can now see other player aircraft in the default MSFS Multiplater.

    This includes the FBW A20N TCAS, I forgot to turn off multiplayer and someone buzzed me in an F-18 setting off the avoidance system.

    Hah, that's actually pretty cool! I never play with multiplayer on, but maybe I'll try this out.

  10. 30 minutes ago, sunny_in_the_sky said:

    It's not just me. I made sure to include a link in my original post, to another thread with someone having the same exact issue. Googling will show more examples. Just because you can't replicate it, doesn't mean it's not happening to others.

    Hey, I'm not attacking you - I'm sure it isn't working for you. I was just trying to help, not sure why you think I'm questioning your setup. All I'm saying is that this works for me, and I gave you a suggestion to fix it. But if you would rather wait till Chaseplane releases for MSFS, that's cool too, whatever you want.  

  11. Hard to say why it's not working for you. I have the exact same setup - when I press the "End" key, it toggles between the external view and the cockpit view. When I press "Insert" it toggles between Drone View and Cockpit View.

    Maybe you have End assigned to other functions? You can search by Input to see what is assigned to any particular key.

    I've been using this setup for years now, since launch and it works great. 

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